"O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."
- Psalm 40:5

Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

God has secured your peace and your safety. They will not hurt you…

“When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” -
Isaiah 43:2 NIV

Today’s verse calls for deep reflection.

Hear this: Do not fret over the rising floods and the fiery flames. They have not been permitted by God to hurt you. You will be fine. The flames will not get you. Give Him praise for His great love and mercy! Again, you will be fine. Do not let either the rising flood or the raging flames to frighten you. God has secured your peace and your safety. They will not hurt you. They will not drown you out. Give Him praise. He is your God and He is faithful! Hallelujah!!!

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

The whole town came out en masse to see Him; they made their way to Jesus. Unlike our modern street festivals…

“Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.”- John 4:28-30 NIV

All aboard

In many traditional Catholic and south American cultures, every year around Easter, there are street Passion festivals, or stations of the cross as it is often referred to. These public engagements replay the events around the crucifixion of Jesus Christ: from his arrest and accusation by the religious leaders, through the brief trial and condemnation by Rome at the hands of Pontus Pilate, and unto his crucifixion. The street procession, where he (an actor or statue) carries his gory cross, bleeding from the scourge of the soldiers and the crown of thorns on his head, are often the most popular sight for locals, pilgrims and tourists alike. Many see these scenes being replayed as great opportunities to express their own sincere devotion and passion or suffering, with the suffering saviour. With whole communities, even towns, coming out en masse to witness such spectacle, it can be quite a sight. But over 2000years ago, it was differently similar.

Seeker friendly

The text we have today is on that beautiful story of the woman by the well; a woman whose name we may never know, but whose encounter remains a powerful testimony of the grace of God. She had come to fetch water for her usual domestic or other use. He offered a different kind of water- a river that will never run dry. She had her bucket for her water; he had none. But He had something which she realised she had been looking for. He not only had it,…He WAS IT. You see, man, after man; partner after partner; relationship after relationship; job after job; purchase after purchase; agreement after agreement… this woman was seeking something that would last and fulfil her. But after five husbands she stopped asking for deeper commitments. She was content to simply co-habit. Perhaps the associated heart ache and hassles had become unbearable. Maybe she decided it was much safer for her to lower her expectations of men. So now she just lived with a man… and they were not even married. If after five men she hadn’t found IT, then may be it was best to latch unto this one without the covenant of marriage as it were.

Filled Up

The truth is, as humans, we cannot successfully bury the inmost quest of our souls. You can feed it some money, and some friends. You could go on adventures to exotic places or win accolades and fame. We could read and research and acquire great knowledge about life and things and stuff. But if that existential question has yet to be answered; if truth has yet to find us… our souls remain athirst. So it was for this lady. Yet, as she drew her water on this day, a Jew sat by the well and offered her the water of life. He explained God’s utmost desire which was hers as well. You see, by cultural and religious standards she was an anomaly- five men and counting?! This must have stirred up much hushed murmurings whenever she came around other women, as well as the men of her town. It is quite possible that such religious standards which she had obviously failed to keep up, would have made her ashamed of coming out at the usual times as others, to fetch water. She was there at midday. Most would have gone there at evening or towards sunset. Culture and religion would not let her into that union that sets free; it wouldn’t let her worship, which apparently, she seemed to have deeply desired. But THIS MAN… offered her something neither her culture nor her religion could have redeemed- a living relationship with God. This man, Jesus, was indeed THE MAN she had sought all her life, without knowing it. Now that she had found Him, she had no further need of her water jar! She was filled.

Come and see

My joy in this text is that she could hardly contain herself following this encounter! And she was not the first. If we recall Rebekah’s response following her meeting with Eliezer, servant of Abraham in Genesis 24 , and Rachel’s response after Jacob introduced himself in Genesis 29 , it could be safely considered that this woman, like those great women of old, had just found HER MAN, and wanted everybody to meet Him too! “Come and see… A MAN, who told me all I ever did!”, she declared. And the whole town followed after her, making their way towards Jesus. What an evangelist she was! Her shame was gone! Her fear was gone! Their prejudice was subdued by her bold assertion- He told me all I ever did! Their religious bias was relegated by the prospect of a similar encounter that inspired such freedom and faith and joy- such LIFE!!! Even they wanted to know: “Could this be the Messiah?”. The whole town came out en masse to see Him; they made their way to Jesus. Unlike our modern street festivals and processions, they wanted to see and hear the real person. They were content to take Him at his Word without the drama. Eventually, this was their story:

“So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days.  And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.”

Make your way

So, have you heard of the Man, Jesus Christ and the Life He alone can give? Have you made your way towards the living Saviour or do you stop at institutions, images, and symbols? Beyond festivals and statues; beyond religion, culture and social obligations, God still seeks worshippers in truth and Spirit. Have you heard His Words; have you found His Life? I can still hear the joyful call of that great woman and evangelist saying: COME AND SEE A MAN. Nothing else compares….

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

God needs His witnesses to go out and speak up… with Power.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:8

God needs witnesses.

Throughout scriptures God seems to be constantly seeking, desiring, even demanding, the witness of himself by all to all. From the voice of the rocks to the deep calls of waterfalls; from the brilliant splendour of a starry night, to the ways of the eagle in the sky; God has left a testimony of himself in all of His works. It is a testimony that men and angels are called to continually participate in. But man, due to the fall, has become mostly blind to God’s resplendent glory. People question His reality and power. Regardless of how loudly creation screams God’s glory and manifest wisdom to humanity, humans have found many proud arguments against the knowledge of God. So, it would appear, that he resorts to seeking out and revealing Himself in ever new and refreshing ways to individuals and peoples from time to time, and calling on such people to now be His witnesses to the rest of the world around them. His knowledge and His light has power in itself to liberate and restore mankind to his state of authority and power. No wonder Jesus declared, “… and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” 1. The truth is that God is.

So God needs witnesses.

In Isaiah, God, speaking through Isaiah to the nation of Israel, declared over and over again, “…you are my witnesses that I am God”2. He was soliciting their testimony to the truth of His revelations and His relationship with them. He had redeemed them from Egypt; parted the Red Sea; destroyed Pharaohs army; fed them manna from heaven; gave their fledgling army victories over stronger and older nations; brought them into the land He promised them… and many such great and powerful works. But many were still willing to ignore Him as God and Lord. Most of those who saw these things either refused to testify, or chose to deny that it was God alone who did it. And while He was locked away from their world view, they suffered terribly and wandered away further and further. Isn’t this very much like many of us who have had amazing encounters with the mercy, the power and the grace of God, but reluctant to tell about it. From addiction to freedom; sickness to health; sin to righteousness; blindness to sight; salvation, deliverance, provisions and much more… but not willing to testify. So were the Israelites. Therefore, he sought witnesses from among them- prophets, seers, leaders of repute, Levites, priests, and handmaids. Anyone who was willing to …testify

God still needs witnesses.

The world around us is darkened with sin, oppression and ignorance of God’s love. Even nature itself writhes in agony, waiting for the faithful witness of God’s saints 3. Christ Jesus, the beloved Son of God and lamb of God, was brutally murdered by men, but offered by God as an offering for all our sins. While he lived mortally, he healed the sick, raised the dead and delivered many who were oppressed. He was doing what all the prophets, priests, and servants of God before him had done- bear witness of the living God. Three days after his death on the cross, God powerfully raised him back to life to become the first born from the dead and the high priest of our faith and profession. By His life, death and resurrection he gave the most authentic witness of God to humans across all the ages. It is this resurrected Jesus who in the text before us today, invites us to witness as He did… with Power. He was declared to be the Son of God with power 4. He, in the text above, was making clear the crucial element that made His witnessing possible- The power of the Holy Spirit!

God needs His witnesses to go out and speak up; And WE NEED His Power to do so. By the agency of the Holy Spirit, that same power is ours.

Have you been empowered for your witness since you received Him as saviour? You can ask Him for this empowerment.


1)John 8:32; 2) Isaiah 43:10,12; 44:8. 3) Romans 8:32. 4) Romans 1:4 KJV

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Have you been as vocal about your faith as you used to be or perhaps should be?

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”- Romans 1:16 NIV


One aspect of the Christian faith that many believers find quite daunting is the call to evangelism- to tell others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Over time, some who were once fervent and zealous about their encounter with Jesus Christ, somehow mellow down as they acquiesce or become more accepted in mainstream society. Having more or less normalised their Christianity in such traditions that much of the world are familiar with- going to church on Sundays and for funerals or festivals; giving to charity; doing their best not to fall foul of established laws of society; it becomes quite a challenge to speak openly and boldly about what exactly drives the core of their faith and their belief system. Sadly, for many of such believers, the real meaning of their faith gets lost and replaced with good works and charitable efforts to maintain the applaud and acceptance of society-friends, colleagues, family. But our faith- real faith in Jesus Christ, is anything but normal; neither can it be safely normalised to the world. Real faith in Jesus Christ will speak up; and that can be disruptive.


Today’s scriptural text reminds us all that such feelings or tendencies to normalise and become more acceptable are nothing new or contemporary. Paul the apostle was a man touched and saved by the gospel like many of us who have come to faith in Christ. But after years of preaching with outstanding testimonies of miracles, signs and wonders, he kept going. He kept going, despite having had a reputation as a fervent Pharisee, a well educated lawyer, and a sometime murderer of Christ’s followers. He kept going despite betrayals from fellow brethren, persecution from Jews, and much personal suffering. In the text he shook away the temptation to normalise to one group or the other and boldly declared, “I am not ashamed!”. What could have kept him going? I believe it was the power of Christ! Paul’s witness, persistence, and consistency of purpose shocked the elite and the common alike. His approach disrupted the order of the day, including Peter’s near compromise at one time. He dared to preach to the gentiles. He dared to challenge the Jews. He even appealed to Caesar, laying claim on his rights as a citizen of Rome. Paul was in touch with God’s presence and power. The power at work in him was simply disruptive and shocking to the world…. and to he himself. If you have ever tried to hold a live electric wire , you may have found out that it shocks, and could kill. That’s because it carries through it,… POWER.


Much of modern world relies on steady supply of power- electricity. It has literally transformed the way society is run and organised. From microwaves, to electric irons, to the internet, our world relies heavily on electricity powering different systems and devices including electronics, by which we have modelled our lives. Doctors depend on it to save lives and for research. Homes depend on it. Law and order, transportation, business and industry- all depend on one form of power or the other. It has changed our world! Power changes. With the Christian faith, it is the power of God that changes any soul. We now have several different programmes and platforms and creative ideas on how to communicate our story to the world. Some of these efforts are filled with more human wisdom than divine assistance. Nevertheless, if we fail to preach the truth of the gospel with power, to men and women everywhere, we are denying them the opportunity to encounter the Power of God. And it is the truth and power of the gospel that changes the heart and renews the spirit, bringing light and life to every darkened aspect of the human life. From Matthew the tax collector, to Zachaeus the publican- the message of God’s saving grace changed their lives. It changed Paul the Apostle’s life. And as simple as it is, it also changed my life, and those of millions of others across the globe. The gospel is THE POWER OF GOD! Hallelujah! No other story nor philosophy can suffice.


There are those for whom a ‘gentle Jesus meek and mild’ may be satisfactory for their soul’s escape. But in reality, those are few and far between. The fact of scripture is that there exists a wicked and evil strong man, Satan-the devil, who is bent on subjecting human beings to the bondage of fear and death, as the scriptures declare. He cannot be negotiated with. He has neither compassion nor affection for anything good towards any person. He wants to take as many as he can with him to hell. And he can be unrelenting in this mission. His actions can manifest not just in a wayward lifestyle, but first and foremost in deep ignorance of the truth of Christ; in strange afflictions, sicknesses, diseases, evil oppressions of various kinds. From his early days in ministry Jesus addressed these manifestations head on, but not without … Power. God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.” -Acts 10:38

The enemy may exert a terrible spiritual force on captive souls. But we need a greater and corresponding spiritual force to bind him and free his captives. By the power of the gospel, chains of darkness and oppression are broken; thick veils of ignorance are cast off and the Truth of God’s love beams through like the rising Sun.

Word normal…

So, when we hear Paul say, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, let’s also recall what gives him such audacity despite his past, his failures or what we could call his achievements. It was his confidence and reliance on the gospel as THE POWER OF GOD to change lives; to save lives. If we find that we have not been as vocal about our faith as we used to be or perhaps should be, then we need to seek the Presence and the Power that should accompany the preaching of our faith, whether in private or in public. Let us seek the help and the manifestation of the Spirit’s power as part and parcel of our work of evangelism. Let us plug in, and get connected again to the source of this gospel. Then we would cease to desire normalisation with the world, and embrace normalisation with the Word and the Spirit. It will save you. It will save me. It will save many lives. And this, to the world around us, will always be contrary.

I am not ashamed of the Gospel; Are you? His Power is ever present. But are we plugged in?

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Rejoice! The deeper the well, the greater the blessings. So draw…

“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?” - John 4:11 NIV

Have you ever found yourself in front of a huge resource, a most desired opportunity, but without what may be considered the necessary skills or tools to exploit same opportunity? It is often said that success is when preparation meets opportunity. And this can be true. But we could be walking away from or denying ourselves of wonderful blessings due to such feelings of inadequacies, because we have focused on the natural tools alone.

In the text before us, the woman said to Jesus, “You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep”. But her assessment was based on the physical resource, which would have required a physical set of tools or skills for access. But right in the same place, Jesus was focused on a spiritual resource, which needed spiritual skills and tools for access. Same environment, different revelations. Same challenge, different perspectives. Same need, different solutions. One natural, the other spiritual. Truly this well is deep! But how far down do you see?

Before you walk away with your head hanging down with disappointment; before you throw in the towel because you think you do not have all the necessary skills or connections to access this present opportunity, perhaps you may want to go back and look at it again, …from God’s perspective. You can seek his assistance, his tools. And they are not far fetched. You need no PhD nor years of experience. One such tool that guarantees access to divine opportunities is a joyful spirit.

As it is written, “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”-Isaiah 12:3

Exactly! We may not get too far with a despondent, mournful or fearful attitude. But, with joy! Hallelujah! We can draw great blessings from the depths of our relationship with Christ. We may not have as much years of experience or as much number of degrees as the next person for that job or role or opportunity. We may not even have as much years of walking with God faithfully as the next person. It is possible that we may not have the adequate training or exposure to deal with that overwhelming challenge before us. But, there is this tool with which we can access all of God’s blessings of salvation. With joy with can draw peace. With joy we can draw patience. With joy we can draw security. With joy we can draw breakthroughs. With joy we can draw mercy and grace for every task or challenge. With joy we can draw victory upon victory upon victory! For the joy of the Lord is our strength! Glory to God!

The next time you are confronted with the statement, “But you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep”, rejoice! When they say, “You have not trained for this; You have not been in this job long enough to aspire to this promotion; You are not old enough or you have childcare issues which may interfere with your ability to do this, or whatever other deficiencies they choose to observe and point out…” Rejoice! Rejoice in the grace of God. The deeper the well, the greater the blessings. So draw with joy, because the living water lives in you.

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

How would you like to move up, and move on...faster? How would you like to wait on the Lord? Through this practice, we can more readily ELEVATE-mount up with wings as eagles…

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31  TLB

God is full of power and strength- unending strength. As humans our strength will often fail us after a while. It is natural. But for the believer, there exists an ever present opportunity to be revived and renewed both spiritually and physically, through the process of waiting on the Lord.

Waiting on the Lord often refers to the Christian discipline of fasting and prayers, accompanied by studying of scriptures and acts of charity, for a period of time, and from time to time. It is a great way not only to bring the flesh-with its carnal tendencies, under subjection to the spirit within us; but also to receive supernatural strength from God. The results and rewards of waiting on the Lord are invaluable and can be long-lasting. As the text indicates, there comes with it renewed strength, acquired speed, and great grace for every task or challenge ahead. Through this practice, we can more readily ELEVATE-mount up with wings as eagles, as the text declares. 

So, have you had a situation, a project, or an issue, drag on for much longer than is acceptable? Have you lost the will, the strength, or the sense of purpose in any area of your life? Then consider today's text an invitation to get the help of God for a more helpful progress. How would you like to move up, and move on... faster...? How would you like to wait on the Lord?

Wait on the Lord... Let's wait on the Lord.

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Let’s make a habit of prayer…

" Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." Luke 5:15-16

As we continue in the new month, let's follow the master in his habit of regular time of personal prayer and communion with the Heavenly Father. Find a time and place that suits you and open up to the Father as often as possible. Let's make a habit of prayer and fellowship with God.

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Hell No...

It is the thought of heaven that offers relief and joy. But more than a thought or idea, the Truth is the Way has been made straight in Christ Jesus…

Hell No! Hell Yes!

So say many who say they do not believe in the concept of hell. Yet many are terrified of the prospect of a life in hell. The idea of being eternally judged for unbelief and unrighteousness frightens most people to the core, even while many may claim not to believe in God, heaven, or hell. If there is no hell, then have no fear! If there is no hell, then no amount of postulation by 'adherents' and so called 'fear mongers' should rattle any soul firmly satisfied in their indifference to these ideas. It should really be of no consequence whether anyone or any religion suggests that one's destiny is hell if they have failed to meet a certain criteria for that 'other' opposite destination. It should really provoke neither rage nor resentment since it would matter nothing as long as one does not believe it... But. If there is hell. And heaven. If the consequence of unbelief and unrighteousness is a place of perpetual and eternal torment for those who meet that criteria, then all should fear. In fact all must fear GREATLY! Perhaps it is this reality, as acknowledged by every living soul, that causes the heart of every human to fear an end without a saviour (though often we wilfully suppress this with other more pleasant ideas). But that fear will never offer the respite from dread. As a matter of fact, God does not want any one to go to hell. Which is why he stepped in with a most wholesome offer- Salvation by His Son Jesus.

"For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". John 3:16-17

So, heaven,... No? If you think about it, it is the thought of heaven that offers relief and joy. But more than a thought or idea, the Truth is, the Way has been made straight in Christ Jesus. Through Him and by Him, if we are willing to believe and accept God's offer, when we hear heaven, our souls know that our true home is calling. There is no more fear, and we can say a resounding YES!!

I say heaven. What say ye?

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

God is doing it again. Turning things around; shifting perceptions and changing outcomes for our benefit… Let’s celebrate Him!

Dreaming again? Go on then, celebrate God! Hallelujah!!!

"When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad..." - Psalm 126:1-3 KJV

God is doing it again. Turning things around; shifting perceptions and changing outcomes for our benefit, and to His glory. I see the captivity returning. Fret not, it's not a dream. It is His grace. Embrace it. Rejoice in it. Celebrate it! Glory to God!

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

And although we may not always know how the River may flow, we are confident of what flows through it- life and peace and joy….

"There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fall;
    God will help her at break of day."- 
Psalm 46:4-5 NIV

Fast flowing chaos...

Sometimes our lives can seem caught up in fast flowing rapids; chaotic, helplessly out of control, always endangered. Now and again we could find that we may have stepped into rivers that could carry us away. Rivers of events outwith our control and beyond our plans, projections or preparations. Some have stepped into such rivers in their relationships, or their jobs, or their businesses. Communities and nations often step into such rivers too. The result is an unpredictable journey of chaos, confusion, and anarchy, in governance, social order or their economic stability.


This River...

In the text above we are introduced to a River; a different kind of river. This is the River of God. It is also unpredictable. Like all rivers it is also able to carry us in directions we can neither determine nor control. But unlike any other river in this life, we know where this River will end up- the City of God. Unlike other rivers that leave us endangered and insecure, this River makes glad! It brings order, prosperity, and grace. It provides a superior assurance. This is because this River channels the very life of God to all who would step in. And although we may not always know how the River may flow, we are confident of where it is flowing to, and what flows through it- life and peace and joy. 

There is a River whose waters make glad the city of God. And God is within her!

I pray this strengthens our hearts today. Because of this River, we know who abides with us. Because of He who abides with us, even when life throws up things at us; when unprecedented twists and turns abound in our way, we will not be shaken. We can be confident in trouble because of His abiding presence and peace... peace, like this River. There is a River...



Have you been to His River? Come to this River....

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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church

Verses for Vessels

Jesus, Son of God and Saviour of the world.

One Name, One Way, One access

"...Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12

Let's take some time to reflect on these words of truth. Even today, there's still just One name and anyone can call on Him- Jesus, Son of God and Saviour of the world.

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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church

Verses for Vessels

Selah. It's time to pause and ponder these words

“Your salvation requires you to turn back to me
    and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.
Your strength will come from settling down
    in complete dependence on me.." 
Isaiah 30:15 (MSG)

Selah. It's time to pause and ponder these words...

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Welcome to Summer!

Finally, we are having a lot more share of the sun than has been over the winter and earlier in spring.

Hi everyone, Welcome to summer! And if you have just moved into Westhill, welcome to Westhill!

Finally, we are having a lot more share of the sun than has been over the winter and earlier in spring. Plus, more daylight as well, which is great! We're all beginning to see a lot more buzz around the central parts of town and other areas too. Parents of young ones can take them out to play without the overhanging chill of winter nor the constance of rain. It is both refreshing and somewhat reviving to the soul. Could this be why Solomon the wise thinker once said that, "Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun."?* Well the pleasure has been that of many, as the heat replaces the chill. But such pleasure is not meant for the eyes alone.

Our lives go through seasons too, and while some may be emerging from a winter, others could be gathering their consolations for a season of difficulty. Whatever season you maybe in, we at Vinespring Church are happy to share experiences with you. This is only possible because we know and see daily, how faithful and gracious God is to all who would come to him. It is for this reason that we invite everyone to come along to our weekly meetings, particularly those who are seeking to explore the Christian faith, are yet to belong to a home church, or simply need a refuge. Such fellowship and connection can bring great warmth and security to the soul. Vinespring Church is an addition to our local blend of churches, with a mission to touch lives, and change perceptions through the gospel.

Our meetings are on Sundays- 11am,  at the Holiday Inn at Aboyne and Banchory suites, and on Fridays, (Bible study/prayers) at the Shepherd's Rest near Premier Inn, Westhill. For more details please visit our website: or follow us on facebook/vinespringchurch . In the meantime, whatever challenge, struggle or difficulty you may be facing- it can be shared; never walk alone. In the same way, feel free to share your joy and victories with someone else. It may just be the encouragement they need to step back from the brink.

Now, have a fabulous summer!

Chika Edeh                                                                                                                                        Pastor at Vinespring Church

*Ecclesiates 11:7 NIV

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

He knew the promise would blow your mind, hence he went ahead to provide further assurances…

Backed by an Oath!

"When a man takes an oath, he is calling upon someone greater than himself to force him to do what he has promised or to punish him if he later refuses to do it; the oath ends all argument about it. God also bound himself with an oath, so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sure and never need to wonder whether he might change his plans. He has given us both his promise and his oath, two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie. Now all those who flee to him to save them can take new courage when they hear such assurances from God; now they can know without doubt that he will give them the salvation he has promised them." - Hebrews 6:14-18 TLB

This present Word is for all those who may have reason to wobble over the promises of God. It's ok. He knew the promise would blow your mind, hence he went ahead to provide further assurances that he will do as promised! God's promises are backed by an oath. An oath declared with a covenant and sealed with blood forever. You could say he takes his promises so seriously he 'put a ring on it'. Take courage; you can count on it. 


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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Everything we have in Christ, is of him and from him. Righteousness, holiness, redemption…

"...Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ. That’s why we have the saying, “If you’re going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God.” 1 Corinthians 1:30-31 MSG

Everything we have in Christ, is of him and from him: Righteousness, holiness, redemption. Everything... He is our source of ALL righteousness, and sustainer of the same, with holiness. We have nothing in him of which we can boast in ourselves. But we have every reason in him to sound HIS trumpet loud! He is the root, and he supplies the substance. It's all good. It's all God, from A-Z.

Think about this...


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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

It was not only they who needed some spiritual shake up. Back in Jerusalem, the disciples were together still pondering the testimonies of the women, and Peter with John. Once again, we see them talking about it. The testimonies of the witnesses so far was not sufficient...

After the Resurrection II

"While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet." - Luke 24:36-40 NIV


Hi everyone, it's been a good few days since my last post. But the Word abides... 



I thank God for the grace he gives to each and everyone of his children through our faith in Jesus Christ. It is he who works mightily and marvellously in us to will and to do the things that bring him joy. He helps us. He supports us. He encourages us. He challenges us. He is our friend, our father, our mentor, our coach, our priest, our kinsman redeemer. Hallelujah! What an honour and privilege it is to be called his own! It is the same God who predestined us in Christ, and who at the appointed time, has called us into his justification by faith. This is he of whom we speak and in whom we have believed. May everlasting praise and glory be his, both now and forever. Amen. It is good to praise the Lord , hallelujah! It is good to gaze upon his majesty; proclaiming his matchless love and kindness to the generations of them that fear him and are called of him. How wide could it be, this love? How deep could it go, this love? How far could it reach, this grace? How low would it stoop, this majesty? We could never know the heights of it, nor the depths of it, nor the fulness of all its measure. But we are blessed and grateful to be saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Glory to God!



Once again in the verse before us we are confronted by our humanness which should have disqualified us from God's ultimate price. In the last reflection, we wondered how it could be possible for us to have this glorious testimony of Christ's resurrection, and hold it in dishonour by our manners about it. The men on the way to Emmaus were asked by the stranger, "what manner of conversation or communication are you having?" With sorrowful hearts and ignorant minds, they looked at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with despair. But mercy stepped in and 'righted' their wrong. And it was not only they who needed some spiritual shake up. Back in Jerusalem, the disciples were together still pondering the testimonies of the women, and Peter with John. Once again, we see them talking about it. The testimonies of the witnesses so far was not sufficient to rouse their faith in the most powerful reality that man has known or will ever know. That is, the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.  So they continued to talk about it.


Talk to....

Talk is cheap. We can spend time, thumbs and tweets, talking about what we think about the faith of Jesus Christ. For some it is a profession. But talk is good. Usually, the first thing people would ask you when life throws its questions at you is, 'have you talked about it with anyone'? We have come to accept that talking helps. A burden shared is a burden halved, we often say. We talk to counsellors, preachers, girlfriends, parents, and every other person in our social circle with whom we have a strong enough connection to establish such communication of our heart's disquiet. It is indeed good to talk to someone about things that may be bothering the heart. It has been shown that bottling up unsettling thoughts or contradictions of the mind that result from life itself, can have grave consequences. It has led some to suicides, drugs, alcohol, sexual pervasion and all manner of vices. If only they had found the courage to talk to someone about their grief or sorrow or confusion of mind. If only more of us were keen and sensitive to listen to, not just what is being said, but also how it is being said. If more of us could listen to the gaps, the silences, the pauses between the words, and hear more loudly what has been left unsaid... perhaps we could be saving more lives.


In it together...

But such was not a problem at all for the disciples. They chose to deal with their confusion and and despair TOGETHER. They listened to the testimonies together. They interacted with the witnesses, together. They talked about it among themselves, while they were together. They were seeking a COMMON understanding of their situation. Perhaps, another point of instruction for us today. There are those who would rather be on their own, and sit tight till they can sort it out by themselves. Indeed, there are things that each must go into their closet and seek God's face concerning for themselves. But in many other areas of life, we would be surprised at how 'un-alone' we are in any situation. No temptation that is come upon you and I is uncommon 1. It may be personal, but life is never truly private. Everything about you affects someone, and can be affected by someone else, in one way or another. We were created to function in community with others around us. As such you would find that someone somewhere has been through, or may just be going through what you have faced or are about to face. And sometimes, God will not step in, until he can see that you have taken the step and overcome your own pride by speaking to another person about your doubts, your pain, your challenges.  


Safe place

But we have to be guided on who to speak to and when. Here, they spoke to each other. This must have fostered their sense of belonging together. Do you belong to a group you can trust and is open to hear your questions and your doubts? Have you found that connection with others in a safe environment where everyone feels at liberty to express their doubts and genuinely desire to find a way forward together on any issues they may be facing? This is what the Church, any church or local assembly should be like. It should be a place where every disciple can examine their walk and seek answers together with the rest of the body. Various anonymous groups, like alcohol anonymous, employ this philosophy of 'common struggle'. In such places, each person is encouraged to talk about their challenges and their victories in their journey towards rehabilitation from addiction. It provides a good ventilation for the soul, to know that there are others on the same road travelling in their own lanes  but supporting one another by sharing experiences. It is important however, for a believer to find that group or assembly or pastoral team that they can trust with their journey of faith. Talk is good, but it matters who you choose to talk to. The disciples were sharing their experiences and possibly, their doubts. You cannot take your questions about your faith to the atheist hub and expect a supportive interaction. You cannot take your sick child to the garage. They do cars only.


Faith cometh...

While talking may be encouraged, and caution applied on whom to speak to, there is nothing quite like having a problem resolved by one who knows exactly what the solution is. And the solution to fear and doubt is ...Faith. As the disciples talked about the events that had bewildered them, Jesus ( of whom all these stories was about) stood in their midst! How frightening that must have been. They had been talking ABOUT him- his brutal death and his resurrection, but they were getting no where with HIS REVELATION. There was yet no faith. This is very much what happens to us many times. We can get so fixated on the facts, the history, the stories of others; we can get bogged down examining what others 'claim' to have experienced about Jesus Christ, and try to compare stories and writings of several authors about a subject of intrigue or concern. But we fail to seek these encounters for ourselves. Some have read so many books on marriage, they have yet to step out in faith and ask a sister's hand in marriage. Others have continued to celebrate the achievements of great founders or entrepreneurs, but have yet to find sufficient inspiration to birth their own dreams. Faith. It is not enough to know about him; it is even better to get to KNOW HIM. The truth is, the writings and stories of others about Christ or any subject of our faith may be enlightening, but faith will only come by the REVELATION of God's word to your own spirit. And so Jesus wanted them to believe the resurrection for themselves. So he, HIMSELF, stood in their midst. Henceforth, it would no longer be something they talked about, but as John later declared, it was now something they 'have heard, seen, handled and touched' for themselves 2. Faith cometh, ...3


Start believing...

The big question today for every Vessel is this: Are you still talking about what others have seen and heard, or have you had your own encounter with the resurrected One? Are you still talking about that problem or challenge, or have you sought God's Word and wisdom on the matter? Because if you do seek his wisdom, you would find him, in all his glory, standing with you, to guide, to save and to raise up... again. When the Word is revealed, you would no longer merely talk, you would start believing.


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see what you see. Lead me to the right company where my heart and mind would find grace and communion with my brethren. Let faith arise. Step in and shine the light in every area of darkness in my life. In Jesus name, amen.


Reference: .1) 1 Corinthians 10:13. ;  .2). 1 John 1:1.  ;   .3). Romans 10:17

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

How is it possible that such a glorious event as the resurrection could evoke sorrow and grief in the heart and soul of any disciple? How could such a wonderful news provoke such sorrow of heart? There could have been a number of reasons.

After the resurrection...

'They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast.' - Luke 24: 14-17 NIV


It is now over a week since we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Between the resurrection and the feast of Pentecost lies an interesting interlude worthy of much reflection and study. But today, we will rest content with the verses before us.



Cleopas and his friend on their way to Emmaus were having an intense conversation about the resurrection. A lot had happened since that glorious morning, and many were not quite sure how to react to the bewildering news that had just visited them all. He was no longer in the grave. Within a space of three days, their powerful master and Rabbi, that miracle worker and hope of Israel, had gone from a celebrity preacher and healer, to a condemned criminal who had not a single word of defence for himself. Their hopes were dashed and the visions of the future terribly blurred. The Light was out in many of their minds... who could ever light it again, as that man once did? Such were the meditations of these men as they walked to Emmaus following the news of the resurrection, and for this reason, their hearts were heavy with sadness.


Which focus...?

And so it roused my curiosity. How is it possible that such a glorious event as the resurrection could evoke sorrow and grief in the heart and soul of any disciple? How could such a wonderful news provoke such sorrow of heart? There could have been a number of reasons. First, it could be that they did not really know what or who they presumed to have been following. Some have followed but may have never understood the words of whom they followed. They may have heard with their ears, but were yet to hear with the heart. This can happen to us when we get so familiar with the traditions of Christian practice, that we are removed from a real relationship with the Truth of our faith. When that happens, we struggle to make the connections between divine realities and our earthly situations.


Which testimony?

Another reason could be that they were focused on the wrong testimony. They were sad. That is a negative emotion given the circumstance. An emotion that was predicated on a misguided premise or hope. They were expecting him to save the physical Israel at that time. But we recall that many times he had told them his kingdom was not of this world. So apparently, they chose to believe the best for themselves, and not the truth that he had declared. Sometimes we so badly want God to work in a certain way for us that we can become very devastated when he works out his wisdom apart from our carnal demands. And this can become so overwhelming that God's own miracle for us, is treated as a footnote in our commentary, as they did in theirs. Because we are so busy looking at what had not happened as we desired, we fail to give glory for what really has happened as he promised. 

A third reason could also be that they were so focused on the suffering and the cross, that they could not get themselves to move on from there. Sometimes we do this as well. Whether out of necessity or voluntary humility, we can find ourselves celebrating our sufferings; raising the banner of the cross we carry because of our faith for all to see. We testify about how much it cost us to stay faithful in marriage, or to be there for a neighbour, or to support a local charity or to endure an overbearing boss. The attention to OUR cross, blinds us to HIS resurrection and power. They were focused on how his death affected THEM, and this prevented them from fully seeing how his resurrection was HIS purpose for ALL.


He joins...

It was under this circumstance that Jesus joined the conversation they were having. It does not matter that you may have been talking about the resurrection for thirty years or three years or three days. The crucial question is this: how have you been speaking about the resurrection since you heard of it? As a Christian, what exactly have you been saying about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? The One who himself is the Resurrection and Life, could not endure their folly any longer, so he joined the conversation to correct their error by steering them back to the truth. Beginning from Moses and the prophets he taught them about himself. It may surprise some of us to know that God is always listening to what we have to say about the risen Saviour, and how you say it. Are we speaking of the resurrection with joy and freedom, or with grief and sorrow? Life has triumphed over death, and you are sad? The power of the grave is destroyed, and you are sad? Chains of bondage to fear are broken forever, and you are sad? Hope lives in flesh and Spirit, and you are sad? Man will live forever by faith in the risen One, and you are sad? We will be raised incorruptible at the blast of the trumpet, and you are sad? No wonder he started with a rebuke: "How foolish you are; how slow to believe.."!


One thing; with Joy!

It is revealing that when he asked them what they were discussing, they asked if he had not heard "the things that had happened in Jerusalem". But they barely gave attention to the one "thing" which also happened, and which should have mattered most- His resurrection. I pray we pay him heed and honour him in our witnessing of the resurrection. Let it be with understanding: with faith, and power, and truth, and great joy! Hallelujah!!


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, let me speak of your wondrous work with wondrous joy, Amen.


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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

You see, in Resurrection he acquired the God-nature physically. In resurrection Jesus became an immortal Man... a physical human being who has an endless life because he is possessed of the life-giving Spirit of God...

Easter Lights... 12

"Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the transgressors." -
Isaiah 53:12 NIV



Right on time...

Rest is good. In fact the book of Ecclesiastes says that the sleep of a labourer is sweet! 1. And Oh what labour our Prince did suffer; what travail of childbirth. Yet as soon as the baby is born, the pain is soon forgotten. All that now matters is the child: its welfare, its upkeep, and its future. Rest is good, but a time comes when the One who was at rest must arise. The work of redemption was finished, but a fresh work; an eternal one, awaited our Prince. It was time. In Matthew's account of the resurrection, the story starts like this: "After the Sabbath..."2. The job of the Sabbath was finished. The purpose of ALL Sabbath was completed. It was time for the next phase of God's unfolding Kingdom. The down payment had been accepted for the betrothal; now the Prince must arise and return to prepare the bride's place. Back on earth, and in time with time, the author of time had to abide by his timings. Recall that in the Jewish custom, the day actually starts at sunset. Hence we have in Genesis account of creation the refrain, 'and there was evening and there was morning the first day' 3. Hence after three days and three nights, the One who made the time and fashioned the consonance of events was heading for the sleeping Prince. At some point after sunset following the end of the weekly Sabbath, God raised Jesus up from the grave. Halleluyah!! And it would be almost another twelve hours before anyone found out... He is no longer there. But we will come back to that in a bit.


Portions and spoils

Today marks the final day of our reflections on the suffering Prince from the book of Isaiah. As we can see, the pain is gone, the rest is over, and the suffering is no more. Rest was good. But joy is exceedingly better. For though weeping did endure for the night of his trauma, joy was breaking forth in the heavenlies and across the universe over our risen Prince. He has transformed from a suffering Prince to the Reigning King. In today's verse the prophet Isaiah begins to paint a picture of the glory and honour that has come to our King: Portions with the great, and spoils with the strong. He is the rightful heir of all things and his Father has just confirmed it by his resurrection. According to the apostle Paul,

 "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
    and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
    to the glory of God the Father.
" -Phil 2:9-11 NIV

And this honour is his and his alone.


Mortal corruption...

Back to Jerusalem with our friends and brethren. The Sabbath is over, and Mary, with the other women, is heading to the sepulchre to anoint the body of Jesus. This was a duty to the dead often carried out by close family and loved ones. It was to keep the body from decaying. Spices, ointments, and various other preparations are put together to produce a strong embalming mixture. I suspect it must have cost some money and time and energy, just to get it ready. Now the Sabbath was over and they could finally get on with their determination to keep the dead around for much longer; a mark of love and honour. Embalming the dead was common in those days. But perhaps it is almost as old as man has been here. From the Egyptians to the Mayans, we find that the idea and practice of preserving the dead is common to humanity across many ancient and even modern cultures. For some of these cultures, it went beyond preservation from decay, to a more or less religious notion of preparing the dead for the afterlife. Hence the Pharaohs had elaborate burial arrangements for their mummies. Whether the aim is to preserve from decay, or to prepare for the afterlife, humanity continues to do all it can to combat mortality. 


Immortal and divine

Death is common to all. Flies, birds, loved ones, good ones, evil people, pets, plants... every thing that lives, also dies... at some point. The fight continues against our mortality even today. With advances in healthcare, diseases control and nutrition, we have been able to improve the average lifespan of humans. People are living longer and working till much later than, as recently as, a century ago. On embalmment, we do not even need to wait to be dead. Skin treatments and body reconstructions are common place now for those who can afford it, all in a bid to stay younger for longer; essentially, an attempt to preserve the body from ...death. But mortality is our nature as humans. Immortality, on the other hand, is a divine attribute. We should not and must not confuse the two. Jesus certainly did not. Therefore to acquire immortality, we must of essence, first acquire divinity... the God nature. But how could God offer his nature to mere mortals? How could he justify such generosity to to the frail and sinful? Well, in comes our Reigning King.


Great Intercessor...

You see, in Resurrection he acquired the God-nature physically. In resurrection Jesus became an immortal Man... a physical human being who has an endless life because he is possessed of the life-giving Spirit of God 4. As a human being, and having acquired what we could never have before now, he also became our mediator and High priest FOREVER, interceding for our own perfection and immortality in time and eternity. Because he was numbered among us, God has qualified him to come on our behalf to intercede for us until our spiritual and physical transformation is complete. For those of us who may have acquired his Spirit, we are let into his activities when we pray. Paul describes his manners as intense, and with deep groanings for us according to the will of God 5. He is interceding for God's kingdom and glory to be fully expressed in all who have believed him. And he releases all that he obtains from the Father to us according to our needs in him. That is the new service that our Reigning King now renders for us, for our upkeep, our growth and our glory. That we become just like him- this perhaps, is his highest joy.


See, he is not here...

The women are almost at the tomb. It was still dark; the evening had almost passed and morning was soon to come. They had been thinking about that stone, and the seal over it. How were they going to move those aside? Suddenly, there was an earthquake. They quickly huddled together and held on to each other. In fear and amazement they approached the tomb... Alas, the stone had been rolled away. The guards on either side of the entrance were flat on their faces in fright and bewilderment. What was the meaning of all this?... they wondered. Suddenly, they saw a man in gleaming clothes, sitting on the stone. At this point their knees could no longer hold together and they buckled and also fell flat on their faces. "Why do you seek the living among the dead", the man said. "He's not here. He is risen" 6This is my paraphrased retelling of the events on that glorious morning. But the facts would suggest that he was long gone before they had their early morning encounter. Later on we would see Jesus walking into their meeting room without having to open the doors 7. Yet he ate and drank as any physical human would do. The point I seek to make is this, the stone could not have kept him in! Hallelujah! The angels rolled away the stone because the women, and the guards, needed to know that the tomb was empty. The women needed to know that the physical body of Jesus need not be preserved. He is risen and he now lives FOREVER. Nevertheless, as long as they still thought he was in that tomb, they may never have been open to his supernatural visitations which were to follow their encounter. In a sense, the stone was rolled away for us


Moving on...

He is risen. He lives as a man in heaven, as our High Priest and intercessor, and as God forever. He reigns on high as our King, in righteousness and power. That is why he arose. Now we too can have that same immortality by his Spirit. The same Spirit that raised him up, also lives in every one who believes, and can vitalise our mortal bodies in all sorts of ways 8: with healings, strength, wisdom, grace, gifts, power, righteousness, and hope. That same Spirit will give life to your mortal body too. That is the Spirit that will renew us at the trumpet blast when Jesus comes for his own, and clothe us physically with the same type of immortal body9 that walks through walls, and is able to eat of the great wedding Supper with Jesus Christ. If any is fretful or discouraged, let the prophecy of Isaiah which ends in hope, birth new hope in your walk. You may very well advise any detractors who think they have successfully sealed your tomb that they may be guarding an empty tomb. God has moved on with those who have believed him. No power of hell or earth can resist the Spirit of his resurrection. Jesus, our intercessor, lives and reigns forever. And of his portion we are being served,... daily.


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, thanks so much for the victory you won for me at the cross. I am grateful that because of your resurrection, there is hope for me beyond the Cross. I welcome your resurrection power. I welcome your Holy Spirit to guide and sustain my walk with you forever. In Jesus name, amen.




.1). Ecclesiastes 5:12   .2). Matthew 28:1   .3). Genesis 1:5     .4). 1 Corinthians 15:45     .5). Romans 8:26-27      .6).  Luke 24:5-6   .7). Luke 24:36-40   8). Romans 8:11.    .9). 2 Corithians 5:4. 

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Jesus did many of his miracles on the Sabbath. It was not because he enjoyed riling up the rulers and the Pharisees; far from it. It would appear that he did so because what had become their tradition was indeed his own future rest. It was he who was the Lord of the Sabbath...

Easter Lights... 11

"Having suffered, he will reflect on his work,
he will be satisfied when he understands what he has done.
“My servant will acquit many,
for he carried their sins." - Isaiah 53:11 NET


It's been quiet all Sabbath. It's quiet still.

First, a Sabbath

Have you ever had the pleasure of completing an arduous and strenuous task, that takes both strength and grit just to get through? From things as mundane as finally reading up all your unread mails, or getting to reply the various messages that have piled up on your WhatsApp inbox; to more intense activities like finally mowing the lawns that have been past due for a while, or cleaning up the the house after the kids have gone out to play. There comes with such accomplishments a satisfaction that only the worker can truly enjoy. Now you can review everything in comfort, sit back, and relax. That is precisely what God did in Genesis, after he finished the work of creation he reviewed it all and saw that it was all good. Nothing to add or take away. It was all just perfect and he was very pleased 1. Then he rested. Of course this by no means suggests that he was tired as humans would be. God is not like man 1, and the psalmist made clear that he neither sleeps nor slumbers 2. He rested from his works because there was no more work to be done. All was accomplished. This was the very first Sabbath.


Back to normal...

Today is what the church tradition calls the Holy Saturday, during which Jesus still lay dead in the tomb. The Jews and Romans did not know it yet, but something was coming their way that the world had never seen before. But, in the meantime, we stay with our Prince, in the sepulchre, in silence... in nothingness... in emptiness; for his mortal body was at this time void of all life. Isn't it amazing that the One who with God created all things and by whom are all things, was lying in a rich man's grave asleep in death while in the streets above, many men and women carried about their business like everything was just normal? The Priests and the scribes with the temple officials kept an eye out for possible infringements on the holy command to do no work on the Sabbath. The Romans could well have been lining up the next set of criminals for a similar end to those of that Jew from Galilee and his  pair of bandits. And the disciples? Well, they were by this time so disillusioned they were not quite sure what to make of it all. But it is Sabbath, so everyone stayed put.


Twice at rest?...

It is Sabbath again. Yes... another Sabbath. This one is the weekly Sabbath. The first was the high Sabbath which held once a year at the feast of unleavened bread, immediately after the Passover. You see, it would appear that the Church, in creating the traditional commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus, was a bit too eager for Jesus to rise from the dead. Apparently the Son of Man, our Prince, preferred to bide his rest as he already prophesied. It would be three days and three nights 3. By now, anyone who dares to try would have figured out that it is not quite three days and three nights between Friday evening and Sunday morning. Several scholars agree that in that year, two Sabbaths coincided a day from each other: one a high Sabbath for the Feast of unleavened bread, and the other the usual weekly Sabbath 4. I think this makes perfect sense, and would agree with Jesus's prophecy that he would be in the grave for three days and three nights. In any case, he was resting from his well accomplished and glorious work- OUR SALVATION; and no haste of tradition, nor restlessness of the world could rouse the Prince of Peace from ... death.


His Sabbath...

I see in the verse and the story of the day, a need to remind us that when God makes a promise, he will keep his promise. When he speaks a word we can rest on it. He said three days and three nights. But if there were no further Sabbaths, the women would have been there at the end of the second day, which would be contrary. Therefore the divine architect of all things ensured that the Sabbaths coincided... to confirm his rest. I believe that when he rested in Genesis he was pointing to this Saturday. When he commanded Moses in the Law about the Sabbath, he was speaking about this Saturday. When he healed the crippled and the infirmed on their Sabbath he was speaking into his Sabbath as a day when all things would have been accomplished. Jesus did many of his miracles on the Sabbath. It was not because he enjoyed riling up the rulers and the Pharisees; far from it. It would appear that he did so because what had become their tradition was indeed his own future rest. It was he who was the Lord of the Sabbath; it was for him that the Sabbath was created. This was his day of rest. It was his rest.


Come unto me

Have you found your self in a state of rest? Everything seems to have quietened down. Nothing seems to be moving. Everyone seems to be moving away. If God spoke a word to you and it seems buried beneath the difficulties you have faced or are facing, and you are no longer quite sure what to make of it all, perhaps it could be that God is inviting you today into his rest. He understands how much he has accomplished in your life and mine by his own sacrifice. He already knows how well you will do in that job, in that relationship, with that ministry, because of him. We can sit at the tomb for as long as we want but we could never hasten his hand. God makes all things beautiful in his time; and oh what a beauty it would be when it appears. Our duty and privilege is to live in his moment with him. And right now, he is reflecting on his work; he is content to rest... lifeless, until, because he has finished it ALL. In due season he will move, and he will move quickly. You and I have been acquitted from the demands of the Old Covenant because of him. So rest in the Lord. For there remains a rest for the people of God 5.

It's been quiet here... and it still is. But that's ok.


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you who are the Lord of the Sabbath. I rest my fretful heart in you. Give me faith for the grave situations I may face. Help me to trust that you will do what you said you would do. My eyes are on you Lord. In Jesus name, amen.



.1) Genesis 2:2-3;   .2).  Psalm 121:4;   .3). Matthew 12:40;   .4)., -31/03/2018;   .5).  Hebrews 4:9

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

It is good Friday, because his death brought us the good news. But his death was not his end...

Easter Lights... 9&10

"He was buried like a criminal, but in a rich man’s grave; but he had done no wrong and had never spoken an evil word. But it was the Lord’s good plan to bruise him and fill him with grief. However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again, and God’s program shall prosper in his hands." - Isaiah 53:9-10 TLB



Three strikes and out...

Today in the church calendar marks the commemoration of the last breath and death of Jesus Christ at the Cross of Calvary nearly 2000years ago. It was a horrible and brutal end, facilitated by lies and propaganda against an innocent man. Beyond the false accusations, Jesus was stripped naked and beaten severally with Roman whips. These flagrum (as the whips were also called) were made of leather thongs or cords attached to a handle, and, to which were attached pieces of metals (zinc or iron) at intervals along its length. The purpose was to do the most damage to its victim, as with every strike, the ropes would wrap round the victims body and the metals bits would rip through skin and tissue as the punisher pull them back towards himself. He also had a crown made of spike laden thorn bush which pierced his crown and forehead. Bruised, battered and barely able, he was then nailed to the Cross. The Cross consisted of the cross bar, which he was made to carry, and the stripe, an upright fixture at the site upon which the cross would later be hung. Jesus crucifixion required that a 7-9 inch nail was pierced between his wrists and fore arms while flat on his back and arms outstretched on the cross bar. After the cross bar has been positioned and affixed to the stripe, his feet were then driven through with the third nail. It was designed to be a very painful and slow death. Today we approach the Cross of his suffering with a quiet sobriety. He is not breathing anymore. He is dead. So why would such a dark day be good?



We see through the eyes of Isaiah what has happened here. Our Prince has been dispatched like a common criminal, a rebel. There were two others on either side of his cross, both criminals, or more precisely, they were convicts of banditry. Maybe they were part of the Jewish resistance or they had taken the law into their own hands to protest some perceived injustices of Rome. But their own testimonies suggest that they accepted that their punishment was justified 1. Yet it was with these lot, and among these sort, that they placed him to die; they had the same sentence 1. But wait... I thought he was innocent. Of course he was. He simply took the place of another. When Pilate asked who they would like released as part of his customary amnesty, they ALL cried out, release Barabbas!! 2. Barabbas had been imprisoned for involvement in an uprising. But they preferred to slay the innocent and set the guilty free. They all laid their hands on ...the Lamb of God, who was to take their sins away. So when we see him hanging on that tree among thieves and criminals, we must remember it was an exchange for which the people pleaded. Caiaphas confirmed it when he said, "It is better for one to die than for all to die."3 And die among criminals, as one of them, he did. Isaiah in today's verse says it was all part of God's plan to punish him for our sins.


Silent no more

Remember the silent witnesses? Well, the thing is, at some point, their conscience gets the better of them and they want to do all they can to make it right. But what could any of them do? It was now too late. Jesus was dead. Yes indeed he was. But there was one more thing left before his chapter in this life was fully closed. He had to be buried. One silent witness, it would appear, had been bearing under the weight of injustices meted out at this innocent man. Even the manner and circumstance of his death was most ignoble. At this point he could not stand it any more. He could keep silent no more. He was named Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man and a member of the Sanhedrin. If he could not speak up in Jesus's life, he perhaps, felt confident enough to intervene for his corpse. He had not consented to the decision to crucify Jesus 4, neither did he protest. Mark thought he was bold 5, but John thought he was fearful 6. I think he was courageous, and courage can abide in spite of fear. (He was accompanied by another silent witness- Nicodemus 7). So now he had found his voice, and requested Pilate for the body of Jesus which he buried in a tomb he had prepared for himself. And so was fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy: 'he was buried... in a rich man's grave'.


He saw me

The lights were out on this side of eternity for Jesus. He was dead. But he could only have made it this far because of what and who he saw. He was looking forward to a different kind of future for all mankind. He was looking for a different sort of offspring to children of natural descent. Jesus had an irrepressible joy over an eternal outcome as promised by his Father. The book of Hebrews affirms that he endured the cross, for the joy that was set before him 8. He was willing to make his soul an offering because of this joy. This joy, I believe, speaks of the hundreds of millions of souls of men and women who would find freedom, faith and access to our Heavenly Father again, by faith in him. Halleluyah!!! In those moments, just before his eyes were shut in death, he saw you and me. He saw the fornicator finding grace and redemption. He saw the swindler finding peace and contentment with God. He saw the murderer experiencing God's forgiveness. He saw the single mum trusting God in Christ for all her help. He saw the local pastor holding on in faith. He saw the atheist deciding to believe. He saw the rebellious youth, surrendering to the grace of God. He saw the abused and the abuser; the slave owners and the slaves; the gay and the straight; the Jews and the gentiles; the living and the dead. He saw the offsprings of his faith who will fill the Father's kingdom forever because of him... and he was satisfied to say... "IT. IS. FINISHED."9


In him; by him...

God also saw his pain, his anguish and his suffering. But more than anything else, the Father saw his faithfulness. Therefore God through Isaiah declared that all his pleasure and purposes in Christ will be perfected. At the Cross, and by the Cross of Jesus Christ, all of God's purposes and pleasure for you and I have been perfected and will prosper. Do you have a vision from God? Do you have a dream he placed in your heart years ago? Or maybe you are still searching for what it is you are here to do. You can trust the words of Isaiah. When we find God's pleasure, there is only one place where you are guaranteed that it will run its favourable cause for you, and that's in the hands- the bruised nail pierced hands, of the suffering Prince. Of a truth, the works of our hands may fail; but the Lord's pleasure is certain to prosper in his hands. So why not cast the vision, dream, and expectation, into his hands, and trust him today. God will prosper his promises IN CHRIST JESUS. In Jesus, death is not the end. He died to make faith in God work for you. All God's promises are yes in Christ Jesus; we only need to say 'amen' to affirm our stake and take delivery of our portion 10.



It is GOOD FRIDAY, because his death brought us the GOOD NEWS. But his death was not his end. Today's verse also did say: "He shall live again". So keep a close watch at that tomb....


PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for staying faithful till the very end, just for me. I am grateful that because you died I can have forgiveness and the light of life. Thank you for this good news we now have. I praise you today and always for making God's promises to me, sure. In Jesus name, amen.



1). Luke  23:40-41;   2).Matt 27:17-21;    3).John 18:14;    4).Luke 23:51;    5).Mark 15:43;    6).John 19:38;    7).John19:39-41;    8).Heb12:2;    9).John 19:30;   10).2 Corithians 1:20

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