Verses for Vessels

After the resurrection...

'They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them; but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them, “What are you discussing together as you walk along?” They stood still, their faces downcast.' - Luke 24: 14-17 NIV


It is now over a week since we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Between the resurrection and the feast of Pentecost lies an interesting interlude worthy of much reflection and study. But today, we will rest content with the verses before us.



Cleopas and his friend on their way to Emmaus were having an intense conversation about the resurrection. A lot had happened since that glorious morning, and many were not quite sure how to react to the bewildering news that had just visited them all. He was no longer in the grave. Within a space of three days, their powerful master and Rabbi, that miracle worker and hope of Israel, had gone from a celebrity preacher and healer, to a condemned criminal who had not a single word of defence for himself. Their hopes were dashed and the visions of the future terribly blurred. The Light was out in many of their minds... who could ever light it again, as that man once did? Such were the meditations of these men as they walked to Emmaus following the news of the resurrection, and for this reason, their hearts were heavy with sadness.


Which focus...?

And so it roused my curiosity. How is it possible that such a glorious event as the resurrection could evoke sorrow and grief in the heart and soul of any disciple? How could such a wonderful news provoke such sorrow of heart? There could have been a number of reasons. First, it could be that they did not really know what or who they presumed to have been following. Some have followed but may have never understood the words of whom they followed. They may have heard with their ears, but were yet to hear with the heart. This can happen to us when we get so familiar with the traditions of Christian practice, that we are removed from a real relationship with the Truth of our faith. When that happens, we struggle to make the connections between divine realities and our earthly situations.


Which testimony?

Another reason could be that they were focused on the wrong testimony. They were sad. That is a negative emotion given the circumstance. An emotion that was predicated on a misguided premise or hope. They were expecting him to save the physical Israel at that time. But we recall that many times he had told them his kingdom was not of this world. So apparently, they chose to believe the best for themselves, and not the truth that he had declared. Sometimes we so badly want God to work in a certain way for us that we can become very devastated when he works out his wisdom apart from our carnal demands. And this can become so overwhelming that God's own miracle for us, is treated as a footnote in our commentary, as they did in theirs. Because we are so busy looking at what had not happened as we desired, we fail to give glory for what really has happened as he promised. 

A third reason could also be that they were so focused on the suffering and the cross, that they could not get themselves to move on from there. Sometimes we do this as well. Whether out of necessity or voluntary humility, we can find ourselves celebrating our sufferings; raising the banner of the cross we carry because of our faith for all to see. We testify about how much it cost us to stay faithful in marriage, or to be there for a neighbour, or to support a local charity or to endure an overbearing boss. The attention to OUR cross, blinds us to HIS resurrection and power. They were focused on how his death affected THEM, and this prevented them from fully seeing how his resurrection was HIS purpose for ALL.


He joins...

It was under this circumstance that Jesus joined the conversation they were having. It does not matter that you may have been talking about the resurrection for thirty years or three years or three days. The crucial question is this: how have you been speaking about the resurrection since you heard of it? As a Christian, what exactly have you been saying about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? The One who himself is the Resurrection and Life, could not endure their folly any longer, so he joined the conversation to correct their error by steering them back to the truth. Beginning from Moses and the prophets he taught them about himself. It may surprise some of us to know that God is always listening to what we have to say about the risen Saviour, and how you say it. Are we speaking of the resurrection with joy and freedom, or with grief and sorrow? Life has triumphed over death, and you are sad? The power of the grave is destroyed, and you are sad? Chains of bondage to fear are broken forever, and you are sad? Hope lives in flesh and Spirit, and you are sad? Man will live forever by faith in the risen One, and you are sad? We will be raised incorruptible at the blast of the trumpet, and you are sad? No wonder he started with a rebuke: "How foolish you are; how slow to believe.."!


One thing; with Joy!

It is revealing that when he asked them what they were discussing, they asked if he had not heard "the things that had happened in Jerusalem". But they barely gave attention to the one "thing" which also happened, and which should have mattered most- His resurrection. I pray we pay him heed and honour him in our witnessing of the resurrection. Let it be with understanding: with faith, and power, and truth, and great joy! Hallelujah!!


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, let me speak of your wondrous work with wondrous joy, Amen.



Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels