Verses for Vessels

“Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town and made their way toward him.”- John 4:28-30 NIV

All aboard

In many traditional Catholic and south American cultures, every year around Easter, there are street Passion festivals, or stations of the cross as it is often referred to. These public engagements replay the events around the crucifixion of Jesus Christ: from his arrest and accusation by the religious leaders, through the brief trial and condemnation by Rome at the hands of Pontus Pilate, and unto his crucifixion. The street procession, where he (an actor or statue) carries his gory cross, bleeding from the scourge of the soldiers and the crown of thorns on his head, are often the most popular sight for locals, pilgrims and tourists alike. Many see these scenes being replayed as great opportunities to express their own sincere devotion and passion or suffering, with the suffering saviour. With whole communities, even towns, coming out en masse to witness such spectacle, it can be quite a sight. But over 2000years ago, it was differently similar.

Seeker friendly

The text we have today is on that beautiful story of the woman by the well; a woman whose name we may never know, but whose encounter remains a powerful testimony of the grace of God. She had come to fetch water for her usual domestic or other use. He offered a different kind of water- a river that will never run dry. She had her bucket for her water; he had none. But He had something which she realised she had been looking for. He not only had it,…He WAS IT. You see, man, after man; partner after partner; relationship after relationship; job after job; purchase after purchase; agreement after agreement… this woman was seeking something that would last and fulfil her. But after five husbands she stopped asking for deeper commitments. She was content to simply co-habit. Perhaps the associated heart ache and hassles had become unbearable. Maybe she decided it was much safer for her to lower her expectations of men. So now she just lived with a man… and they were not even married. If after five men she hadn’t found IT, then may be it was best to latch unto this one without the covenant of marriage as it were.

Filled Up

The truth is, as humans, we cannot successfully bury the inmost quest of our souls. You can feed it some money, and some friends. You could go on adventures to exotic places or win accolades and fame. We could read and research and acquire great knowledge about life and things and stuff. But if that existential question has yet to be answered; if truth has yet to find us… our souls remain athirst. So it was for this lady. Yet, as she drew her water on this day, a Jew sat by the well and offered her the water of life. He explained God’s utmost desire which was hers as well. You see, by cultural and religious standards she was an anomaly- five men and counting?! This must have stirred up much hushed murmurings whenever she came around other women, as well as the men of her town. It is quite possible that such religious standards which she had obviously failed to keep up, would have made her ashamed of coming out at the usual times as others, to fetch water. She was there at midday. Most would have gone there at evening or towards sunset. Culture and religion would not let her into that union that sets free; it wouldn’t let her worship, which apparently, she seemed to have deeply desired. But THIS MAN… offered her something neither her culture nor her religion could have redeemed- a living relationship with God. This man, Jesus, was indeed THE MAN she had sought all her life, without knowing it. Now that she had found Him, she had no further need of her water jar! She was filled.

Come and see

My joy in this text is that she could hardly contain herself following this encounter! And she was not the first. If we recall Rebekah’s response following her meeting with Eliezer, servant of Abraham in Genesis 24 , and Rachel’s response after Jacob introduced himself in Genesis 29 , it could be safely considered that this woman, like those great women of old, had just found HER MAN, and wanted everybody to meet Him too! “Come and see… A MAN, who told me all I ever did!”, she declared. And the whole town followed after her, making their way towards Jesus. What an evangelist she was! Her shame was gone! Her fear was gone! Their prejudice was subdued by her bold assertion- He told me all I ever did! Their religious bias was relegated by the prospect of a similar encounter that inspired such freedom and faith and joy- such LIFE!!! Even they wanted to know: “Could this be the Messiah?”. The whole town came out en masse to see Him; they made their way to Jesus. Unlike our modern street festivals and processions, they wanted to see and hear the real person. They were content to take Him at his Word without the drama. Eventually, this was their story:

“So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days.  And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.”

Make your way

So, have you heard of the Man, Jesus Christ and the Life He alone can give? Have you made your way towards the living Saviour or do you stop at institutions, images, and symbols? Beyond festivals and statues; beyond religion, culture and social obligations, God still seeks worshippers in truth and Spirit. Have you heard His Words; have you found His Life? I can still hear the joyful call of that great woman and evangelist saying: COME AND SEE A MAN. Nothing else compares….


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels