"O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."
- Psalm 40:5
Verses for Vessels
Whether you choose to speak or stay silent, he still loved you enough to die for you, regardless. But think of the real victim here...
Easter Lights...8
"By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was punished." - Isaiah 53:8 NIV
This is for real
If by now you are beginning to feel the pain and horror that our precious Prince has been subjected to in these past verses, please do not be alarmed. It is only natural. He was human after all, and so are you. Who would sit through the tale of this sordid affair and not wipe a tear or two?Unless of course it is yet to dawn on them that this was a true story. Now and again, people can and do get quite upset watching certain soap operas or movies that stir the heart, true life or fiction. We identify with the emotions and dilemas of the characters in the movies or play. Sometimes we wish we could step in and stop their trauma or take away their source of pain. At other times we hope for them to hold on since the movie would end well for them, or not. We identify with these characters because they reflect what we ourselves may be going through or have witnessed in our life's journey. Theirs may also represent what we would never wish to see. So, again, if you are twisting and turning at the horror so far, you are human. But this was real for Jesus. And it is as real for us today.
From playground to pay ground
In every school playground, among the different sorts of kids, there would be the carefree who just want to play, the concerned who would like everyone to play, and the bullies who want to decide who gets to play and how. One of the things we try to teach our kids is not to be so care free that they care less about others. And not to be so concerned about everyone that they fail to enjoy the play. We teach them to be the first to welcome the new boy or girl, and to share. But equally, we try to teach them to stand up to bullies or tell on them to the teachers. We encourage them never to walk away from a helpless person; to speak up for those who have no voice or who are yet to find their voice. We make it clear that it is wrong to watch or join others in taking advantage of anyone; that it is wrong to do nothing or say nothing when they see their friends or classmates being ill-treated. Given today's verse, it is clear that it is not only kids that need this support. It is also clear that the oppression of the weak is as old as the fall of Adam.
The Strong and the Weak
Powerful people take advantage of the weak (or those they perceive as weak and unable to fight back) all the time. They do it in business; a partner supplanting their partner. They do it in schools; the clique ostracising the quiet and the different other. They do it in management; the qualified but temperate overlooked for promotion, while the aggressive, connected, and less qualified pushes to the front. And very commonly it occurs a lot in relationships of all kinds. Indeed, it is happening everywhere all the time. And the funny thing is there are always witnesses. Yes. I'm not talking about what goes on behind closed doors. No. That we may never know. But we all do see the tell-tale signs of emotional, attitudinal, social, and even physical battering that these ones have to endure... while we stay content to mind our business. We would be amazed at how many women would have been saved from abusive husbands if someone who witnessed their struggle found the courage to speak up. I wonder how many abuse victims would have had a totally different history, if the various silent witnesses around them found the grace and courage to speak up for them.
The Silent Witnesses
In the verse before us, our suffering Prince was himself the victim of the worst abuse any human could have endured. Because he chose to offer no response they presumed him weak in will and power, and continued their relentless abuse to the end. But we already know that bullies will bully; hence why they are so called. Their actions speak for themselves so we need not belabour their previous offences. Instead we are called upon to observe another partner in the crime of the bully- The silent witnesses. He was taken by oppression; some translations say he was taken from trial to death1. They never gave him a chance in their unfair trial. They were quick and keen to finish the job. But it was the silence of those who witnessed this tragic turn of events that horrifies the prophet. No one seemed to care that this young man would have no offspring. He would have none to bear his name. No lands or estates to be named after him. No wife to bear his seed. I imagine Isaiah watching the movie unfold before him, and as the film rolls, he is getting agitated at the grave mistake about to be made by these people (or so it seemed, for 'we considered him stricken by God' ). As they passed their judgement following what was more or less a sham trial, he was perhaps now expecting that the few good men in the crowd would say something.
Where art thou?...
Where was ...Nicodemus; he came to Jesus by night? Surely he had something to say for this man at his weakest hour. Where was the Centurion whose servant was healed? Where was Jairus, the ruler? His daughter was raised by this man. Now he (Isaiah- in my mind's eye) gets really uncomfortable... he begins to whisper their names, hoping they would come up and... say something. Hey, ... not one voice, not a protest. Where were the witnesses? Where was Peter, James and John? Where were Mary and Martha? ... and brother Lazarus who once was dead?! Where were Bartimaeus; the woman with issue; the widow of Nairn; the crippled by the pool; and the leper by the way? Where on earth were Simeon, and Zacheaus, and the five thousand - those with whom he wined and dined and fed? Where were his brothers and sisters? Where was his mother- Mary of Galilee?... she was there at the beginning. Where were the witnesses in his generation? Surely at the very least two of them should provide sufficient protest to stop this madness proceeding any further! But none came forward. They may have been saddened, even grieved at his pain. But their grief was never quite able to translate to a righteous indignation. Their remorse found no strength nor boldness for a firm protest. Their horror found no voice for justice. Isaiah must have been deeply saddened. He was human too. So he asked the question... who of his generation protested? We know the answer to that. None. In the end the real victim of their silence was themselves. They were held captive by their fear of men.
Still silent?, still loved...
In this verse we see the noisy crowd littered with masses of silent witnesses. They were there then, they are still there today. We all have been silent witnesses at one point or another. It may have been a neighbour who has been struggling with drugs and alcohol, or with debt. Or a Lazarus at our gate, whose open wounds seem not to bother us much. We may have also been silent witnesses sometimes when evil conversations mushroom around us, but we were too fearful to take a stand. In view of all that you have come to know and experience about the grace of God, should you really be comfortable to remain a... silent witness to Jesus Christ? He has been there before. He still endures our silent witness while bearing our sins with grace and love. He was taken from trial to death and no one spoke up for him. Yet he died for all of them; for all of us. Who knows, perhaps you may find your voice to tell that colleague about Jesus the next time they swear at him; or to speak to your girlfriend about the grace of God that keeps a young man pure. In the earlier verse, in the face of persecution he, the suffering Prince, did not open his mouth. But there is a stark difference between the silence of the Lamb and the silence of these witnesses: he, was silent because he trusted his Father's outcome; they were silent because they feared the consequences. Whether you choose to speak or stay silent, he still loved you enough to die for you, regardless. But think of the real victim here... it's you and I. But Jesus Christ gives us victory.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, once again I see how much you suffered for me. But today I see that you suffered not just the injustice and envy of the rulers and authorities, but also the silence of those whom you have blessed to know you. I ask your forgiveness for my silence over you, and over everyone for whom I should have spoken up. Fill me with strength to be a voice for the voiceless around me, and a steady voice for you. In Jesus name, amen.
.1). Isaiah 53:8 TLB
Verses for Vessels
The end was death. He went to the slaughter, without alarm... because he had to finish his cause, for me and you. And so as believers we draw a lesson from the master himself, our suffering Prince: We do not have to answer...
Easter Lights..7
"He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth." - Isaiah 53:7 NIV
Hi there, it's another day in the diary of the suffering Prince. From the earliest verses he has borne the brunt of God's judgement. Verse after verse has revealed a troubling barrage of affliction and pain. But it does not abate. No, not yet. As the saying goes, when it rains it pours. And pour it did. Perhaps, ... still does.
People talking...
The rise of social media as the major platform for human interaction in today's world has been quite a revolutionary phenomenon. You can sit anywhere in the world and connect with friends and family who could be anywhere in the world. People get to share their experiences, joys, tears, laughter, concerns, much more quickly and can get an instant response from their connections or the general public depending on how they have set up their profile. The sense of community, and camaraderie that is fostered among those who share similar views or like the same things can often be intoxicating. This has the potential to either nourish an individual's ego or conceal terrible physical loneliness and loss. Such is the need to feel relevant that many marketing ploys are employed to help those who so desire to get more 'likes' and 'following' on their page or posts. Not bad if you can manage the crowd and still possess your own soul. Social media has opened up a mostly silent world and now everyone is talking about something. This is great!
Street experts
It used to be that those who spoke boldly and confidently about a subject matter were men and women who were well versed in that area. You could listen to them because they have researched it, they study it, or they practice it. In fact we would have had to travel hundreds of miles, or even thousands of miles, to drink from the fountain of the wisdom of such better enlightened fellows. However, one of the stranger aspects of the social media revolution is the rise of those I would refer to as the 'street experts'. By these I mean those who hold really strong opinions about EVERYTHING and everyone, whether or not they have met them or they have studied the subject. Their best references come from an online search engine and they are quick to offer an analysis on expert opinions when they have had no real education or experience on the subject. They wait on the social media street, and are willing to flaunt their knowledge to passers by, but they have no resident knowledge. The sad bit is that, to their peril, some have preferred their vain conversation to proper truth from those who really do know. Others have had their precious reputations terribly damaged by confident lies that have been spread quickly by these sorts of evangelists.
Slaughter shearer...
The verse before us was written when men spoke face to face with each other, but the truth is still timely. Every now and again, farmers would shear their sheep to keep them from over heating from the weight and thickness of their own fur. It is good for the sheep. Sheep grow accustomed to this routine and they learn to trust the shepherd to get the job done. As such they hardly bleat during their shearing. This was the picture Isaiah painted of the Prince of glory as they mocked him and spat upon his face. He had some weight to shed, as it were, and he could only get it done on that Cross. So he opened not his mouth. He did not protest nor try to defend himself. I had always localised that testimony to Jerusalem and the passion of the Christ. But recently as I reflected on the numerous blasphemies, false accusations, and wilful misrepresentations of Christ, that such 'street experts' spew out against Jesus Christ in our world today, one would expect him to show up in the night to such persons as God did to Abimelech 1. Such an approach from heaven would humble them and bring those hearts to their peace with God. But then, today's verse is at odds with that thought. He opened not his mouth. Neither then, nor now. He opened not his mouth to the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin. He opened not his mouth to Pilate and to Rome. Today, people are still dragging Jesus to the slaughter; each one trying to undo the other in the brutality of their killing. Even the church faces extreme shearing at many fronts. Perhaps it is for our good as the body of Christ. But however false and deeply offensive some lies against Jesus may be, as espoused by the 'street experts', it would appear that even today, he opens not his mouth.
Silent lamb
So let the mockers continue. Let the scornful revel. It was for you too that he died. His silence is not a sign of weakness. There was slaughter ahead. Jesus kept silent as though it was a harmless occasion of shearing by a trusted shepherd. But he knew full well that this was no shearing. This was death at the hands of the authorities. Still he opened not his mouth. This is what Isaiah seeks to present to us. Jesus put his trust in his Father, like the sheep would trust the shepherd in its shearing. He refused to express alarm, because he trusted God to keep him. The end was death. He went to the slaughter, without alarm... because he had to finish his cause, for me and you. And so as believers we draw a lesson from the master himself, our suffering Prince: We do not have to answer everyone or to everything that is thrown at us, especially on social media. If he, in all his righteousness and power, was maligned and falsely accused by those who knew him, and yet did not open his mouth or seek to protest his innocence, how then could we, with our frequent frailties be so arrogant as to open our mouth in response to the world. We do not have to be alarmed at the crises we may be facing. Our gaze must remain steady and our hearts unwavering. He that endures to the end shall be saved 2. Truly, this can be tough, but such is the nature of the lamb of God.
Think about it...
Maybe it is time to keep quiet and trust him, whatever may be said of you. The next time you feel a strong urge to respond to an unhelpful or derogatory comment about Jesus, your faith in Christ Jesus, or your character, ask him if it's worth it. You may very well see that he opened not his mouth. And trust me, he can speak for himself.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, grant me the strength to hold my peace in the face of persecution. I choose to forgive my accusers as you have forgiven me. Help me to trust your wisdom and power to see me through. In Jesus name, amen.
1.) Genesis 20:3-6. .2). Matthew 10:22
Verses for Vessels
Many are glad to hide under the cover of the collective. They would be happy to blame the rush or the mood of the era for their actions. When they set upon an innocent immigrant on the streets, they do it because they were more in number and they all thought it was ok. But the verse...
Easter Lights... 6
"We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
the iniquity of us all." - Isaiah 53:6
Hi there...
If you have followed our posts in the past six days, you may have noticed that we have been reflecting on Isaiah 53. These verses of scripture provide a prophetic picture of Christ's suffering and eventual death at the Cross of Calvary. I must apologise for skipping a day (yesterday), but we will not skip any verses. So please come with me as we take our thoughts farther along the verses, on our way to the coming glorious celebration of Easter.
None exempted
When I was in secondary school, we had school prefects who were appointed by the school authorities to maintain order and assist with organising the student-life we all enjoyed. It was a boarding school. In case of misbehaviour by any student, the prefects had authority to assign punishments like 'detentions' served in the fields by cutting the long grasses. As much as possible many students did their best to be on their best behaviour most of the time. However now and again, there was that one person, or a group of people in a class, who may carry out some mischief without being expressly caught out. In such scenarios, when a prefect cannot identify the person or persons, he or she could carry out a blanket punishment on the class, unless of course someone in that class could volunteer the identity of the culprits. Other wise one (or a few) lad's misbehaviour could detain all the class members at the fields of manual labour. Well such is the collective nature of Adam's error. He sinned, but we are all in his class as it were. The fear of death and judgement, plus the fact that we are flesh and descendants of Adam, makes us unqualified to excuse ourselves from his error, or to boldly point the finger at him alone. We were in his loins. We acquired his nature 1. All we like sheep have gone astray. None can be exempted.
The herd
I have often marvelled at the group behaviour of sheep. They move together, graze together, rest together, and can stray together. This is why they and all livestock with similar behaviours can be referred to as a 'herd'. Like sheep, we as humans have herded off away from God's good commands and holy expectations of us. If we stay with the sheep for a bit... The herd mentality is easily observed in today's world. From the social media e-gang mobs who flock together to attack or vilify anyone who strays from their present collective norm (which changes like the flow of a river from time to time); to the religious cliques who won't give the new guys a chance to belong, the nature of many is to herd along with the many, flowing along the path of least resistance; of collective affection. All we like sheep... think it's ok to democratise theology. All we like sheep want a vote on God's ordained principles of creation and human relationships. All we like sheep would rather agree with the trend in our generation even if it is an error, than stand up for what is truly righteous in his sight. All we... like sheep. Many take up behaviours without really asking- 'why do we do what we do?'. Ever asked a teenager why he lives with his girlfriend? What's wrong with that? they could reply... everybody does it! Ask the couple with three kids how long they have been married? They could reply with incredulity, as they never intend to marry. 'It's more convenient this way'... they may reply. All we like sheep have gone astray. But, in the beginning it was not so 2. We have broadly deviated from God's order.
Each for his own...
But, more than the collective is the subjective; the individual. We have each turned to his own way. Many are glad to hide under the cover of the collective. They would be happy to blame the rush or the mood of the era for their actions. When they set upon an innocent immigrant on the streets, they do it because they were more in number and they all thought it was ok. But the verse indicates that while the mindset may be collective, our actions are private and personal. Each has turned his own way. Each man that acts based on a collective mindset would be judged as taking his own action. The judge will pass down sentences, not on groups who have no covenant with each other, but on the individual participants in any crime, even if it was initiated or inspired by the herd. This is why many in Hitler's Germany could never excuse themselves. Their actions, under whatever constraints or difficulty or force of authority, was theirs and theirs alone. We have turned each to his own way. That should serve as a serious caution for anyone of us who is willing to hide behind the trend of the times, or claims of progressiveness, in defiance of God's laws. In the end, God sees each man for his own way.
On him was laid
Nevertheless, in the suffering Prince we find a refuge. Our sins, both as a collective, and as individuals, have been laid on Jesus. The innocent and the not so innocent. The instigators, and the conscripted. The ignorant and the wilful deviants... The iniquities of ALL OF US have been laid on him at the Cross. Suddenly it dawns on you, that you would have to give account for yourself... yes. Everyone of us will appear before the judgement seat of Christ 3. When we appear, it would be as individual souls; not as members of a political party. We will not appear as progressives or conservatives. We will not appear as whites or blacks. We will not appear as Catholics or protestants, Christians or muslims; believers or atheists; the 1% or the suppressed multitude; the 'do-gooders' or the 'indifferents'; No... We will only appear as individual souls, to give account of our lives lived in this temporal realm. We will appear before God as subjects of the eternal Judge, Jesus Christ; as deserving of mercy forever, or judgement... forever. Those who have trusted him on whom was laid all their sins and transgressions, will walk into an eternal liberty of life and joy with God. Those who ignore, dismiss, or refuse his blood-soaked sacrifice for their sins, will remain under the crushing weight of God's justice and eternal condemnation. On him was laid...
Today, and right now, is when you can decide how that story should end for you. Adam's sin ushered in a collective mindset of error. Our own individual actions in ignorance or direct disobedience to God's commands also expose our choices in error. But the Lord has laid ALL our sins (private and communal) upon him. If God has judged him for all our sins, then we are free from God's eternal judgement and can receive his eternal life and peace... when we believe. Why would you wait? Why wait till judgement day to check if you made the list- the names in the book of life? 4 God wants to enlist you for life and joy forever. This is no fairy tale. He has died for our sins; by faith in him and because of him, we are no longer condemned. As surely as the sun does rise and the earth revolves, God will judge the world on a day he has appointed to come 5. But, for all those who believe and embrace the suffering Prince, Jesus Christ, we neither have to serve a collective punishment for Adam's sin, nor private punishment for our individual actions. This is the gospel 6. This is the good news of Jesus Christ. This is Truth. Have you heard it?... Do you hear him call... today?
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I hear you today, calling me out of the shadows. I have hidden under various covers- religion, race, sexual orientation, philosophy, background, politics, even history; but you alone know my true story. Today I surrender, and I come running to your throne of mercy. Have mercy on me. I receive your forgiveness for all my sins. Write my name in the Lamb's book of life and fill me with your joy and peace forever. In Jesus name, amen.
1.) Romans 3:23 .2). Matthew 19:4-6. .3). 2 Corinthians 5:10. .4). Revelations 13:8. .5). Hebrew 9:27. .6) John 3:16
Verses for Vessels
Palm Sunday!!! What a glorious day it must have been? But the questions have continued in spite of the glory. People still ask, 'what's all the fuss about this man on a donkey?' Who is this?'...
Easter Lights 5...
"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5
It's a great day to be alive, and for this we praise God greatly! On this day in the Church calendar we remember Jesus's journey into Jerusalem, riding on a Donkey as told in the gospels. Matthew recounts that as he rode through the street, many threw down clothes along the path and some carried palm leaves, waving and shouting aloud saying:
Hosanna to the Son of David! “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” - Matthew 21:9-10
What a glorious day it must have been? But the questions have continued in spite of the glory. People still ask, 'what's all the fuss about this man on a donkey?' Who is this?'
For Us...
For the believer, it is now our accepted reality, that the King on the donkey, is also the One of whom Isaiah was speaking in our earlier texts which we have been examining. The last time, we came to see for ourselves that his pain, and suffering was not just his; they were indeed ours. But he chose to take them up on our behalf, and still does that to this day. It was for us that he was crushed and man-handled as he was by the authorities. It was for us that he was bruised and battered... that much we have seen so far. But today, and in the verse before us, we begin to witness the EFFECT of his vicarious intervention.
Coming through...
First, his punishment brought us peace. His was no ordinary suffering. His goal was my peace; your peace. He did say at one point, 'In me you have peace"1 . And here in this prophecy, it would appear that he was revealing exactly how we come to access that peace. It would appear that peace was bottled up in him. Peace, real peace- the Shalom of Yahweh; that state of unbroken wholeness and wholesomeness that only God can bestow. It is such peace that was enveloped within the person, the soul and the body, of the suffering Prince. It seems to me, that the only way to release it was to burst the precious bottle, as it were; to pierce through that body so pure and perfect. And the only way to pierce that body, the only justification for a scratch on his tissues; the only way to get the wholeness out to us, was to tear his body apart through the brutal punishment as meted by the ferocious hands of the Roman soldiers. With every punishment he bore, peace was making its way toward me; toward us; like the escape of a sweet fragrance from a broken vessel. His punishment brought it forth.
The Effect...
Then, by his wounds we were healed, as Peter would later declare 2. It was not enough for him to take up our pain and bear our suffering. The years of pain, and suffering leaves many injured, damaged, and dysfunctional; and that needed to be put right. The suffering Prince was clearly not one to stop his job half way. He was and still remains eager to do a complete work in every soul that encounters him. According to the scriptures, he is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God by him 3. Healing is one important effect of his sacrifice. Jesus by the Cross and his blood heals every disease of body and mind in everyone who will come to him in faith. His body was broken for us, for our healing. Diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, blindness, deafness, muteness, lameness, immunological disorders, mental health issues, and all manner of sickness and disease have been healed, and are healed, by the power of the blood and the broken body of Jesus Christ. It is part and parcel of the salvation package. He forgives our sins, AND HEALS our diseases 4. He does not do one and leave the other.
Peace and healing...
Peace and healing. Wholeness and Wholesomeness. Restoration and renewal. All these are ours by grace through faith in the suffering Prince from Nazareth. It is puzzling to come across those who have welcomed the forgiveness of Jesus and accepted that he took our place in judgement, but refuse to countenance the blessing of his peace and healing which comes by the very same token and sacrifice. They have accepted his forgiveness of sins but struggle to see that the blood that covered our sins also healed our diseases. The body that took our punishment also released our healing and our peace. Depression, and other mental health issues were soaked up in the bloody crown of thorns that pierced his head. Our diseases, our sicknesses, our trauma, and troubles; all these were swallowed up in the victory of his blood. Proceeding from him in their place was peace and healing for every son and daughter who would ask for it.
Heal me O Lord
If you have seen your suffering on his Cross. If you have seen your pain in his affliction, then you can very well see ANY disease or sickness that ails you today, right there on that Cross- It is finished 5. Christ did it ALL. If he could save you from sin, death and eternal judgement, is he then frail in power to heal your mortal flesh and your soul? The blood still drips... you can ask him for peace and healing TODAY.
PRAYER: "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." 6 In Jesus name, amen.
.1). John 16:33 .2).1 Peter 2:24 .3). Hebrews 7:25 KJV .4). Psalm 103:3 .5). John19:30 .6). Jeremiah 17:14
Verses for Vessels
How could he let any of his creation suffer so much pain, for so long? Families breaking down; finances in disarray; friendships dissolving; loyalties abandoned; fidelity forsaken; businesses lost; economies collapsing; governments failing; tribes and nations at war with each other; and the poor and destitute left to bear the brunt ...
Easter Lights... 4
"Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted." - Isaiah 53:4
So we continue in our reflections on the suffering Prince.
One of the most beautiful things about the gospel is the focus and effectual demonstration of the grace of God. Grace, is often described as unmerited favour from God. In grace we get what only he deserves, and he in turn, gets what we deserved. We get peace, he gets judgement. We get healing, he gets bruising. We get glory. He gets shame. At no other point, and perhaps from no greater point in God's history with his people, is this shown more clearly than at the Cross of calvary. Isaiah is understood to be speaking of God's anointed One who was yet to come. One would have thought that given the dismissive spite with which we had treated him thus far in the passage, he would have other considerations towards the people of God and humanity in general. But the prophecy continues in context with today's text: 'surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering'. In spite of our attitudes and unbelief, he still took up our pain and suffering... This is Grace.
Surely! Without a doubt. With full resolve. With total commitment to see it through. He took it up. But wait a minute... Who is this again? Would it not be the One whom we have despised? Would it be the same One who we hid our faces from... whose testimony we lightly regarded, even rejected? Is this the One from whose appearance we fled and still flee? We now know that only one man fits this prophecy. Would it be the Jesus whose message of a coming kingdom many have mocked and still mock, and whose call to repentance and surrender others have vilified and can barely stand? ...Yes indeed. It is the One and the same Jesus Christ of Nazareth. But Isaiah says, 'Surely' ! Given how we have treated him, he had good reason to change his mind about suffering like this, but ...surely! Given the rejection and shame, the insults and wilful denial of our knowledge of him, he may have been justified for letting us have all that was our due...each man to his own.. But, 'Surely!'. Glory to God! I thank God that in the face of pain, rejection and shame, the suffering Prince still stood 'sure' about his love for me. In the presence of alternatives, he remained confident in his choice to die for you; that we were worth the price. In the midst of his fire, he was praying for our forgiveness. Surely! Lord you took it up, surely you did! !Oh what love, what love, what unwavering love!
Pain and Suffering...
He took up our pain and bore our suffering. It could be said that these are two things most despised about our mortality on this earth- pain and suffering. They make life unbearable, unworthy, and meaningless for much of humanity even to this day. We continue to ask that worn out question about God: If there is a God why would he let innocent children suffer?, why would he let wars happen? Why would loved ones die? Why do natural or man-made disasters happen in the first place? Why doesn't he intervene, if he really cared so much? Where is he when good men and women die young? Where is he when lone gunmen or terrorists take away the lives of free law abiding innocents? What God would give a soul a body they hate, a genetic dysfunction, an immunological disease or even a sexual inclination that others may consider an aberration? How could he let any of his creation suffer so much pain, for so long? Families breaking down; finances in disarray; friendships dissolving; loyalties abandoned; fidelity forsaken; businesses lost; economies collapsing; governments failing; tribes and nations at war with each other; and the poor and destitute left to bear the brunt of humanities endless quest for alternative realities. Pain and suffering: something the good and evil can both claim as their own. Pain and suffering: something that the rich and the poor must both endure. Pain and suffering: exclusive to none; common to all. Rather than provide a theological explanation for the cause(s) of evil, he chose to take care of it once and for all. He took it up... for ALL OF US.
Well deserved...?
You would think that this singular act of selfless sacrifice would inspire faith and devotion in everyone. The prophet didn't see that. Jesus didn't witness that in the aftermath of his crucifixion. In fact his death was repugnant to many, and unbearable to his own disciples. They were devastated, terribly disappointed. Hope was dashed and dreams faded fast. Here was the One who lifted hearts and spirits alike. Here was One who embraced the poor and the desolate. Here was One who offered hope of a new beginning and a Kingdom where in he would be king of righteousness... Here was he, hanging, bleeding, helpless, hopeless, and with a reputation so tarnished among Jews and gentiles alike, no one in their sane mind would dare want to be associated with such a disgrace. To manage this enigma, many decided, that he deserved it! It was his punishment from God, by the hands of the Romans, urged on by the religious leaders of the time. Even today, many are still try to manage their disappointment in Jesus by the same token. It must have been well deserved, they argue. The punishment was only reserved for rebels and terrorists. Therefore, if he was so punished, it can only be reasonable to conclude that he, Jesus of Nazareth, must have been one himself!- they say. We considered him stricken by God and afflicted, yet all the while, it was Our suffering and Our pain that pinned him there...
Look again
Can I invite you to look up that tree... one more time?. Can I invite us to behold the battered body of the misunderstood? Can I welcome us into his unwavering resolve at a great and immeasurable cost to himself? Yes he was betrayed. Yes he was lied upon. Yes he was wrongfully condemned and brutally executed. It was murder at the hands of justice! But it truly was, as Isaiah here declares, for US that he so painfully suffered. As you watch the blood drip down from the sides of his head. As you behold the battered body bruised by Roman stripes. As we look on those nails driven through the hands that still beckon every soul; do you see YOUR PAIN and YOUR SUFFERING? Yes... everything that every human, and all creation, has ever suffered or would ever have to suffer; every pain that every human, and all creation, has ever endured or will ever have to endure... It was all on him. Look again at how resolute and unrelenting the judgement of God is. Look also at how resigned and committed the suffering Prince remains in the heat, ...for us. It must have been horribly excruciating; but it was my pain and yours that he bore. It must have been terribly humiliating and enduringly exhausting; but it was our suffering that was on him. Do you see it yet? Have you seen it yet? I invite you to come; look on him whom they have pierced. For us he suffered so...
PRAYER: Dear Jesus, today I come to you with all my heart. I see you now. Lord, I thought it was your suffering; now, I know it was mine you bore. Thank you for taking my place in God's judgement. Today, and everyday of my life, I receive the life you offer in exchange for my sins. I receive your peace and your healing. In Jesus name, amen
Verses for Vessels
Perhaps it's time to face the truth about Jesus. Maybe it's time to stop hiding our faces from his Light. He is good. He is true...
Easter Lights...3
"He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem."- Isaiah 53:3 NIV
In our previous Easter Light, we considered the difficulty that comes with embracing Jesus. In Matthew's account of the Sermon on the Mount recently, Jesus taught: 'Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad...' 1. If you have ever experienced rejection, and shame; if you have ever been blighted by false allegations or accusations. If you have known what it feels like to be passed over for a job, a promotion or simply a party invitation, then you would agree that rejoicing in such a moment is not the easiest thing to do. There are several layers of pain that can come through such an experience. But God gives us grace through Jesus Christ. In the verse before us today, we witness the suffering Prince in exactly such a situation. He was familiar with rejection, grief and sorrow.
It is one thing to suffer from the lies of those who do not know you, or are unfamiliar with your background. It is quite another, and a more painful matter, to suffer disgrace at the hands of those you call your own. Jesus, Son of David, an innocent man was maligned, falsely accused and wrongfully sentenced to death. Just before we hurry him up the inglorious tree, let's step back and look at his life on earth. Born of a virgin in Bethlehem, Jesus grew up in Nazareth of Galilee. He came to be known as the Son of Joseph the Carpenter. His ways and dealings among his small community and the wider Nazareth was such that the locals were familiar with his family. He had brothers, who were known. He had sisters who were known. From this environment he departed often to Jerusalem and to this place he returned often as well. Even in Jerusalem, he had developed quite an early reputation as a keen student of the Law and the Prophets, asking and answering questions of the teachers of the Law during a festive visit at the age of twelve. Soon after his baptism, he emerged from the wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit, and went to the synagogue in Nazareth, as his custom was. There on a sabbath, he was given the scroll to read, which he did. He was KNOWN.
Not enough...
His life and ministry consisted of preaching, teaching, miracles and debates with the religious leaders. Most times, his exploits were very public. At other times, there were a privileged few who were allowed to witness. In all things his manners and activities were open for all to see. Initially he was reluctant about divulging his full glory and nature to everyone, but over time, and as their understanding grew, he began to open up to his apostles about his coming suffering, death and ultimate purpose; as well as their role in the plan. He used parables, and open debates as well as fearless rebukes to draw the attention of all, particularly the religious leaders, to who he truly was. Yet, in spite of his devoutness and moral clarity; in spite of his scholarly focus, selfless love and tenderness; in spite of his gracious power- healing the sick, raising the dead, forgiving the sinners.... He was DESPISED and REJECTED by all of them. Nothing he said or did was enough for them.
'Despise' is a very strong word, expressing a very strong feeling. According to various dictionaries, it means to feel deep contempt for, to hate, to be repulsed by, to find intolerable or unbearable, to loathe, to regard as negligible or find distasteful. How can anyone willingly swallow that which they find distasteful? How would anyone accommodate something which they are repulsed by? Who in their normal reasoning would seek to esteem that which the feel deep contempt for? Such were the true feelings in the minds of those who led Jesus to the Cross. From the disciples who betrayed him, the priests and pharisees who judged him, to the people who falsely accused him, and on to the Romans who crucified him. Some despised him because they hated what he stood for, others because they couldn't bear to suffer with him. For one reason or the other, each group in its own way, despised him. And the only reason they could afford to REJECT him, was because they had first come to DESPISE him. But remember who it is they have despised. The same one who they knew so well, even in his earthly form. He gave them no reason whatsoever, for this contempt with which they handled his testimony. They despised Jesus, the Carpenter's son. They despised Jesus the healer. They despised Jesus the great teacher of truth. They despised Jesus the fearless judge. They despised Jesus the merciful Rabbi. They despised the One whom John had called 'the Lamb of God'. They found him repulsive, distasteful, loathsome, intolerable, unbearable... all for being and doing NOTHING WRONG.
He was despised, and REJECTED (cast off-dismissed as inadequate or unacceptable, thrown off, considered incompetent or unfit for a purpose). This should cause one to wonder, what other purpose did they have in mind for which this glorious Prince was unfit, unworthy, and most unnecessary? Even today, we find that in our own lives we daily disregard the Prince of Glory. We treat him as though of low esteem. We fail to prioritise his counsel, and his fellowship. We fail to prioritise his fear in our hearts. And for this reason, we would often find that as other things, cares , ambitions and fears, take over our souls, we do no differently from those who first betrayed him to the Romans. In the same way that they were familiar with his upbringing and his activities in the light among them, so also are we today. Many who still deny the Lordship of Jesus do so out of choice; a choice they do not realise is being made within them whenever they prefer the opinion of men to the eternal Word of God. People travel thousands of miles to explore an idea, or visit a historic sight, or seek out a lost relative. So why not set out to explore the truth in Christ? He has done nothing wrong. Jesus is alive even today, and you can find him just by examining your heart in the light of his Word, and doing a sincere search of the scriptures...even online. He still heals the sick, raises the dead, provides for the needy; and yes, he still saves the lost. But many today still cast him off as offensive; like an inappropriate view or philosophy. For many people, Jesus Christ is rejected, as incompetent, unacceptable, dated, out of touch and unnecessary. They consider him unsuitable and inadequate for their life's purposes.
The gospel of John puts it this way: "Even in his own land and among his own people, the Jews, he was not accepted."2
God's answer is this: 'Give me your heart, and I will heal your anger and bitterness towards me. I will give you a heart of flesh that can see me for who I am and embrace me in my love for you. The bitterness against Jesus is not natural. It is the reaction of the enemy within'. But only you and I can decide if that enemy can continue in residence over our souls or if he must evict urgently so that our Daystar can dawn with grace and beauty. Perhaps it's time to face the truth about Jesus. Maybe it's time to stop hiding our faces from his Light. He is good. He is true. He saves. He is still relevant today... and you can know this. He himself, calls you his own. Now, what say ye?
PRAYER: Dear Lord, I find that I can no longer hide my face from you. I have pretended to know that which I have never sought out. Today I come to you, humbly, seeking your light. Help me see your innocence and my guilt, that I may experience the power of your forgiveness on that tree. Free my heart to love you. In Jesus name, amen.
.1).Matthew 5:11 NIV .2). John 1:11 TLB
Verses for Vessels
Today's passage throws some light on the challenge before everyone who hears the gospel. There is immediately a need to resolve the paradox or declare him untrue. God promised a saviour in Christ, but the ways...
Easter Lights 2...
"He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him." - Isaiah 53:2 NIV
Still on the suffering Prince,
A Paradox?...
Today we pause to ponder this verse about his nurture and his appearance to men. When one considers the words of this verse, it could almost appear to be a paradox when taken as a whole. A paradox is a statement that may seem contradictory in itself, but still true when considered. He grew up before him, it says, as a tender shoot, like a root out of dry ground. Imagine a sun scorched earth yielding a tender shoot, what could be more attractive, refreshing, hopeful, and even, beautiful to behold, than such a sight. It speaks of renewal. It speaks of replenishing after a drought or famine. It speaks of what can be, which is now becoming. To a farmer, or a land owner, or any survivors of draught, surely this must be a most desirable and welcome sight! Ahh!.... after the blight, after the years of languishing, after the season of great hardness and difficulty, behold, a tender shoot appears! Yes!!? But No. Not quite so. The verse continues by declaring, more or less, that this same tender shoot, had no desirable beauty nor majesty. Now that to me is a paradox.
As appears...
So why, if we may ask, has such a thing happened? The tender shoot is still the appearing one. The tender shoot is still the manifest one. Yet in his appearance, and by reason of his appearance, we fail to see his majesty and his beauty. Is it our eyes or is he playing duplicity? The passage does not suggest that he changed, no, not at all; Only that we, from our observation and assessment of his appearance and form, found no desire for such a One. Assuredly, we would be enthralled by the tender shoot, inspired by his resilience, his breaking through dry earth, his birthing a new beginning, if that was what we all could see. It is who he is. It is his essence. But he chose a form of appearance that would not be quite as inspiring nor commanding any reverence and awe. He chose to present himself in simple wrappings of normal social, economic and religious outlook. Nothing fancy. Nothing glamorous.
Christ, Jesus...
Christ our tender shoot and Jesus son of Joseph and Mary. Christ our redeemer, formed as Jesus the Carpenter's son. Christ our sinless saviour, parades as the homeless rabbi; a so called rabble rouser, great with words but weak with the authorities and accused of blasphemy and sedition- the worst of religious and political sins. Christ our King, unveiled as a willing feet-washing servant, who had to borrow money from a fish to pay his tax. Christ our resurrection and life, becomes Jesus the bruised battered and crucified, who would weakly plead for water to quench his thirst on the cross; and die a most ignoble death of shame and disrepute. Of course, such is not the appearance that any of us would heartily embrace. This is not the majesty that we heard spoken of him. How could the Prince of Peace be at war with his own people? How could the Son of God be subject to the councils of the sons of men? Indeed, it's a paradox....
The Great difficulty...
Today's passage throws some light on the challenge before everyone who hears the gospel. There is immediately a need to resolve the paradox or declare him untrue. God promised a saviour in Christ, but the ways and means by which we encounter him would often baffle and perplex the human soul. When we hear the Word of God, it exposes the great difficulties, and struggles, that anyone who chooses to believe would face throughout our earthly journey. While on earth it would almost appear as though Jesus was deliberately throwing people off his course by repeatedly advocating hard sayings and difficult positions of righteousness. 'If any man must follow me, let him deny himself and take up their cross daily 1. Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me 2. Whoever does not believe in me is condemned already 3. If your eyes cause you to sin , gauge it out 4. Blessed are you when people insult you and revile you and lie against you for my sake 5. The Son of man must suffer and die 6. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other' 7. Surely, these 'forms' are by no means desirable to any mortal flesh. Yet they are the form of the tender shoot.
The book of Philippians paints a clearer picture of this tender shoot and his chosen form of appearance:
'Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!' - Phil 2:6-8
I wonder how many are initially drawn to Christ, to his glory, his miraculous power, but struggle to follow Jesus, the man of Galilee in his humanity and selfless death. We all would want his glory. None would loathe his fresh springs of inspiration. All would welcome his resurrection. But these, apparently, are only made available to those who would embrace his appearance as well. For indeed he suffered, and left us an example that we should suffer with him 8 -not very desirable. The tender shoot, would always come among us in forms and appearances that at first, can trouble our experiences and our hearts. This is the nature of the suffering Prince.
A messy invitation...
As we continue to make preparations for Easter, let us reflect on the tender shoot, who without earthly sword, or political might, pierced his way through the sun scorched earthly system and still remained tender. If you are yet to believe, he has left us all with no doubt about his intentions through his actions at the Cross. He was sent to save us from sin and death. He died on that Cross for all of us. Yet he invites us, in his unseemly form: clothe in tattered robes, sunken eyes, bleeding gums, swollen lips, bruised and battered back, aching sides, ruined earthly reputation (you'll be amazed at the things Jesus has been blamed for in our world even today), and death. He invites us to come to him and be saved by faith in him- the tender shoot that births renewal and strength. He invites you today...
Will you come to the tender shoot? Will you stay with him, in spite of his form.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I humbly come before you today. You are the King of glory, yet your paths among us can sometimes be dusty and bruising. Today, I thank you for reminding me that your appearance may not always be desirable, but your substance is forever pleasing. Help me to still see your beauty and majesty, through every storm I may face. Help me not to turn away from difficult moments with you. Strengthen me to bear my cross with faith and grace in my heart, because you are my tender shoot. In Jesus name, amen.
References: (NIV)
.1).Luke 9:23 .2).Matthew 10:37 .3).John 3:18 .4).Matthew 18:9 .5).Matthew 5:11 .6). Mark 8:31 .7). Matthew 5:39 .8). 1Peter 2:21
Verses for Vessels
If you've come to hear that His suffering was for all mankind; that the judgement He faced was the one we deserved... will you now believe?
Easter Lights....
"Who has believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" - Isaiah 53:1 NIV
12 days hence...
In just over 11days from now, the body of Christ, Christians all over the world, will be celebrating Easter. Also called Pascha, the event commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Jesus, the Son of God, became the Son of man and died a mortal death, following His brutal suffering and execution at the powerful hands of the Roman authorities who ruled Judea at the time.
Long ago
Before His appearance among men, there was a general expectation and curious search by many through generations, for that Prophet, of whom Moses spoke; that messiah to come. In fact, many people arose from time to time claiming to be 'the One', but, they proved not to be. However God left no doubt about the heritage, mission, and sacrifice of that 'One'. In no other passage, is the prophecy of his suffering and purpose more clearly stated than The book of Isaiah, chapter 53. But before we are even told of what was to befall Him, we find the question being asked... "Who has believed our message?".
Today, even today, He still asking that question where are those that have believed? Who has believed the message of His great grace? Some still sneer at Him on that cross, imagining it was well deserved. Others remain indifferent. Some are still enraged by His claim of divine Sonship and His call to repentance from sin and dead works. While others consider it civil to merely tolerate, even accommodate Him. By and large, many more are yet to actually BELIEVE His message; His testimony.
As we count down to this festive date, I call on us to consider our positions on the Easter story. God asked the question in Isaiah..."Who has believed our message?" If you stood face to face with the bleeding Jew upon the Roman tree with a crown of thorns upon his head. If you've come to hear that His suffering was for all mankind; that the judgement He faced was the one we deserved. If, as now, you are hearing that God sent Him to save us all from sin and Judgement, and that that salvation can come to ALL who would believe... Will you believe? Will you now believe, or would you walk away? Would you now believe or would you stand and stare? Will you believe?
Have you believed?
PRAYER: Dear Lord, just as I am I come to the foot of the cross. I take in that which you have clearly laid bare before all eyes- your Son on the altar for me. Help me believe you. I believe you. Thank you Jesus. Amen.
Verses for Vessels
Whenever a sentence starts with 'but', it is about to express a contrast. It's like the flow of thought comes to a junction at that word, and indicates by that very word, that a turn is about to be made, to the right or to the left. ...
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8 NIV
The Conjunction
Whenever a sentence starts with 'but', it is about to express a contrast. It's like the flow of thought comes to a junction at that word, and indicates by that very word, that a turn is about to be made, to the right or to the left. And we find this contrast in the verse previous, that is verse 7. Paul in this chapter of Romans is explaining the gift of God's salvation in Christ and contrasts that with the judgement that came on all by Adam. In the progress of his thoughts on the subject, he suggests that it is difficult and rare for someone to die for another's sins or offences. No matter how sympathetic you may have felt about a cousin or daughter or parent who may have broken the law, I am yet to see evidence of anyone actively soliciting the courts for the privilege of taking on a loved one's sentence on themselves. We don't do that. Ok, maybe people could put themselves and their reputation on the line for someone who they deem respectable and innocent of a crime. Yet, when a severe punishment on the supposed 'innocent' person is prescribed, we find it 'safer', even more 'reasonable', to campaign actively for their vindication than appeal to take on the punishment on their behalf. This was Paul's presentation...
Fatal Consequence
But God... does His differently. You see, we were sinners. We were guilty as charged. And the punishment was more severe than a milestone around the neck. The Law is just. The Law giver is just. The recipients of the Law and those whose only excuse was their ignorance, proved unworthy of the Law. By the requirements of the same Law, and in the justice of the Law giver, a just and right punishment for transgressing the Law was meet unto all. Such a punishment must also have to be according to the Law. According to the Law, the soul that sins shall die"1. That way "you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge" 2. We had no hope but to face the full weight of the wrath of God. Pain, grief, sorrow, punishment, death, eternal separation, loss of authority, loss of dominion forever, loss of our divine identity, loss of ...God. We were sinners...
While we were...
But God. ...While we were still sinners, He asked the question "who shall go for me and who shall I send?". While we were still sinners, He said, "Here I am, send me"3. While were still sinners, a virgin conceived and brought forth a man-child. While we were still sinners, He companied with task collectors and prostitutes, espousing the good news of God's Kingdom and grace. While we were still sinners, He walked among us, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils. While we still sinners, Jesus spoke up for the accused and the guilty, and forgave the weak and the double minded. While we were still sinners, He fed the hungry, brought about a boat sinking harvest, even gave us authority over demons and devils. While we were still sinners He invited 'one of us' into paradise on a 'same-day' ticket. But even these would not suffice. They all were mere 'empathy cards' to the guilty on death row. ...while we were yet sinners. The true and final act, the unexpected turn, the twist in the story, was to come at the end of three hours of hell's fury, in the face of heaven's displeasure and earth's disgust. Jesus the sinless Son of God, after a loud and soul rending cry to the Father who had just forsaken Him, breathed His last earthly breath, and ...DIED, ...for US 4. WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS!
But God! Ah! What love! How beautiful! How graceful! What an earthly demonstration of Divine love! The devil, the Law, even our own souls were expectant of God's certain judgement. But God. Right now today, there are those who may have accepted within their hearts the ultimate and 'just' recompense for their ways. You may have told yourself, I deserve this sickness; my ways were unwholesome. I have abused my body, my time, my opportunities, and my helps. You may be saying to yourself, I deserve the isolation from friends and family. I deserve the pain and fury of those I have hurt or harmed. I deserve the judgement of the state and the law of the land. Or you could be on the side, affirming the suffering of another, believing it to be well deserved. You think to yourself, they broke the law so they should go to jail. They lacked self control, so they deserve the unwanted pregnancy. They were unfaithful in their marriage so they don't deserve their wife and kids. Or, they are sinners, so, yes, they're destined for Hell! Hmmm... Well... wait one minute. Every life approaches a bend at the Cross of Christ. I hear the Master switch on the indicator. In the text above He points us to a turn and a twist in the story... But God! Hallelujah! Love, God's gracious love, can interrupt the narrative and change every outcome through the Cross of Jesus Christ... while we are still sinners. Glory to God!
Even Now
If this speaks of you or someone you know, then waste no time in heading to the Cross. This passage is a loud and clear 'indicator' from God that you can have a different outcome, regardless of how fast and furious your travel may have been. God intervened at the Cross. He still intervenes at the Cross. He laid, not just His reputation on the line, but His life and blood was shed for humans to find their way back home to the Heavenly Father's heart again.
Our mistake often, is that we want to make everything right, before we come to God. We want to tidy up the house and put things in order for this honourable guest. But He does not care much about your efforts which amount to nothing without Him. Of course, the house needs tiding up, but we would hardly know where everything ought to be without switching on the light. Plus, it's His house. So He alone knows where best to place those items currently in disarray about our lives and situations. If He died while you were yet a sinner, it may well be best to let Him in, while you are yet a sinner. Righteousness with God only BEGINS, when He steps in. Jesus had this to say in the book of Revelations...
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." 5
The Light is come. The choice is clear. God has demonstrated His love. Will you demonstrate yours? Will you let Him have the House He paid for? He will put it all together when you do.
PRAYERS: Dear Lord Jesus, I have tried several times to get it together and I keep failing. I now see why. I accept that you have loved me in spite of me. Today, by faith, I also accept to love you in spite of me. I yield my life, and trust your grace to save me from sin and death. Thank you for your amazing grace. In Jesus name, amen.
References: 1.) Ezekiel 18:4 2.) Psalm 51:4 3.) Isaiah 6:8 4.) Matthew 27:50. 5.) Revelations 3:20
Verses for Vessels
This is a prophecy about the end of time. But it can also be a prophecy that ends all...
'I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: “Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They’re his people, he’s their God. He’ll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone.” The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate.” ' Rev 21:3-5 MSG
Halleuyah!! We've got a new neighbour! He lives in, with, among, about, around, and just next to us- healing, reviving, renewing, refreshing, restoring. He is here, making ALL things new. This is a prophecy about the end of time. But it can also be a prophecy that ends all vain labour and toil and tears, if we can enter its rest by faith. God is in the 'Hood.... Reach in, reach up, reach out and make Him welcome. After all, we are meant to be His dwelling place, His temple. Glory to God!
Prayer: Dear Lord, your promise to dwell among us is true and I believe it. It is not just a future I look forward to; it is also a present reality for my my life and walk with you. I surrender every tear that I have shed, and every pain that I feel or have felt, and every old way of seeing things, over to you today. Give me new eyes to see your world. Thank you for making me new in Christ and for choosing to live in me, and among my brethren. In Jesus name, amen.
Verses for Vessels
But He knew she was not shy.. no. Not at all. He was thirsty... and so was she.
'Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans).' - John 4:6-9 NIV
Who's there?
As she approached the well, she pulled her veil, which was coming loose from strong afternoon breeze, closer to her face. But it was also just as good that she had done so; because no sooner had she adjusted her wrappings, than she saw him there, sitting at the well. It was very dry and dusty this time of the year. From the form, and the frame, it was.... yes, definitely a man. And he is clearly not from this area, otherwise he would not be here at such a time. It could be that he was a traveller, stopping to rest and drink. But as she got to the well, there was no mistaking who this man was- A Jew! She hissed to herself. 'One of them', she thought to herself. At that instance, she decided to pay him no heed at all. She had enough troubles on her mind for now; and she needed to hurry back home. He didn't stare at her, but he did glance in her direction. Ok, she admitted to herself- brown eyes, thick black hair, and a well kept mane; he does look handsome. But, no. He's a Jew, and right now, she is exhausted .... She pulled her mind back and quickly turned her attention to the well. She looked down into Jacob's well, as she unfurled the rope, and her bucket. It landed with a thud and a splash as she fetched and filled the first of two large jugs she had come with. She was just about to throw in for a second fetch when he spoke.... to her.
He thirsts, she thirsts
Ah! here comes a Samaritan woman. He was truly thirsty and had no buckets to fetch with. So it must have been with some sense of relief that He welcomed her approach as she drew near and began to draw her water. Yet before she came up to where He was, He saw it. She was thirsty too. In fact, she was famished. As He continued to think on this, it became even clearer how needy she was of God's refreshing help and hope. If only... Samaritans hated the Jews, and the feeling was mutually shared by most Jews, so He was conscious of her prejudice against His kind; His race. Still her need for life was so glaring, it could not be concealed by feelings of hatred or indifference. She was thirsty... and so was He. She does not know it, but He does. She would not ask. But now He must. So He steps up and initiates what He hopes would lead to .... “Will you give me a drink?” . He saw it. She was slightly startled to hear Him speak... to her. He somehow expected this. Especially as she had made no effort at greeting the stranger, and carefully avoided all eye contact. But He knew she was not shy.. no. Not at all. He was thirsty... and so was she.
The End.
Stranger alone
And so we come to the concluding treatise on the woman at the well. The conversation awkwardly begins with Jesus a Jew and a stranger and a man by Himself, asking a woman, who was a Samaritan, and had come to the well all by herself, for a drink of water. I pause to note that this lonely, private and separate place is one of the choicest places the Holy Spirit uses to draw our attention to Himself. It is often in such a state of vulnerable aloneness with God, that we can be, and, are more open to encounter the depths of His truth and transforming power that our busy and cluttered lives never afford us. In the book of Genesis when Jacob heard that Esau was approaching with an army, he was terrified in his heart. He tried his schemes and cunning, but they must have felt like used rags. He needed something that worked. He needed a guarantee beyond himself.. And so it was that after sending away the closest members of his family, and all his possession to the other side of the river Jabbok, 'Jacob was left alone, and a man came and wrestled with him all night' 1. This woman came here to get water, at this time of day, perhaps because she really needed the privacy of this time. And so did He, for her sake.
Unusual request
'Give me water to drink'. We often forget that Jesus was fully the Son of man as He was fully the Son of God. He felt hunger, thirst, needs, desires, fears, and other human feelings like every human being. Hence the scriptures say He is touched with our feeling of infirmities, and that he was tempted in every way yet without sin 2. But his natural needs often became subservient to His spiritual need. As such, when I say He thirsts, we soon see that it was not just for the water that man can offer, but for the water that only the Spirit can burst forth. He thirsts for the fruit of our vine in Him. He thirsts for what we can and should be experiencing in Him. He wants to see this Life happen in and to us by the Holy Ghost. Even right now, He is thirsty for your release. He's thirsty for your healing. He is thirsty for your liberty and joy in the Spirit. He is thirsty for your knowledge of God's amazing grace! How can this possibly be? Because deep calls out to deep. The depth and richness of His grace, cries out to the depth of emptiness and drought, that occupies every soul that is without the knowledge Christ.
Nothing to draw.. with
Many times we try, like this woman, to assess for ourselves, 'How could He possibly satisfy my needs, when I already have the tools I need to do so, and He does not?'. She had her water jugs. She had her bucket. She had her ropes. And the well was deep! That could be you. Perhaps you reckon you have all you need to deal with the situation: professional counselling sessions; deep meditations; yoga; some money in the bank or a good sponsor; the test results are not quite good, but the recommended treatment has worked for many, as long as you keep to it etc. But these may be but mere ropes and buckets for a temporal solution. The issues of life are often much deeper than appears to the naked eye. Jesus is willing and ready to offer an eternal solution with temporal benefits. Yet we stop to ask, or say to Him, ''You have nothing to draw with?!" Everything He needs to draw with are already in our hands, if only we would hand them over. Your stress and anger, could be a rope and a bucket in His hands. Your poverty and lack, could be a rope and a bucket in His hands. Your relationship breakdown, could be a rope and bucket in his hands. Your sickness or disease, could be a rope and a bucket in His hands. Your sin and addiction, could be a rope and bucket in His hands. Your wealth and achievements, could be a rope and a bucket in His hands (remember the rich young ruler, 3) . Your present situation...whatever has brought you to this place of private and quiet reflection about life, could be a rope and a bucket in His hands. But first, we must know to whom we speak.
If you knew...
Ever had the pleasure of receiving a call from someone who goes on talking about stuff you couldn't quite place. They sound confident and familiar, but it could very well have been a phone call from Mars, because you do not know, or were yet to know, who it is that was speaking. The human mind likes to categorise and compartmentalise. It's how we learn. It's how we organise our knowledge. So we could find ourselves saying to the caller; 'Sorry please, but who are you? and what's this about?' Then they could comeback with a brief apology, a proper introduction, and a rehashing of what they were trying to say earlier. Now it could make sense, because you are connecting this information to a known or acknowledged source. Everything begins to have some context. You would often find that with an introduction friends become more relaxed, the tone is friendlier, and there is more trust. Jesus thinks it may be best to get acquainted with Him first, rather than worry about how He plans to deal with the issues that surround our lives. To this woman He said, "If you knew the gift of God and who it was that was asking you for a drink, you would ask Him.."4. So, before trying to figure out how He plans to deeply satisfy your soul, you may want to ask Him in all honesty, Lord, who really are you? Because, out of that truth when you have it, you can ask Him anything 5, and it will be yours. Do you know to whom you speak? Do you know of whom we speak? He would like to make a proper introduction.
Life giver
Jesus said to this woman, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life." 6 That is His abiding promise for you and me. He wants to give us His water of life. A water that wells up from within us... and abides evermore. All other kinds of water will leave us thirsty again, and again, and again. She came to want such a water. The woman asked Jesus for such a precious water of life, so she wouldn't need to keep coming to the well to draw water. The labour, and stress, and routine of empty religion would always leave us exhausted. But the gift of God always brings relief! Many have come to ask for such a water. But to them as to her, He asks something of us. He needs our ropes and buckets, as it were. For her, she needed to confront her lifestyle, and that confrontation was His rope and bucket down into her depths, not to draw, but to fill her up. He needs yours today. Will you give it?
He knows..
In their ensuing conversation, this precious lady comes to conclude that Jesus must be a prophet because He had exposed her to herself in a very unusual way. Which is very much the daily experience of all who truly walk with the Lord. He is a revealer. He reveals himself. He reveals the heart of the father, and He reveals when we must make amends however inconvenient it may be. For the testimony of Jesus is in the spirit of prophecy 7. 'You have had five husbands, and the one you are now with is not your husband', and He somehow knew it. You may have been stealing from the common purse; He knows it. May have been cheating on the other half; He knows it. You may have been burdened with a sense of guilt about something you have done or was done to you, He knows it already. And knowing He knows, but still loves you, can make a world of difference in our attitude to a genuine relationship with God. But it would appear that it was not the number of husbands that troubled her, but the lack of one; one with whom she could truly be one. 'I have no husband', she said. 'You are right', He replies. When was the last time anyone told her she was right? But she had to be truthful to this man. And so should you. Vulnerable, honest, earnest...
I am He...
Still trying to present a religious and self righteous front, this lady shifts the conversation to temple worship, and begins to compare religions. 'We say here and you say there'. Religious comparisons and comparative religion, offer no opportunity for real depth with God. Jesus effectively counters by saying, 'Neither". Rather, those that would worship God must do so in spirit and in truth... 'For such the Father seeketh' 8. This fails to satisfy her as she seems to resign her argument by declaring that when Christ comes, he'll make all things clear. You could almost see how the conversation that started on an earthly watering hole, ascended to the very throne of grace; right where He could finally bring her to her inmost quest and prayer. She wanted the voice of the Christ to resolve all her doubts. But she had no clue to whom she had been speaking. Yet now, at the crescendo of all their small talk, as it were, He boldly and firmly announces to her weary ears, 'I am He!" 9 Halleluyah! You could feel the fountains of her soul burst open as she weighed those heavy words. Now everything made sense! What manner of man is this?! A while later, His disciples return. They find Him with a woman, alone. But no longer thirsty, nor hungry. His meat had been well served in her fulfilment. And neither was she thirsty anymore; her joy and fulfilment could scarcely be contained. This was water. This was life! This was ...some man! She was running down to the city to spread this joy!!!
And you?...
In many ways, Jesus is still sitting by the well, waiting for the next person... Could that be you? Will you open up to His loving help? He still thirsts... for you. Would you like to know Him? Will you give the cares over to Him? He is Christ Jesus, God's anointed Saviour for you, and me, and all the world.
Prayer: Dear Lord, today, I surrender all to you. I thought I needed some water, but I realise all I truly need is you. I cast every care and burden upon you. Let me know you more, each and everyday. Thank you for making me free. Thank you for this fountain of your life welling up in my soul. In Jesus name, amen.
.1) Genesis 32:22-24 NIV .2) Hebrews 4:15 KJV .3) Matthew 19:20-22 .4) John 4:10 NIV .5) John 14:14 NIV .6) John 4:13-14. .7) Rev 19:10 KJV .8) John 4:23-24 KJV .9) John 4:26 KJV
Verses for Vessels
The road to Galilee was always 'shorter' if you avoided Samaria. But not for the Master. He saw it differently. He saw everything differently. We understood He wanted some time away from all the contradictions He was facing from the Pharisees. We understood that Galilee was home. He had friends and family there. He was welcome. But we struggled to understand why He HAD to go through this region...
"So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” - John 4:5-7 NIV
Burning Desire
Every soul must know when to seek it's safe place, its resting place. Foxes have holes and birds have their nests. Galilee was where He grew up. It's where He is known and accepted. Nearly all His disciples were from there. After a while it really does get tiring- the debates, the proud arguments, the unnecessary comparisons. How much more evidence would they need? John had declared it; he did not lie. His words and the signs have shown it. But these teachers of the Law, who ought to know, but whose eyes are blinded by their own self will, refusing to hear or see Him; they prefer to argue, rather than enquire. They love to debate rather than engage with the truth with an open heart. O how I long to show them. O how I yearn to unveil myself to them. And O how I must not! They will have to seek me. And they will find me when they seek me with all their heart. Like Nicodemus. One of the teachers he was, but he rose above his own prejudice and attended to the earnest thirst of his own soul. He was keen to know. He showed great desire to understand. Of a truth, the things I offer can only be discerned by those whose heart are renewed. Those whose spirits have been made alive again. You must be born again. Would that all the teachers of the Law were born again! But no. The Father's pleasure is presently what they are neither willing to pursue nor inclined to explore. That is, most of them. Yet Nicodemus came through all that, seeking the answer from the Lord Himself. It is good to know and to see that there is at least one from among them... As for many of their company, they are rather consumed at present by their need to be approved by themselves- comparing my works with John's; comparing themselves with themselves. And presently, I am consumed by a different sort of need. I need to move away from here for a while. There is yet much disdain. They that are whole need no physician. I seek the sick. I am at home with the homeless and the humble.
Route less?
We head north. Back to Galilee. He was insistent we go through Samaria. We could not say no. We had left all to follow. But in our former life, going to Galilee through Samaria was not welcome by most reasonable people of devout faith. How would you even begin to tell of your journey... ? That you let your Jewish feet touch the dusts of that forsaken and apostate region. How unworthy you would become to all friends and family. Which is why, although the other route was much longer and on the other side of the Jordan, going through the region of Perea and Decapolis- more than twice the length of the journey through Samaria, the road to Galilee was always shorter if you avoided Samaria. But not for the Master. He saw it differently. He saw everything differently. We understood He wanted some time away from all the contradictions He was facing from the Pharisees. We understood that Galilee was home. He had friends and family there. He was welcome. But we struggled to understand why He HAD to go through this region of idol worshipping, and law compromising people who had once been followers of the faith. For Samaria was the capital of the rebellion, after the kingdom was divided. And the northern kingdom rejected the house of David and set up their own temple, defying the Laws and the commandments. Then after the kingdom fell they freely intermarried with various peoples and became a truly mixed multitude. They were a living vision of what happens when we abandon the true faith and compromise God's standards. So why would anyone with knowledge of the Law, and faith in the true God, want to mingle with these people?
We have been walking now for just over 12 miles. We may have been thinking these things in our minds, but none of us was bold enough to say a word. The sun, the heat, the dry dusty roads; it was getting to us. But He? He seemed more exhausted than the rest of us. He looked tired and weary. As we approached the well before Sychar, Jacob's well it was, He stopped. He looked like He might fall from his weariness. Not quite staggering, but with rather unsteady steps, He walked to the side of the well ... and sat down. At that point as he turned and looked up, our eyes met. I saw that look, like someone who had just accomplished what He set out to do; it looked as if there was rest in His eyes, as though He was all in a hurry to be here at this time. Mindful of His state as we mostly saw it, we dashed into Sychar, the town nearby to buy some food for Him. As we left Him there by Himself, I wondered about those eyes... what was He thinking? What did He know? Regardless of what He may be thinking, or what He may know, we knew how hot and dry the route had been, and how hungry and thirsty He had to be. So I turned my mind to the things we had to do to meet His urgent need. We had to buy Him some food. I'm glad Judas is here.. he's got the purse.
To be continued...
Knowing when to speak and when to walk away is both an art and a skill that we have to develop if we must survive our own assignments by God. It is quite easy to assume that because a 'Word' is from God, that your audience MUST hear it. One of the greatest and most powerful gifts given to man is the gift of freewill. It is a wonderful irony that the God who made all things, and also commands that all His creation bow to Him, removes from Himself the necessity of imposing Himself on humans by giving every living soul the freedom to choose. We can choose to love Him. And, we can choose to reject Him. But our choices though free, do not remove us from their consequences. It is such difficulty that often strains the heart of a missionary, who, knowing the terror of God, strives to persuade men and women everywhere. This art of persuasion can be fraught with rejection and disdain and amazement. This was the experience of Jesus. Hence, it would appear, He felt the need to get away. We learn the lesson of knowing when to pull back; to retreat, and return.
And because of the emotional and spiritual drain that we can suffer as ministers of the gospel, you would be helping your precious soul by having a place and space where you can go, and return, and be welcome, for who you are: as a son, a daughter, a brother, a husband, a wife, a carpenter, a tent maker.... an ordinary human being who happens to be God's vessel for the hour. Failure to recognise our own inner thirst as we seek to fulfil others' can be both dangerous and devastating in its consequences. In the long run, he that watereth HAS to be watered as well. As we continue the reflection on the passage above, take time to consider how well you have been watered of late. No matter how tedious or tortuous your journey may have been, 'there remains a rest to the people of God' 1 .There is nothing unspiritual or immature about stopping, ceasing from all work, and accepting that EVEN YOU, are thirsty too. If you would take some time out to do so, you would almost find your self by THE WELL AT SYCHAR. And if you are there already, then hold on for a little while more. Let the carers do their thing. Let the board make the decisions. Let your minders do what they must, while you wait on the Lord. Wait, I say, Wait. Something is about to happen...
Prayers: Dear Lord, I thirst for you. I long for your refreshing of my soul. More than works, much more than all charity, I need you to come flooding through. Today I have heard your voice. I choose to wait on you. Come Lord Jesus and set my fountains loose. In Jesus name, amen
Reference: .1) Hebrews 4:9 KJV
Verses for Vessels
So this time of day was a good one to go for water because she should have the place to herself, as the women usually wait till evening when the sun is low and the heat not so strong, to fetch at the well. And just thinking...
"So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” - John 4:5-7 NIV
Picture this...
So, again she has all this cleaning and washing to do. Plus the cooking and all other domestic needs that require that she makes available and have ready in her house, as much water as possible. So she's put all the items together to one corner: the dirty dishes outside the cooking place, the dirty laundry at the foot of her bed, and the empty drinking jars by themselves in the kitchen area. He, on the other hand, has gone off into the town not far away. He was meeting with some menfolk for some business; he would not say what. She couldn't be bothered too much. He has his life, she has hers. They just happen to live together. It's all she could ask for; all he could possibly afford. Though he comes from a wealthy home and does furnish her with some helpful income, he was slow or perhaps blind in his ability to see her. Yes, his ability to look beyond her painted eyes, and her flirty conversations, and the way she bakes her bread, into her soul. He was that poor. But she has had to make do somehow...
But he was neither the first nor the second. Nor the third, fourth or fifth for that matter. It's been a hard journey finding the right one. She's not even sure what that means anymore - 'the right one'. When the women speak about their husbands or fiances at the well, many of them who seemed quite happy at the start, were later looking dejected, bit unsure about their man.... She used to wonder 'whatever happened to all the excitements on the day of their engagement and marriage'. Until she got married... She doesn't want to go down that memory path. She pushes the thoughts away, and refocuses on her morning chores. She fetched her water Jar as she glanced around the house before leaving for Jacob's well nearby.
A lot has happened to her of late, and she prefers to resolve her issues quietly and privately, not for it to become the subject of the ladies gossip at the well and beyond. More over, she was not ignorant of all the rumours about her, and how her close friends now prefer not to be seen with her in public. So this time of day was a good one to go for water because she should have the place to herself, as the women usually wait till evening when the sun is low and the heat not so strong, to fetch at the well. And just thinking about the heat and the trek, she suddenly feels thirsty. She had better hurry... She has a lot to do and not much spare time for day dreaming.
To be continued...
Perhaps this may be you, like the woman in the passage. It can be exhausting trying to keep up with all the necessary 'tidyings' we need to keep our lives together. Every day can be an enormous challenge for some, just to get out of bed. There may be some history. There may be a story. For others, there could also be a drive, an aspiration or a determination to flee from the shackles of the past. There may be a quiet whisper of hope for a better future, a steady hand, a faithful companion. Whatever may be your state today, prepare to meet Fulfilment in the person and name of Jesus Christ, as we continue this brief exploration of the woman at the well.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I put my hope in you. In this season I choose to reflect on how my life has been. Help me see what you see about my journey so far. Give me the strength to leave the things I must and to cleave to you in surrender. May I find the strength that only you can give. I prepare for your visitation, in faith and with expectant joy. In Jesus name. Amen.
Verses for Vessels
Valleys may be low, but they provide a channel for streams and rivers to flow. Perhaps this valley is a great avenue for the rivers of His life to come flooding through...
"If only I knew where to find him;
if only I could go to his dwelling!" - Job 23:3
Recall, adversity
Last time, we looked at Job's intriguing question and his earnest search for God's dwelling. Job was driven by a desire, a desperate desire to meet with God. He felt he needed to; he felt he had to do this so as to, perhaps, find some relief from his immense suffering and sorrow. Job was in a truly low place in his life, a vulnerable place, yet from this end of his earth as it were, he was crying out for God. Throughout scripture we find that most people had their greatest encounters with the Almighty following a time of great adversity, sorrow, or despair. Adversity seems to have this unearthly ability to humble mankind to the point of seeking help from one greater. This is especially true for those who may have managed independently all their lives; so called self made individuals.
Curtains down
If you have gotten by in life without much visible divine interventions it is much easier and logical to excuse oneself from the idea of the divine, and the supernatural. Yet every so often, life pulls down those thick curtains of spiritual blindness using the levers of adversity- a sudden death, an unwelcome diagnosis, a relationship breakdown, some prolonged financial difficulty, a brutal betrayal... something that somehow manages to strip away to the core of who we are and shakes us violently forcing us to gaze beyond the veil. Then the previously unthinkable becomes a probable thought. Is there a God who truly cares? How can I find out? How can I find Him? Granted, not everyone who is so shaken chooses to look beyond the veil as job did. Some choose to seek other answers from what they have come to know, what has seemed to work for others or simply what they want to be able to agree with. But, if as is demonstrated over and over throughout scriptures, that adversity births new revelations of God for those who call Him in such hours, then what an opportunity it must be for any soul to have their years of ignorant bliss about the amazing grace of God, halted by these hours of great natural inconvenience.
On bended knees
God wants to be found. He wants to be sought, in blessing and in adversity. But we fail often. And we tire easily. So He established a truth for all who would dare- "My strength is made perfect in weaknesses"1. In the context of our passage today, that would be like saying, "My home is where you are weakest!" Glory to God! His home is with us! He wants to come home into your heart. He wants to come home into your situation. He wants to come home, into your relationships, your finances, your thoughts and ideas. Valleys may be low, but they provide a channel for streams and rivers to flow. Perhaps this valley is a great avenue for the rivers of His life to come flooding through.... on bended knees. A broken and contrite heart He will never despise 2. He that comes to Him will never be cast off 3.
In Isaiah, He declared that His name shall be called "Emmanuel, God with us"4. God with us in victory. God with us in triumph. God with us in persecutions. God with us in temptations. God with us in our falling, and God still with us in our rising. God with us in glory, and God with us in our shame. He is God with us: dwelling, seeking, guiding, teaching, cleansing, reproving, refining, restoring. Halleluyah! Perhaps, like Job you have come to ask that question... "where is God? How can I find Him". If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour, then know this, He IS with you, even now. If, on the other hand, you have never cared much for God, or religion or the Christian faith, then perhaps you are reading this for a very good reason today. Perhaps troubles, or thoughts, have led you to this point where the curtains are down and you may be wondering, 'Is there a God who loves me and truly cares all about me?' God through Christ Jesus, wants to make His home in you today, if only you will believe Him and let Him in. Jesus said “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them"5.
He wants His home. He wants to come to your dwelling. Will you give Him a home in you today?
Prayer: Dear Lord, I come to you on bended knees. You have seen my ways and you know all my thoughts. I asked for your dwelling; now I see that you are here, waiting.Today I surrender the weight of all my burdens and fears to your mighty hand. I believe your Word; that you are with me and that you care for me. And I choose to obey you from this day forward. Come and make your home in my heart, this day and always. In Jesus name, amen.
References: .1) 2Cor 12:9 .2) Psalm 51:17 .3) John6 :37 .4) Isaiah 7:14 .5) John 14:23
Verses for Vessels
It can be said that a heart that has been searching everywhere, has been searching with their all. They are most ready for God when He shows up as He promised He would. So let us draw near...
Photos by Cédric Dhaenens on Unsplash and Aaron Burden on Unsplash
"But if I go to the east, he is not there;
if I go to the west, I do not find him.
When he is at work in the north, I do not see him;
when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.
But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold." - Job 23: 8-10
I used to pride myself as someone who could find my way anywhere, anytime, so long as I keep my eyes open on my way to a place, I can find my way back out from there. I think I am naturally blessed with an internal GPS (Global Positioning System) that helps me sense which way is north or south. But I cannot count how many times I have lost my way and have had to ask local people, or reluctantly consulted my map for directions. Not many people are disposed to the same abilities as it were. Their strength may lie in the better judgement of simply researching and asking for directions at every turn, to and fro. Fortunately for me and many of like mind, one of the most brilliant inventions of the modern age, is the satellite navigation system or SatNav for short. It is now available on mobile phones, cars, and other navigational equipments. And it has proven to be a life safer, mostly, for many people. Since I discovered its refreshing benefits, I am quite relaxed about getting from A to B, if B has a verifiable postcode and A is where I am.
In the passage above, brother Job, in the midst of his suffering asks a rather unusual question for a man who seems to have had a genuine relationship with God for a while. He asks, "Where does God live?" If we paused there for a minute, you would agree that it is odd to call anyone your friend, if after 6months, or 3years of friendship, you still cannot tell where it is they bide at. But let's bear with Job for he is speaking from a place of extreme pain and despair. He felt so unjustly treated by God, he decided the matter was best settled face to face. No more talking to the air. No more speaking to someone whom he felt had become too distant from his affliction. No more. He wanted to take his case to God and confront the Holy One with his own strong arguments. But having prepared his case, having articulated his reasons, it was necessary to know exactly where this great confrontation must occur. It would be at God's house of course. But where would that be? Where does God live? What is His post code?
All over
Perhaps this is you. You want a chance to tell God everything you really think and feel about Him. No veils. No pretensions. No religious piety. And for some, perhaps, no reverence. You just want to see Him and tell "How could you be my God, and watch me suffer while you call it a test. How could you be so merciful and let my beloved spouse, son, daughter, mother or other relative, die so slowly or so suddenly, despite my faithfulness to you. How could you so silently watch on while I suffer? I have helped so many; why won't you help me? I need you to answer for yourself. I want to get you to a place where even you are also vulnerable. Where no preachers will protect you with lofty words of praise. Where no saints would cover your strange ways with various acts of charity. Where no religious practice can conceal the rawness of my emptiness from your apparent refusal to help me. I want to find you where you are." So, you may have searched all over for this place of God. To the east, and the west, and the south, and the north. But have yet to find Him anywhere there.
He'll find me
Apparently God has no post code. Or His address is yet to be registered on many of our SATNAVs. That appeared to be the case with Job. A loyal servant of God who could not tell His master's home address. But remarkably, Job leaves us with an astonishing revelation on the depth of His understanding and relationship with God. Job says, and I paraphrase, "I have searched everywhere and can't seem to find Him. But that's ok. He'll find me, because He's been observing my search all these while." "He knows the way that I take...!" Halleluyah! He knows the way you have been taking. He knows the frustrations. He knows the fears and the anger and the hurt and the journeys and the exhaustion and the betrayals, and the guilt, and the fear, and the faith, even when feeble. He knows the way that you have taken: searching, seeking, desiring, hoping, expecting, crying, believing, relenting, and believing again; He knows! With God, much more than where we have gone seeking for Him, He is moved by the fact that we went seeking for Him at all. And for that reason alone, He always shows up. He will come to us. He will find us, right where we are.
Draw Near
He said, if we draw hear to Him, He will draw hear to us 1. Again, He promised that we if we seek Him we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart 2. I believe a heart that has been searching everywhere, has been searching with their all. They are most ready for God when He shows up as He promised He would. So let us draw near with everything we have. Let's give Him room to reveal himself. We can ask Him for directions to His house because our SATNAVs fail us too often. He knows the way we take, so He can come to us in the way. Let Him find you in the Way today.
Prayer: Dear Lord, show me your way. I have searched and searched but have yet to find your way. But you know the way I take. Come Holy Spirit and guide my path to your place of abode. Take me to your rest. In Jesus name, amen.
References: .1) James 4:8 (KJV) .2)Jer 29:13 (NIV)
Verses for Vessels
Can you be seen to be truly different from the world, as a child of God? There is a blessing in Christ for those who walk the righteous path. Indeed...
"Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers". - Psalm 1:1-3
In today's passage we are invited to reflect on our steps, our stands, and our settled persuasions about the things of God. If God were to examine our conversations, our meditations and our activities, would they be found to be consistently godly? Or are we locked in step with the world on some issues, while claiming to stand for righteousness on others. When our curtains and shades are pulled apart would we be found to be truly different from the world that is lost, not knowing Christ nor the grace of God? Or would we be in danger of being lumped together with everyone else who mocks and scoffs at the idea of a loving, just and righteous God? Can you be seen to be truly different from the world, as a child of God?
As the passage shows, there is a blessing in Christ for those who walk the righteous path. Let us therefore seize this opportunity to renew our positions inwardly and outwardly to reflect the grace we have come to know. Indeed, the righteous think on the Lord and the wisdom of his ways all day long. Such a state of mind finds it easier to yield in obedience to God's commands, than the mind filled with the constant vacillations of the ungodly. As darkness increases all around us, it is time to shine the light, let it burn brightly. It is time to show clearly which path and which steps we have settled to walk in, as the blessed of the Lord.
Prayer: Dear Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in your sight always. Let me walk in your counsel. Let me stand on your Word. Let me sit with you in righteous authority and grace. May my thoughts be always on you and may my steps reveal you, each and every day. In Jesus name, amen.
Verses for Vessels
Men can come on and off in love like a light switch, but for women, it's more like preparing a pasta bake... It will take some time. But once she's in love, it would take her perhaps even longer to divest those depths of emotion. This is why she needs to know ...that this would last...
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness. I will build you up again,
and you, Virgin Israel, will be rebuilt.
Again you will take up your timbrels
and go out to dance with the joyful.
Again you will plant vineyards
on the hills of Samaria;
the farmers will plant them
and enjoy their fruit" - Jeremiah 31:3-5
Times and timing
Marriage and relationship counsellors would tell you, that if you want to get the best response from a woman you are married to or interested in, you have to create and sustain the right atmosphere. You have to study her, study her surroundings, understand her present priorities and then design a strategy that can arrest her affections from all these other things to yourself, for just one moment. For the impatient, that would be an impossible feat. But to the one who loves genuinely, it is a worthwhile adventure, the reward of which is sweeter than honey and more valuable than gold. If as a determined and prospecting bachelor you can find a way to make this a habit, then you are most certainly on course for a jubilant 'Yes!' Or, if you were married already, well, you would still be most delighted by the outcome. For the woman, more often than not, we find that it is about timing and place; or more precisely, timing and the atmosphere. Many reasons abound for what many consider a moody approach to love, but this is where there occurs that separation between the men and the boys. If you can accept and deliver your expressions of love in the right moment, it can seal the deal; if you can do so in and out of season, even better.
Will this last?
And while she may need the right settings (candle lights, sweet fragrance, a mind at rest et al) to be in a position to respond to your overtures, she would examine your love, across every season because one of her most primal needs is not just love... but security in love. Men can come on and off in love like a light switch, but for women, it's more like preparing a pasta bake... It will take some time. You see, it may take her time to build up the emotion but once she's in love, it would take her perhaps even longer to divest those depths of emotion. This is why she needs to know that you are serious. She needs to know that this would be worth her time. She needs to know that this would last...
Many times in the bible, we find that the woman is often used as a metaphor for the church, the body of Christ in general, or us as individuals, in our personal walk with Christ. Of course, we do know that God's love for mankind transcends all forms of human love- Eros, filial, platonic etc. His love is way higher; it is agape. The text before us today is not speaking about the types of love that our friends, parents, wives, husbands, or neighbours may show. Every human being who can show us love will at some point cease to be; and with their demise, so their active expression of their loves, however genuine and true. But God, understanding the deepest need of all our human souls for a love that is genuine, true, and secure for us, offers those wonderful words, as though from a groom to his new bride- "I am Committed forever, and I will show it everyday". That would be my own interpretation of "I have loved you with an everlasting love, and I have drawn you with my loving kindness" .One reason we should trust God is that over and over again, He shows us that He is not a mere talker. He walks the walk...literally. In the subsequent verses He begins to show that love by speaking restoration to Israel-this ruined nation; this dejected bride.
Build again
Perhaps you are the one to whom the Lord writes those words specifically today. You look at your life and wonder if there is anything left worthy of any man's love. To your left may be devastation; to your right could be debts and devils. Above you may be mountains and ceilings, and beneath could be past regrets and mistakes. Do not fret at all, Jesus, the Man of Galilee, loves you still. When God called you His own, He did so without regard to what you would face, where you may fail, or who you may fail to become. He made a choice to love you no matter what, as long as you live. Our deepest need for a secure love can only be met in Christ who has loved us with an everlasting love. And He wants you to know He is ready and willing to demonstrate that love to you each and everyday. First expression is that He sent His son to die on a rugged Calvary cross for you and me, offering anyone and everyone who believes in Him, everlasting life through Christ. He also gifts us His Holy Spirit who empowers us and helps us as God rebuilds our fallen lives from dust and ashes, to precious stones of glory and grace.
Even now
Will you take up His offer of this everlasting love? Will you give Him a chance to rebuild your testimony, again. If you do, all the promises of the text above will be yours by Christ Jesus. He will build you up again. You will sing with joy, again. You will plant vineyards (do great things), again. You will enjoy their fruits, again. I wouldn't hold out too long. You can trust His everlasting affection and genuine care.... beginning now.
Prayer: Dear Lord, I need you. O how deeply I need your love. Free my fretful heart to trust in your love for me. Let me know your loving kindness each and everyday. Rebuild, restore and renew my heart in your great love, now and always. Amen.
Verses for Vessels
Many people hear God’s instructions ... We know enough to understand that such is expected of us but we struggle to give up on how we want to see things pan out. As such we find our response is terribly distracted at best, or damagingly mollusc at worst. God says, “Go”...
"You came back and wept before the Lord, but he paid no attention to your weeping and turned a deaf ear to you. And so you stayed in Kadesh many days—all the time you spent there. Then we turned back and set out toward the wilderness along the route to the Red Sea, as the Lord had directed me. For a long time we made our way around the hill country of Seir. Then the Lord said to me, “You have made your way around this hill country long enough; now turn north"- Deuteronomy 1:45-46; 2:1-3 (NIV)
In 2013, DreamWorks produced a much loved children and family entertainment movie called Turbo, with many Hollywood A-list as casts. With a budget of about $127million, the movie went on to generate over $280million in Box office revenue that year1; not bad for an animated movie about a snail. Turbo, in the movie, is a speed-obsessed snail with a rather unusual dream. It wanted to become the world's greatest racer. Thanks to some bizarre accident, it acquires super speed power and embarks on a quest to enter and win a motor racing competition in Indianapolis. With great encouragement from his friends, a real determination to succeed, and some macho guts, Turbo overcomes his own personal limitations and wins the race. Fascinating stuff! And it was not just the kids who loved it. In real life though, snails or molluscs in general are not the best companions if you were looking to have a training partner for a speed race, let alone being contestants themselves. They are slow and lethargic, and can be very sensitive. Rather, you would need someone who understands directions; someone who has steady feet, is focused, and has some toughness of skin as it were; someone that would be good to go.
Hmm.. Yes? ish?
Ever had the privilege of sending your eight year old on an errand to the next room, while they are watching some children's movie. If yours are like mine, you may have to put in the request a few more times. Then they may get up, with their eyes still on the telly you find that their feet are walking straight into a wall because their minds are still on the telly and the movie. When they manage to locate the door, they linger there, not wanting to miss a moment of the movie, still taking it all in. Ok, its fifteen minutes later, and by this time your patience may be running on empty. You reckon it would have been better to simply go get the stuff yourself. And now, you notice they finally left the room. Relief!... Only to return a few seconds later to ask, "What was it you wanted me to get Dad?" And you muse to yourself, "If only you just focused, listened, and went as directed, the first time!" I'm sure many parents can relate.
All that time...
In today’s passage, after the Lord had told the Israelites that they could not enter the Promise Land because of their unbelief, they still decided to go back into the promise land by themselves and fight. But Moses counselled them against this; they wouldn’t hear him. They had cried and wept, but God did not care much for their show. He had said- “Go back towards the Red Sea!” But they wanted to have their way; this was repentance their own way. They went on and fought and lost and returned to God... and still stayed there! You could almost feel Moses’ frustration as he narrates this ordeal, adding at the end of chapter one, “all the time you spent there”. You see that short phrase reveals the state of heart we often have when we have either focused on what we want to do at the expense of what God has asked us to do. Many people hear God’s instructions and their response is not so different. We know enough to understand that such is expected of us but we struggle to give up on how we want to see things pan out. As such we find our response is terribly distracted at best, or damagingly mollusc at worst. God says, “Go”, but we spend time sulking at what we think we may lose by obeying God. Even when we don’t say a definite ‘No’, we employ several reasons why we shouldn’t be expected to obey ‘Now’, thereby delaying His agenda for us. They were unwilling to obey and may have thought: “Perhaps if we wept and cried long enough; what if we did other charitable works instead. We could sponsor others to go. Perhaps if we did any or all of these things, perhaps, over time, we may find that God would change his mind and let us back into the promise land”. But God is not a man2. God said, “God back!” He meant what he said. Yet, look at all the time they spent there. They were dragging their feet. But delayed obedience is also disobedience, for the king’s matter requires urgency3.
Once again...
Who knows why the Lord has brought this text to your attention today. I believe He wants to end delays in every area of our lives; but we must walk His route. We have to trust Him and not let our lusts, or fears, get in the way. As long as we insist on making our own way, we forfeit the grace that could have been ours. It is true that some things will take time, but whatever time it takes must be such as He has ordained and not the ones we have unwittingly added. And He makes ALL things beautiful in its time4. In fact I believe that God will often get us to His destinations much quicker than human systems can afford or comprehend; but even more importantly, without all the unnecessary detours, distractions, and devils, that our own ways can usher. If we are willing and obedient we can get there quicker. It happened to Abraham. In Genesis 12:5 he arose to go into Canaan and into Canaan he came5. God wants you and I to arise and to get into what He has promised us without delays or detours. But we can only do so if we trust Him. So let’s rid ourselves of sluggish obedience and hypersensitivity to fear. In His love, God will call us out for wasting precious time. He will come again and again to lead us back in the straight path. I don’t know about you, but this may be a second chance for someone to get up and “Go as they were commanded”6. There should be no further excuses. Let us determine to win the race of prompt obedience at every turn, as we walk with the Lord.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for your grace and your Word. Once again I have heard your voice. Deliver me from every distraction that besets me today. I choose to move forward with you today in every area of my life. May my heart, and my feet, be swift to obey your voice, this day and always.
1) Wikipedia .2) Numbers 23:19 .3) 1 Samuel 21:8 .4) Eccl 3:11 .5) Genesis 12:5 .6) Ezekiel 12:7
Verses for Vessels
Our faith walk is a serious business. The offerings that God supplies are not meant to simply break the ice or merely boost our energy levels. God offers us Himself...
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money".- Matthew 6:19-24
In my field of work I get to travel a lot, meeting with different clients and customers in their homes or businesses. Because of the journey times in some cases, it is generally a good sign and a welcome delight when any of my customers offers me a drink of tea or coffee. “I don't mind either”, I would often say, “but coffee would do for now”. And then they would proceed to ask- "How do you like your coffee?" Choices, choices, choices. You see, these kind and generous individuals have gone out of their way to make me feel comfortable in their presence. They reckon that with me on the road most of the time, the coffee would provide some refreshment for me as well as put me at ease as I go about my business with them. On my part, I always do well to show my gratitude.
Drinks of coffee or tea; snacks-sweet or savoury; meals- bland or spicy and showers- hot or cold; choices, preferences, options. We each may choose differently and still have pleasure in our choices. And for many it is not set in stone. So it could be tea today and coffee tomorrow. Sweet today, or Savoury the next. Others still, a rather peculiar few, would want to mix them all up. One packet of sweet and another of savoury snacks, all washed down with a bottle of soft drink. Or, as some have recently dared, mixing tea with coffee for added punch! There are acclaimed benefits, though the initial taste has been described as ...terrible by some and palate pleasing by others.
Our faith walk is quite different to that. It is a serious business. The offerings that God supplies are not meant to simply break the ice or merely boost our energy levels. It is not presented for us so we make our pick a la carte. God offers us Himself, His life, His joy, His supply. The world also has its offers. But God wants us to want Him as much as He wants us. He wants ALL of us, and so desires that we want ALL of Him, with no added mixtures; no strange trusts. To want all of Him would involve our hearts and minds and sacrifice in love for Him. We become more willing day by day, to invest more and more of our thoughts, our words and our commitments in His service of love. Mary found this out, and Jesus said 'No one could take that away from her”1. She was investing her soul solely on the Words of CHRIST and by so doing she was demonstrating that she wanted as much of Him as she could ever possibly get. This was where she was willing and ready to place her real values in life. This was where her treasures lay, in Him. And such focus fostered clarity of purpose.
In the text today, Jesus urges that we store up our treasures in the most secure of places otherwise we risk losing everything to those domestic bandits; to moths and vermins. The most secure place would be in God Himself. Jesus counsels us to serve, honour, and place our highest value, in God's wisdom, help, and grace. And while some may be quick to add, “But heaven helps those who help themselves", He went on to clarify- “You cannot serve God and Money”. If you truly come to a place where you trust God to provide, you will have no fear of lack. But if that trust is absent, then the fear of lack and the insecurities that come with it can drive any soul to different levels of anxiety. It is impossible to trust Him and not trust Him, all at the same time. It is impossible to trust Him to provide on the one hand, and then have confident expectations on money from your salary, your skills, or a benefactor on the other. He wants our ultimate hope and faith to be in Him. And once we can enter this grace, we will begin to see things more clearly, from His perspective. Our whole being becomes illuminated by the grace of God. We can be bold to say, "The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?”2 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing."3 There is no need to mix things up. The Lord is good, all by Himself.
By the way, just in case you were wondering, my response to the offer was "Coffee, with cream, and sugar- just one sugar."
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for being relentless in searching out the state of my heart always. Search me again and again. Free me from every false trust and rest my heart on you and you alone. Open my eyes to see what you see in me, and what you see for me. I rededicate my heart to you, and place my inmost values in you again. In Jesus name. Amen.
1) Luke 10:42; 2) Psalm 27:1 ; 3) Psalm 23:1
Verses for Vessels
We are in a covenant relationship with this amazing God who loves us so much He gave His Son for us; and is willing to do so much more besides- but no other sacrifice can be higher. So how would He not also with Christ freely give us all things...
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:25-26
Much of our relationship with God hinges on our continual unstifled obedience to His voice and His commands. In the Old Testament, they had the Laws of Moses to keep them right and all who were part of God's people were required to obey or keep the letters of the Law. The psalmists sang about them; the prophets spoke on account of them; even Jesus referred to these Laws over and over again. They were God's own express instructions on how they were to conduct their affairs with Him, with themselves, and with each other. It came from the mouth of God through Moses. And, according to the Psalmist, His commandments, His Laws, His instructions, are perfect. They bring great joy, and reward if we keep them1.
When Jesus came along, He began to elaborate and elucidate on many of these commands, even introducing new ones. In the past God spoke through Moses and the prophets but now He speaks through His own Son directly, issuing new commands. As in the Old Testament, He issued new commands for dealing with our own selves, dealing with others and relating with God. And the text above from the book of Matthew is one of those commands to us.
"Therefore I tell you, DO NOT WORRY" (paraphrased). That's a fresh command from the Most High Himself! However much we may be tempted to carry on with a habit of anxiety this year, perhaps this would serve as a counter voice to our tendency to fret. He says, "Do not worry about it". He says, " I've got this, you just focus on me... “. “Ok, if you must, then ask the birds and they'll tell you. But mind you, I value you more than they. So, do not worry". And, we could see that that's as much a command as "thou shall offer a male lamb without blemish". But this is Jesus speaking, because He has you covered- literally!
We are in a covenant relationship with this amazing God who loves us so much He gave His Son for us; and is willing to do so much more besides- but no other sacrifice can be higher. So how would He not also with Christ freely give us all things, the apostle Paul once asked? 2 The choice couldn't be any clearer. Will you trust and obey THIS command not to worry, and do so continually; or would you surrender to anxiety? The good thing is that He is willing and able to give us more grace to obey if we come to Him3. So will you come?
Prayers: Dear Lord, I come to you this day asking for your grace. My heart wants to obey you though my flesh is often weak. I know your Word is true and precious. I believe and accept that every instruction you give me is for my own good and for my welfare. Therefore I repent of my worries and anxieties. I cast them all to your care today because I trust you and I know you care for me. Thank you for the victory you have given me over worry, this day and always. In Jesus name. Amen.