How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
- Romans 10:14
Sermon Archives- Update
Please feel free to subscribe and share the content so more people in your circle may be blessed…
Hi everyone,
Our messages are now available on our Youtube Channel.
Once there, you can explore the sermons, and be blessed. Also please feel free to subscribe and share the content so more people in your circle may be blessed and lifted by the messages as well.
May God bless continue to bless His Word among us, and cause us to always be fruitful in Him and for His glory.
What Daddy Did Not Teach Me- (Father's Day Sermon)
There have been failures of fathers. And failures in fatherhood. In this sermon Pastor Chika offers godly counsel to help heal the dysfunctions, and point a way forward with God…
Happy Fathers Day to all our Dads and Mentors everywhere!!
You are loved and very special in God’s plan for humanity.
Most fathers go to great lengths to pass on to their offspring, lessons, principles and ideas on how best life could and should be lived. But there have been failures of fathers. And failures in fatherhood. Failures that have mostly come about because of what their fathers did not teach them. And that cycle continues when they too fail to teach the next generation.
On this special day Pastor Chika delivers an unusual sermon directed to Fathers and the body of Christ as a whole. He takes us through the Word of God, exploring the meaning and implications of Fathers in the life of every soul on earth. With the ongoing attack on biblical values in general, and gender roles and responsibilities in particular, this sermon seeks to draw attention to God’s original plan for Fathers. And in view of the fall of Adam, Pastor Chika addresses the origins of many dysfunctions in life, and offers godly counsel to help heal the dysfunctions caused by father-issues, and on a way forward with God.
We hope this sermon and the message it brings, results in deliverance, healing, and hope for as many as would hear it, and receive it.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring
*Image from Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Be Encouraged
In this season of great anticipation, and trepidation, God wants His church to be well equipped and of sound mind for the battles ahead…
In this season of great anticipation, and trepidation, God wants His church to be well equipped and of sound mind for the battles ahead. The glory we seek, the grace we are being called into , will require steps of courage and strength. Courage to stand, courage to believe, courage to separate ourselves unto the things of Christ. With the whole nation depending on him, and a Promised land before them for the taking, God had to strengthen Joshua’s heart saying, ‘Be strong and courageous’ (Joshua 1:9).
But beyond our natural anxieties and fears, the devil does a lot to discourage the saints of God. In this sermon, Pastor Chika explores some of those strategies the enemy uses to bring discouragement and weaken our resolve towards the things of God. He goes on to challenge us to believe God in spite of ourselves, as He remains the author and finisher of our common faith; and He restores our courage through faith in His Word.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring.
Snuggle Up
Only by staying focused and intimate with Jesus, can we embrace the warmth of God’s glory, and survive the great trials of our faith that are and yet come. Hear him say…
It appears the whole world is having an adverse winter of sorts; a season of delayed sunrise and extended darkness and cold. Many hopes and dreams have had to be deferred, delayed or as far as some are concerned, out rightly denied. Even within the body of Christ, there appears to be a crisis of faith and hope like never before, with beloved brethren turning on each other because of fear.
In this sermon based on Matthew 26 and Luke 18, Pst Chika seeks to direct our hearts to God’s continuing invitation to all His own, whatever the worldly weather may look like. For in His light, we see light. He exhorts that for the believer, only by staying focused and intimate with Jesus, can we embrace the warmth of God’s glory, survive the great trials of our faith that are and yet come, as well as disarm the enemy in all his wiles. He calls us all to ‘Snuggle Up’ to Jesus.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring
A prophetic exodus is in play. We shall be stepping out with plenty with the Lord, our Emmanuel, as our battle cry…
Happy New Year everyone!
What a joy and a blessing it is to witness the start of 2021. As scheduled, we had a wonderful time of praise and thanksgiving to God for all His mercies to us in the year gone by, as we transitioned into the New Year.
In his sermon on that night, Pastor Chika offered a prophetic perspective of where we have all been and what lies ahead for the faithful. He declared that a prophetic exodus is in play for the church, and that to those who would receive it, we shall be stepping out with plenty; and with the Lord, our Emmanuel, as our battle cry through the next phase.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring.
The Sign of The Saviour
Today we are invited in this message to examine the sign of the Saviour as proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds. What could they mean?
A Saviour who is Christ!
Continuing on the Christmas theme, we are invited in this message to examine the sign of the Saviour as proclaimed by the angels to the shepherds, on that glorious night when Christ was born.
Pastor Chika takes us through those statements and their unfolding, as witnessed by the shepherds; as well as their implication for salvation of every soul today.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring.
In this sermon, Pastor Chika takes us through those memorable events of the Christmas story
It’s that time of the year again!
What do you do when you have heard something that no one else has ever heard; something powerful enough to change you, and change the world around you?
Mary heard those words that stirred heard soul. She believed it. But she did more than that. She was led by the Spirit to take righteous steps to protect that prophecy until it was well established within her.
In this sermon, Pastor Chika takes us through those memorable events of the Christmas story, and how we all may find ourselves as partners to Mary’s experience even now.
Please listen and be blessed.
It Began With a Disruption
In this sermon, Pastor Chika explores the disruptive nature of God’s interventions, and how it all works for our good.
As we begin to explore the stories of advent, Pastor Chika dives into apostle Luke’s witness of the events around the birth of Jesus Christ.
In this sermon from Luke chapter 1, he draws our attention to Zechariah’s state of mind at the time of his temple encounter, and challenges us all to wake up to God’s present help. Pastor Chika explores the disruptive nature of God’s interventions, and how it all works for our good.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring.
'...Still Wait'
Please listen and be greatly encouraged as Pastor Chika delivers a Word in season for the thirsty soul. …STILL WAIT
This is a message for anyone who may be feeling overwhelmed with the period of waiting, in view of all the promises of God. Having done all to stand, you can still find the grace to wait; God will come through for you.
Please listen and be greatly encouraged as Pastor Chika delivers a Word in season for the thirsty soul.
7 Years Later: Principles of Divine Restoration
In this sermon, Pst Chika explores the story of a lock down and how one woman survived and thrived in the aftermath.
It is becoming increasingly apparent that we are living in perilous times.
First it was Covid-19, then the lock down, with its impact on individuals, families, businesses and communities. Many have suffered directly or indirectly from the times we are all in. And much has been lost: relationships, livelihoods, lives, hopes, dreams and even mental stability for many. But restoration is possible, and God’s Word remains the abiding hope of restoration for all who would trust Him.
In this sermon, Pastor Chika explores a lock down in biblical times, and the story of a woman who believed God and experienced restoration after a season of famine. He leaves us with 5 principles, applicable today, for all who are looking forward to a divine restoration from God, post the pandemic.
Please listen and be blessed. And don’t forget to leave your questions or comments for our attention.
Team Vinespring
A Smaller Me
Pastor Chika explores the theme of arrogance, its connections to our relationship with, and attitudes to God’s Word
“There are two circumstances that lead to arrogance: one is when you’re wrong and you can’t face it; the other is when you’re right and nobody else can face it’’- Crissi Jami, Author and Poet.
In our modern era of individualism and assertiveness, a thin line is often readily crossed from confident assurance to ignorant displays of arrogance. But what is God’s expectation of the believer in this regard; what manner of people should we be? Using the story of Saul the King in 1 Samuel 15, Pastor Chika explores the theme of arrogance, its connections to our relationship with, and attitudes to God’s Word, as well as the implications for the righteous soul.
Please listen and be blessed, and do feel free to leave us a comment if this message has been of help.
God bless,
Team Vinespring
Womb of the Man- Fathers' Day Message
It is true that you do not have to have a physical womb to incubate great gifts to the earth. And, even when there is no man in the home, a woman can arise and faithfully operate the Womb of the Man. Hear him say…
Happy Fathers’ Day to all our Fathers, brothers and sons.
Be encouraged. God has designed and equipped us as men to birth godly entities in the earth.
On a day like this, it is good to reflect on the unique and powerful role that Fathers have in society and in God’s divine order. In this sermon, Pastor Chika posits that you do not have to have a physical womb to incubate great gifts to the earth. Neither must every son be of your biological offspring. Indeed, he suggests that even when there is no man in the home, a woman can arise and faithfully operate the Womb of the Man, to the glory of God.
But what does this mean? Hear him speak, and be blessed.
Please feel free to leave us a message or a note, if this sermon has touched you or a loved one.
Happy Fathers’ Day to everyone of us.
God bless.
Team Vinespring.
Private Places, Dark Places
While many may be coming out of all sorts of closets, God is calling His church to get back in, for righteous impartations. We can seize the opportunity to transform every dark place into a secret place; our closets with God.
In Matthew 6, Jesus began to introduce his teachings on the kingdom of God with what must have been radical ideas about how to relate with God, and with each other because of God’s grace.
A central thread in this chapter was the invitation to a more private and intimate walk with God, in a place he called the secret place. But secret places, or closets, can also be dark places. While many may be coming out of all sorts of closets, God is calling His church to get back in, for righteous impartations. In this sermon, Pastor Chika challenges us to exploit the opportunity to transform every dark place into a secret place; our closets with God.
Please listen and be blessed.
Team Vinespring.
Have No Fear...
Our world today has so much going on. Chaos and confusion seem to be gaining the upper hand, with wars, migration crisis, floods, plagues, and economic trepidation taking their toll on the global market. But God’s promise remains…
Our world today has so much going on.
On a private level, people are asking questions about life, with needless loss of friends, family members or colleagues to suicides, issues of depression, or other mental health challenges. On a societal level, chaos and confusion seem to be gaining the upper hand with wars, migration crisis, floods, and plagues, as well as the consequent political and economic trepidation that have wiped out billions from the stock market. Truly, for many people, it is a time of great FEAR- especially more recently with the rise in the number of positive cases of the Covid-19 epidemic.
But God’s promise remains. And in this message, Pastor Chika invites all of us to reflect on God’s solemn promise of peace and calm through the storms. He explores the role that ignorance or darkness plays in stimulating fear within us as humans, and he offers some insights into how God’s light gives us victory over fear, through Jesus Christ.
Listen and be blessed. And do feel free to leave us a comment…
Team Vinespring
Don't Fall Down
Have you ever experienced the feeling of falling down, that sensation of objects moving around you because of the height of where you may be standing, or simply by just standing up. It is the context of such an experience that informs the topic of this sermon on the temptations of Jesus.
Welcome to the month of March and to that very important season of the Christian calender- Lent.
Have you ever experienced the feeling of falling down, that sensation of objects moving around you because of the height of where you may be standing, or simply by just standing up. For some people, such feelings of vertigo can induce the fear of heights also known as acrophobia. It is the context of such an experience that informs the topic of this sermon by Pastor Chika.
In it he explores the temptations of Jesus as told in the gospel of Matthew, the fourth chapter, to perhaps throw some light as to why the enemy was keen to get Jesus to fall down, and how , like Jesus, we too are being tempted in various ways to do the same even today. He also offers some tips on how we overcome using Christ’s example.
Please listen and be blessed. And do feel free to leave us a comment …
Team Vinespring.
Seducing spirits
Seduce: (‘Se’- ‘Ducere’) - Two Latin words that together mean to lead away, or to lead apart from ; also used in the sense of ‘to persuade one to abandon their duty’. In this Sermon, Pastor Chika invites us all to examine how such spirits work, and points out some helpful strategies for overcoming seducing spirits.
Seduce - ( Se- ducere):
Two Latin words that together mean to lead away, or to lead apart from ; to persuade one to abandon their duty.
In 1 Timothy 4:1, Paul warned Timothy that in the last days, people will yield to ‘seducing spirits’ and doctrine of demons.
In this Sermon, Pastor Chika invites us all to examine how such spirits work their way into the mind even today; leading a once faithful believer away from our first love, and unto paths that are strange and contrary. Beyond that understanding though, he points out some helpful strategies for overcoming seducing spirits.
We pray this message blesses everyone who seeks to keep their fellowship with Christ alive and lively.
Team Vinespring.
End Of Days: The Sign of The Fig Tree
So what lessons could we learn from the fig tree and what is the sign of the fig tree, both then and now? And, does the modern State of Israel have anything to do with it? Pastor Chika continues…
The Sign of the Fig Tree
In this sermon we examine the Sign of the Fig Tree and the lessons we could learn from it as Jesus recommended.
Many fruit trees blossom and fruit at certain times each year. In fact in some parts of the world, the appearance of their flowers and fruit is often closely associated with the seasons in which they naturally appear. In the books of Matthew (24:4- 35) and Luke (21:8-36), Jesus outlined various signs we must ‘watch out' for regarding the end of days and His return. He spoke of the sign of the fig tree, which blossoms and bears fruit every summer, and instructed his disciples to learn a lesson from the fig tree as a way to understand the sign of the end of days.
So what lessons could we learn from the fig tree and what is the sign of the fig tree, both then and now? And, does the modern State of Israel have anything to do with it?
Pastor Chika continues… We hope you find grace and encouragement in this message.
Team Vinespring
End Of Days: The Sign of Noah
What really is the sign of Noah? And what relevance does this sign have for the believer, and the world, today, with regards to the end of days and the return of Jesus Christ?
The Sign of Noah
In this sermon we examine the Sign of Noah as one of the signs of the end of days.
In the books of Matthew (24:4- 35) and Luke (21:8-36), Jesus outlined various signs we must ‘watch out' for regarding the end of days and His return. He spoke of the sign of Noah; of people wining and dining; of indifference and faithlessness; of the waters that came and the souls that perished. This sounds very much like the present temperature of human affairs.
But what really is the sign of Noah? And what relevance does this sign have for the believer, and the world, today, with regards to the end of days and the return of Jesus Christ?
Pastor Chika continues… We hope you find grace and encouragement in this message.
Team Vinespring
End Of Days: The Sign of Jonah
Pastor Chika explores the Sign of Jonah, its meaning and implication for our world today, and how it fits into God’s end time agenda. We hope you are blessed as you listen.
Early Sign…
In this sermon we examine the sign of Jonah as one of the signs of the end of days.
In Mathew 16:4 and Luke 11:29-30, Jesus declared that the people of His day would be given One sign- the Sign of Jonah, as proof of His coming and a sign of the times. Although this was not listed with the other signs to follow in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, we consider this one of the first signs of the end of days. And how so?
Pastor Chika explores this sign, its meaning and implication for our world today, and how it fits into God’s end time agenda. We hope you are blessed as you listen.
Team Vinespring
End Of Days: Examining the Signs
An introduction to the series. In this sermon we introduce the subject more broadly, laying a foundation for the series to follow.
The Introduction
Changing climate. Political instability. Naked treachery, vile ambitions even in the church, cold spirits, flaming lusts. Evil conspiracies. Fear. Doubts. Unbelief. Wars. Rumors. Grace. More grace…
In the books of Matthew (24:4- 35) and Luke (21:8-36), Jesus outlined various signs we must ‘watch out' for regarding the end of days and His return. They include: The Sign of Jonah; the sign of Noah; the sign of the Fig Tree; the Sign of Great Distress; the Sign of the Falling Away; the Sign of Deception; the Sign of the Abomination; the Sign of the Heavenly Bodies; and the Sign of the Son of Man.
In this sermon series we examine these signs as found in the texts of Scripture.
We hope you are blessed and encouraged by the word.
Team Vinespring