Verses for Vessels

“Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water?” - John 4:11 NIV

Have you ever found yourself in front of a huge resource, a most desired opportunity, but without what may be considered the necessary skills or tools to exploit same opportunity? It is often said that success is when preparation meets opportunity. And this can be true. But we could be walking away from or denying ourselves of wonderful blessings due to such feelings of inadequacies, because we have focused on the natural tools alone.

In the text before us, the woman said to Jesus, “You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep”. But her assessment was based on the physical resource, which would have required a physical set of tools or skills for access. But right in the same place, Jesus was focused on a spiritual resource, which needed spiritual skills and tools for access. Same environment, different revelations. Same challenge, different perspectives. Same need, different solutions. One natural, the other spiritual. Truly this well is deep! But how far down do you see?

Before you walk away with your head hanging down with disappointment; before you throw in the towel because you think you do not have all the necessary skills or connections to access this present opportunity, perhaps you may want to go back and look at it again, …from God’s perspective. You can seek his assistance, his tools. And they are not far fetched. You need no PhD nor years of experience. One such tool that guarantees access to divine opportunities is a joyful spirit.

As it is written, “With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.”-Isaiah 12:3

Exactly! We may not get too far with a despondent, mournful or fearful attitude. But, with joy! Hallelujah! We can draw great blessings from the depths of our relationship with Christ. We may not have as much years of experience or as much number of degrees as the next person for that job or role or opportunity. We may not even have as much years of walking with God faithfully as the next person. It is possible that we may not have the adequate training or exposure to deal with that overwhelming challenge before us. But, there is this tool with which we can access all of God’s blessings of salvation. With joy with can draw peace. With joy we can draw patience. With joy we can draw security. With joy we can draw breakthroughs. With joy we can draw mercy and grace for every task or challenge. With joy we can draw victory upon victory upon victory! For the joy of the Lord is our strength! Glory to God!

The next time you are confronted with the statement, “But you have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep”, rejoice! When they say, “You have not trained for this; You have not been in this job long enough to aspire to this promotion; You are not old enough or you have childcare issues which may interfere with your ability to do this, or whatever other deficiencies they choose to observe and point out…” Rejoice! Rejoice in the grace of God. The deeper the well, the greater the blessings. So draw with joy, because the living water lives in you.


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels