Verses for Vessels

After the Resurrection II

"While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and feet." - Luke 24:36-40 NIV


Hi everyone, it's been a good few days since my last post. But the Word abides... 



I thank God for the grace he gives to each and everyone of his children through our faith in Jesus Christ. It is he who works mightily and marvellously in us to will and to do the things that bring him joy. He helps us. He supports us. He encourages us. He challenges us. He is our friend, our father, our mentor, our coach, our priest, our kinsman redeemer. Hallelujah! What an honour and privilege it is to be called his own! It is the same God who predestined us in Christ, and who at the appointed time, has called us into his justification by faith. This is he of whom we speak and in whom we have believed. May everlasting praise and glory be his, both now and forever. Amen. It is good to praise the Lord , hallelujah! It is good to gaze upon his majesty; proclaiming his matchless love and kindness to the generations of them that fear him and are called of him. How wide could it be, this love? How deep could it go, this love? How far could it reach, this grace? How low would it stoop, this majesty? We could never know the heights of it, nor the depths of it, nor the fulness of all its measure. But we are blessed and grateful to be saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! Glory to God!



Once again in the verse before us we are confronted by our humanness which should have disqualified us from God's ultimate price. In the last reflection, we wondered how it could be possible for us to have this glorious testimony of Christ's resurrection, and hold it in dishonour by our manners about it. The men on the way to Emmaus were asked by the stranger, "what manner of conversation or communication are you having?" With sorrowful hearts and ignorant minds, they looked at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ with despair. But mercy stepped in and 'righted' their wrong. And it was not only they who needed some spiritual shake up. Back in Jerusalem, the disciples were together still pondering the testimonies of the women, and Peter with John. Once again, we see them talking about it. The testimonies of the witnesses so far was not sufficient to rouse their faith in the most powerful reality that man has known or will ever know. That is, the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.  So they continued to talk about it.


Talk to....

Talk is cheap. We can spend time, thumbs and tweets, talking about what we think about the faith of Jesus Christ. For some it is a profession. But talk is good. Usually, the first thing people would ask you when life throws its questions at you is, 'have you talked about it with anyone'? We have come to accept that talking helps. A burden shared is a burden halved, we often say. We talk to counsellors, preachers, girlfriends, parents, and every other person in our social circle with whom we have a strong enough connection to establish such communication of our heart's disquiet. It is indeed good to talk to someone about things that may be bothering the heart. It has been shown that bottling up unsettling thoughts or contradictions of the mind that result from life itself, can have grave consequences. It has led some to suicides, drugs, alcohol, sexual pervasion and all manner of vices. If only they had found the courage to talk to someone about their grief or sorrow or confusion of mind. If only more of us were keen and sensitive to listen to, not just what is being said, but also how it is being said. If more of us could listen to the gaps, the silences, the pauses between the words, and hear more loudly what has been left unsaid... perhaps we could be saving more lives.


In it together...

But such was not a problem at all for the disciples. They chose to deal with their confusion and and despair TOGETHER. They listened to the testimonies together. They interacted with the witnesses, together. They talked about it among themselves, while they were together. They were seeking a COMMON understanding of their situation. Perhaps, another point of instruction for us today. There are those who would rather be on their own, and sit tight till they can sort it out by themselves. Indeed, there are things that each must go into their closet and seek God's face concerning for themselves. But in many other areas of life, we would be surprised at how 'un-alone' we are in any situation. No temptation that is come upon you and I is uncommon 1. It may be personal, but life is never truly private. Everything about you affects someone, and can be affected by someone else, in one way or another. We were created to function in community with others around us. As such you would find that someone somewhere has been through, or may just be going through what you have faced or are about to face. And sometimes, God will not step in, until he can see that you have taken the step and overcome your own pride by speaking to another person about your doubts, your pain, your challenges.  


Safe place

But we have to be guided on who to speak to and when. Here, they spoke to each other. This must have fostered their sense of belonging together. Do you belong to a group you can trust and is open to hear your questions and your doubts? Have you found that connection with others in a safe environment where everyone feels at liberty to express their doubts and genuinely desire to find a way forward together on any issues they may be facing? This is what the Church, any church or local assembly should be like. It should be a place where every disciple can examine their walk and seek answers together with the rest of the body. Various anonymous groups, like alcohol anonymous, employ this philosophy of 'common struggle'. In such places, each person is encouraged to talk about their challenges and their victories in their journey towards rehabilitation from addiction. It provides a good ventilation for the soul, to know that there are others on the same road travelling in their own lanes  but supporting one another by sharing experiences. It is important however, for a believer to find that group or assembly or pastoral team that they can trust with their journey of faith. Talk is good, but it matters who you choose to talk to. The disciples were sharing their experiences and possibly, their doubts. You cannot take your questions about your faith to the atheist hub and expect a supportive interaction. You cannot take your sick child to the garage. They do cars only.


Faith cometh...

While talking may be encouraged, and caution applied on whom to speak to, there is nothing quite like having a problem resolved by one who knows exactly what the solution is. And the solution to fear and doubt is ...Faith. As the disciples talked about the events that had bewildered them, Jesus ( of whom all these stories was about) stood in their midst! How frightening that must have been. They had been talking ABOUT him- his brutal death and his resurrection, but they were getting no where with HIS REVELATION. There was yet no faith. This is very much what happens to us many times. We can get so fixated on the facts, the history, the stories of others; we can get bogged down examining what others 'claim' to have experienced about Jesus Christ, and try to compare stories and writings of several authors about a subject of intrigue or concern. But we fail to seek these encounters for ourselves. Some have read so many books on marriage, they have yet to step out in faith and ask a sister's hand in marriage. Others have continued to celebrate the achievements of great founders or entrepreneurs, but have yet to find sufficient inspiration to birth their own dreams. Faith. It is not enough to know about him; it is even better to get to KNOW HIM. The truth is, the writings and stories of others about Christ or any subject of our faith may be enlightening, but faith will only come by the REVELATION of God's word to your own spirit. And so Jesus wanted them to believe the resurrection for themselves. So he, HIMSELF, stood in their midst. Henceforth, it would no longer be something they talked about, but as John later declared, it was now something they 'have heard, seen, handled and touched' for themselves 2. Faith cometh, ...3


Start believing...

The big question today for every Vessel is this: Are you still talking about what others have seen and heard, or have you had your own encounter with the resurrected One? Are you still talking about that problem or challenge, or have you sought God's Word and wisdom on the matter? Because if you do seek his wisdom, you would find him, in all his glory, standing with you, to guide, to save and to raise up... again. When the Word is revealed, you would no longer merely talk, you would start believing.


PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, open my eyes to see what you see. Lead me to the right company where my heart and mind would find grace and communion with my brethren. Let faith arise. Step in and shine the light in every area of darkness in my life. In Jesus name, amen.


Reference: .1) 1 Corinthians 10:13. ;  .2). 1 John 1:1.  ;   .3). Romans 10:17


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels