Verses for Vessels

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31  TLB

God is full of power and strength- unending strength. As humans our strength will often fail us after a while. It is natural. But for the believer, there exists an ever present opportunity to be revived and renewed both spiritually and physically, through the process of waiting on the Lord.

Waiting on the Lord often refers to the Christian discipline of fasting and prayers, accompanied by studying of scriptures and acts of charity, for a period of time, and from time to time. It is a great way not only to bring the flesh-with its carnal tendencies, under subjection to the spirit within us; but also to receive supernatural strength from God. The results and rewards of waiting on the Lord are invaluable and can be long-lasting. As the text indicates, there comes with it renewed strength, acquired speed, and great grace for every task or challenge ahead. Through this practice, we can more readily ELEVATE-mount up with wings as eagles, as the text declares. 

So, have you had a situation, a project, or an issue, drag on for much longer than is acceptable? Have you lost the will, the strength, or the sense of purpose in any area of your life? Then consider today's text an invitation to get the help of God for a more helpful progress. How would you like to move up, and move on... faster...? How would you like to wait on the Lord?

Wait on the Lord... Let's wait on the Lord.


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels