"O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."
- Psalm 40:5
Merry Christmas!!
'For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.'
Isaiah 9:6 NIV
Have a wonderful and Christ-filled celebration.
Team Vinespring.
His Door Is Open!
Greetings from Vinespring Church!
Generally, the weather has been pleasant of late, as we spring towards summer. Brighter, warmer and longer days making for really good conversations among neighbours and friends.
Obviously, beyond the weather, a lot has been happening within the community, across the nation, and beyond. From the politics of national governance to the war in Ukraine, and the conflict in Gaza and the middle east; events that remind us how precious life is, and how vital peace is to the stability of our world. It is clear, that no matter how physically near or far we may all be from the ‘zones of interest’ as it were, each one of us is affected one way or the other by the gathering clouds and the changing times that are upon us. As Christians we are compelled by faith and love to continually pray for our leaders, and for God’s will to be done in this world, as it is in heaven.
As regards God’s will, the scriptures make it abundantly clear that God does not desire the death or destruction of humans; rather the Great Creator, willingly and unashamedly solicits the repentance and reconciliation of hearts to Himself. Crime, injustice, terror, and every evil thing, are not here by accident. The human heart became lost by the disobedience of one man, Adam. As God is a righteous Judge, sin must be punished. In His mercy, God sent His Son Jesus Christ, who lived and died; taking our punishment on himself to reconcile us to God. Christ’s death and resurrection says to everyone: ‘sin has been punished forever, and death is defeated in Jesus Christ. Abundant life is now available to ALL through Jesus Christ!’ Hallelujah! Only repent and BELIEVE on Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. This is good news! This is the gospel!
Like the manufacturer who knows what His product is made for and how it should be best used, God has left us His instruction manual in the Holy Scriptures. He also has field agents, who can provide support and direction to help us return. Everyone who has been saved by faith in Christ, is God’s field agent. In addition, we are supported by God’s Holy Spirit in what Paul the apostle called the ministry of reconciliation. To all, we say: ‘your debts to God have been paid’. No charitable works, enlightened study, or improved morality-as good as they all are, could substitute for the ONLY requirement for true reconciliation with God our Father - faith and obedience to Jesus Christ. In the end, whatever crises or conflicts that may be happening in our world, each one of us will give account of themselves to the Great and awesome Creator God, who is judge of all. So, be reconciled to God. It is God’s will.
At Vinespring Church, we continue welcome anyone who would like to know more. Our goal remains to raise God’s banner high enough for all to see, however distant they may be from God. Our weekly meetings continue virtually on Sundays 11am. Our midweek meetings hold on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. To join virtually and for more details please visit our website at www.vinespringchurch.co.uk or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/vinespringchurch. To all residents, we would like to wish everyone a fantastic summer, full of mercy and God’s grace. May you seize every opportunity to experience God’s open door, in Jesus Christ.
Team Vinespring.
(Also published in Westhill Bulletin, summer edition)
2024-Our Doors are Open
Hello everyone,
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2024!
Greetings from Vinespring Church! It’s good to have some relief from the chills of winter as we welcome the start of spring. With warmer temperatures, a lot more people have been noticeably out and about; particularly our elderly folks. We keep praying that help comes to them and to all who may be in need at this time, through the carers around them, and through each one of us as we have the opportunity.
It’s truly a privilege and a joy for us to be here as eyewitnesses to another new year; and for this we are thankful to God! When we consider the fact that there are those among us who did not make it into the new year; and that some who did have now sadly passed on. Or the fact that some though witnessing the new year may still be struggling with same issues or challenges with their health, relationships, or finances, as was the case last year; it helps us to have a wholesome context for our gratitude. While we pray for the comfort and strength of those going through a difficult season, we are reminded daily of the need to make the most of every moment we have in this life to be and to do the things that lead to eternal joy. As the Psalmist put it: “Teach us to consider our mortality so that we might live wisely” -Psalm 90:12 NET
Considering our mortality is what we do at Vinespring Church regularly. We do so within the context of God’s will for each and every one of us, and His grand plan for humanity as displayed in the Holy Scriptures. This year we hope to grow and deepen our knowledge of God through His Word and our fellowship with others. We are also poised to do more; to push further and to explore every opportunity to share Jesus with our world. Knowing how temporal this life is, we sense the Father’s urgency and the need to spread the Gospel of God’s righteousness throughout the world. The Scriptures tell us that the systems of this world will soon fade away. Therefore, we are encouraged by His promise to us that 2024 will be a ‘Year of Open Doors’ (Rev. 3:8). Open doors for ministry, for community, for salvation, for mercy, for help and hope. This year could very well be a year of open doors for you too. Open doors for pursuing a lifelong dream. Open doors for healing and reconciliation. Open doors to repentance. Open doors to faith. Open doors for exploring Christianity.
In line with this vision, we would like to invite anyone who may need help walking through their open door to God’s saving grace. No matter how inadequate you may feel, our doors are open to receive, support, and come alongside you should you so desire. Our weekly meetings continue face to face on Sundays 11am at The Events Hub 1 and 2, Prime Four Management Suite, Village Hotel, Kingswells, Aberdeen AB15 8PJ. We also have our midweek meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. To join virtually and for more details please leave us a message via our contact form or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/vinespringchurch. To all residents of Westhill. Kingswells, Countesswells and beyond, we would like to wish everyone a lovely Easter celebration, filled with joy, hope, and victory. May you come to experience God’s open door - Jesus Christ.
Team Vinespring.
This article also appeared in the Spring edition of the Westhill Bulletin 2024*
Winter is HERE!
‘‘…we cannot afford to lose sight of that primary warning for the times we live in…’’
Hello Westhill.
Greetings from Vinespring Church! Right about now the autumn leaves have fallen, the storms have hopefully long gone, although we all continue to bear with the sweeping winds and the lashing rains, as the cold snap of winter alerts us to that time of the year when all is great and jolly. It is always a delight to witness the changing seasons, but not just the physical climate, but also the social and spiritual environment. The changes prepare us for what may be coming next, giving us a decent enough time to prepare not just for things that are about to happen, but the conditions within which they will take place.
Presently, any casual observer would attest to the fact that we are indeed living in rather unprecedented times. From the recent pandemic to international migration crises; from national political crises with global implications, to terrorism, wars, and rumours of wars in the Middle East and other parts of the world. It can be difficult for the ordinary citizen to bear up under the weight of all the dark and dreary events of our day. In addition to all these, families and individuals are still struggling to cope with the cost-of-living crisis. And, migrants and asylum seekers continue to arrive, seeking a better future for themselves and their families. Various government institutions are stretched to capacity, both in personnel and finance; and the authorities are having to make difficult decisions about complex situations with real life consequences for the future of their nations. The times and seasons are indeed changing, and doing so on the speed lane, so to say.
At Vinespring Church we believe these times are quite prophetic and should focus our minds on what God our heavenly Father may be asking of us. In the book of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 3-8, Jesus was asked by his disciples what the signs of His return would be. In his reply, Jesus first warned his disciples against deception. Then He went on to state that the signs of his physical return to this earth would include wars and rumours of wars, and nations rising in conflict against other nations. That sounds very much like ‘now O’clock!’. We are encouraged to seek peace, to pursue it and to be peace makers. But regardless of what outcomes our efforts in these areas may yield, we cannot afford to lose sight of that primary warning for the times we live in: Do not be deceived. Every believer and all people of good will must endeavour to stay in the path of truth and light as the days grow darker upon us.
For this reason, we have continued to meet, to teach, and to be witnesses of God’s Word. Our recent sermon series explores the concept of truth, deception, discernment, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who may want to learn more or explore Christianity with us. Our weekly meetings continue Sundays at 11am and on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. For details please visit our website at www.vinespringchurch.co.uk or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/vinespringchurch. To all residents, we would like to wish everyone a lovely Christmas celebration, filled with joy, hope, and victory. May Jesus Christ, our reason for this season, bring you peace and joy for always.
Team Vinespring.
*This article also appeared in the 2023 Winter edition of the Westhill Bulletin.*
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year Family!
Our normal services for the year resume 15/01/2023. See you all soon.
Team Vinespring
A Christmas Story!
Join us this Sunday for our ‘Christmas Special’ Carol Service,.. It promises to be another great time of refreshing.
That Great News!!:
‘And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Join us this Sunday for our ‘Christmas Special’ Carol Service, and our very last Sunday Service for 2022.
God has a Word for YOU. And it promises to be another great time of refreshing, joy and communion of faith.
See you there- 11am, at Aboyne and Banchory Suites, Holiday Inn, Westhill.
Pst Chika.
for Team Vinespring
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Merry Christmas from Vinespring Church
‘Tis the season to be jolly….’
But never forget the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas Everyone, and a Happy New Year when it comes!
Team Vinespring
2022- Year Of Light &Glory
For anyone who may feel like they are in a flux right now, and needing some assurance of something strong and stable. God is.
Hello Westhill! Happy New Year!
And we are already a couple of weeks past the first month! How time does fly! Time, that precious and very limited resource we have on this side of eternity. 12 hours in the day; seven days of the week; 365 days and 52 weeks of every year. Limited. Finite. Sparse. Which is one more reason to make the very most of every opportunity we have in this life- with our children, our parents, loved ones, our neighbors, and our friends. Events of the last two years have brought to the fore, the fleeting nature of life; its pleasures and much of what we treasure about it. Many of us are waking up to this truth and adjusting our values accordingly. Others, still need some help with such a paradigm shift. All in all, deep existential questions are being pondered more and more, not just by the ailing and the dying, but by the young and strong; the aging, the rich, and the poor. Whether obviously or sublimely, the search for meaning continues.
At Vinespring Church, we have continued this exploration through the words of that ancient and eternal book- the Bible. We have come to believe and accept that life’s true worth is found in a surrendered relationship with Christ, who is the author of life itself. He is a faithful anchor through the boisterous storms that the world has been enduring, and a guiding light through the darkness and confusion all around us. We have tested God’s promises and examined His instructions. And we have found them to be true to our deepest needs, helpful for our highest aspirations, and necessary for our sustained victory in the battles of this life. God is good. And He means no evil for anyone. Rather He has put a plan in place for our rescue, redemption and restoration. That plan was unfolded in His Son Jesus Christ, when He died on the cross of calvary for the sins of everyone; with a promise of eternal life for all who will trust in Him and repent of their sins. He promises not only to save, but to guide. Hence why the Psalmist declared,
‘The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?’ – Psalm 27:1 NIV
This scripture has never been more needed than at such a time as we are now in. A time of great fear, confusion and worry for many. The scripture is also the basis of our theme this year at Vinespring Church. It is our year of ‘Light and Glory’, and throughout this year, we will be open to His light, His exposure, His divine development of our character, our faith and our walk with Him. Until we fully turn the page on every fear, anxiety and doubt, by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s a process that we are willing to submit to because of the incomparable riches of the reward He offers. Clarity, confidence, and Peace that passes human comprehension; regardless of the storms, uncertainties, and darkness we may be facing. In the search for meaning, these are definitely worth pursuing and worth holding on to.
For anyone who may feel like they are in a flux right now, and needing some assurance of something strong and stable. God is. Feel free to reach out, or to come along to any of our meetings on Sundays at the Holiday Inn Hotel or Wednesday via Zoom. For details please visit www.vinespringchurch.co.uk . Or follow us on social media at facebook.com/vinespringchurch. It would be our pleasure and privilege to journey alongside you till faith and light dawns.
Once again, happy new year. And make every moment count.
Team Vinespring.
Crossover With Vinespring Church
We’re excited about all that our Father has in store for us as a Church family, as a community, and as individuals, in His Kingdom. Join us at 10pm
We would like to invite everyone, particularly those who live within the Westhill Aberdeenshire area, to join us online for our 2021/22 cross over service.
God has been faithful to us in many different ways in the year soon to pass by. And for this we are thankful. But the last day of the year presents a great opportunity to come together in faith and with gratitude to God. It’s an opportune time to reflect and celebrate what has been, and what is yet to come. It’s a time to disecern the unfolding patterns of God’s plan for us in the coming year.
We’re excited about all that our Father has in store for us as a Church family, as a community, and as individuals, in His Kingdom. Join us at 10pm on the 31st of December via Zoom. We’ll have testimonies, praise worship, and a Word for the coming year. Glory to God!
Meeting ID:84088344392 ; Password: 1RwJ5C
We look forward to having you with us.
Team Vinespring.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Oh for the Sun
Hush, hush by the tree,
In the dark of night what…
Merry Christmas dear friends and family!
With anticipation high among many of our little folks, and excitment at near entropy levels in my own home as far as I can tell; I have composed a poem that I believe may reflect the state of affairs in many homes around this time. I hope it speaks to the broader message of the gift of God that awaits us all at the foot of Calvary’s Tree once the sun of righteousnesss arises in our hearts by faith.
Oh for the Sun
Hush, hush by the tree,
In the dark of night what gifts might be.
Beneath the tree something lurks…;
desires, dreams-who knows what knocks.
But the day will come and make it known.
Oh for hands upon the wraps to lay!
Oh for the sun to rise on Christmas Day!!
-By Chika Edeh
However you choose to celebrate this year, remember,
Pst Chika Edeh
Prepare for Joy!
It’s that time of the year when the trees after their usual seasonal display of brilliant colors, let go of their foliage as they ready themselves to survive the coming winter. From nature, and of nature, there are volumes…
It’s November and fall has been upon us. Indeed, it’s that time of the year when the trees after their usual seasonal display of brilliant colors, let go of their foliage as they ready themselves to survive the coming winter. From nature, and of nature, there are volumes to learn. Even the great sage- Solomon the Wise, once counselled the sluggard to go learn from the ants about how to adjust to the seasons.
The Preacher in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 reminds us that there is a time for everything and a season for every business under the sun. A time for war and a time for peace; a time to laugh and a time to cry. A time for rejoicing and a time for weeping. And, while we may all be experiencing the early chills of winter, we will all not be having the same times and seasons in our lives. Throughout this period, some have been offered new jobs, bought new homes, or welcomed new ones into their lives and homes. Others have gotten married; or recovered from Covid or other deadly illnesses. At the same time, there are those still reeling from the devastating loss of a loved one, a job, a marriage or even their entire reputation. All happening through fall.
But there is one thing that we can be confident about: God is good ALL THE TIME. God promises us that whatever our times or seasons this fall, He will be a very present help for every troubled heart who reaches out to Him. And He promised that whoever calls on Him for help, will be saved. The seasons may change, as we go into winter; but God’s promises abide and are unfailing forever.
It’s Fall, again. Yet as we race towards winter and the coming season of joy, festivities and feasts; we can choose to make this period a time of healing, and love, and forgiveness, towards our closest and dearest; and towards all men. If the trees know enough to lay aside the weight of their leaves, however beautiful they may have been, we could all learn from the trees, and lay aside the grudges, the resentments, the regrets and the ills of the past. With faith in God’s promises, we can make the adjustments necessary for our times. That way, we can be truly available for the best that our heavenly Father has in store. And what a gift to all concerned, if we could do so in this season, just in time for Christmas!
Meantime, Vinespring Church continues to meet in person at the Holiday Inn every Sunday at 11am; and online via Zoom. For more information, please visit www.vinespringchurch.co.uk .
Blessings everyone, and have a jolly good Christmas when it comes.
Team Vinespring
As published on the Winter Edition of the Westhill Bulletin
Having been through the lockdown, I suspect we could share some of the relief of being able to be outdoors again. Vinespring Church will return to…
Hi everyone,
I hope we have all been having a good summer despite the odds.
I know that for many families it has been a huge relief to see the lockdowns ease, albeit cautiously. Businesses, sports events, and several other activities have now been allowed to fully return as we moved to level zero; though certain restrictions may still persist for some indoor activities.
The gradual return to ‘normalcy’ following the harsher periods of this pandemic rather reminds me of a scriptural parallel. Noah was ‘locked-up’ in the ark for 150days; an ark he built by faith and obedience to God. To think that he shared that ark with wild beasts (including clean and unclean animals), without any of them throwing the others overboard out of intolerance, is simply amazing. They all had to bear with one another as they endured the devastation of the flood. But they were saved by that ark. Lots of lessons to be learned I dare say, especially for many of us who may feel they have been forced to spend more time in close contact with our family members, with no way of escape! Yet, the rains stopped after a while, and flood subsided after a while. And the Ark came to rest, after a while. And everyone had to disembark and go on with their lives, renewing the earth as God intended.
Having been through the lockdown, I suspect we could share some of the relief of being able to be outdoors again. Perhaps even more for us: to have space, and reconnect with friends and family; and colleagues; and life; in many more ways than before. It would seem that the whole world has been holding their breath for this moment, and now it feels like we can breathe again. This is good.
It is therefore with a breath of fresh air, that we delightfully announce that Vinespring Church will return to our on-site face to face meetings from Sunday the 29th of August, at the Aboyne and Banchory Suites in the Holiday Inn Hotel, Westhill. We continue to be grateful to the management and staff of the Hotel for a great relationship which we have enjoyed over the last seven years, and are happy to continue in.
So, as you enjoy your summer, whatever activities you may choose to engage with throughout this season, we look forward to welcoming you at our meetings. As many as are seeking and searching, those who would like to explore the Christian faith, or revive their old flames of love for God; or you just want the company or connection- ALL are welcome to join us every Sunday at 11am.
For more information, please visit our website or social media: www.vinespringchurch.co.uk or facebook.com/vinespringchurch .
Team Vinespring
Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash
This Pentecost… Join us this Sunday (via Zoom) as we celebrate this glorious visitation of God’s Spirit that came, and still comes to us even today.
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:1-4
Once again, we have come to that awesome time in the Church calendar- The Pentecost, or The Feast of Weeks. In the Jewish calendar, this feast (Shavout in Hebrew) took place seven full weeks (or the fiftieth day) following the Feast of First Fruits. For this reason, it is also Pentecost, a word meaning fifty.
The life and ministry of Jesus the Messiah mirrored the major festivals of the Jews in significant ways. It was on the same day as their Passover was to start, that Jesus was crucified on that tree outside Jerusalem. Such that, while Jews from all over the world were preparing their slain lambs for the Passover feast, God’s lamb was already being lowered from the tree, having fulfilled that law. And while the High Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened bread was commencing, the Father’s leaven of life had already been separated from his beloved son as he cried out Eloi Eloi; and, as he gave up the ghost. And on that third day, while they were waving the First Fruits of the barley harvest before the Lord, Jesus was being sanctified and approved by God in heaven, having risen from the dead as the first fruit from the dead for all the saints.
Consequently, in a similar fashion, as Jews from all over the world gathered for this second of three annual feasts, for which they were mandated to return to Jerusalem to worship, God honoured the earthly timeline with a spiritual affirmation. He came through with heaven’s SHAVOUT and the Church was born! Halleluyah!
Join us this Sunday (via Zoom) as we celebrate this glorious visitation of God’s Spirit that came, and still comes to us even today.
For the meeting details, please go here
Love and Blessings
Team Vinespring
This Easter!...
As the sun set on His mortal soul, hope was waiting in the horizon for the saints yet unborn… It’s Good Friday
About Good Friday.
Good for us, but terribly humiliating and shameful for Jesus the Christ.
On this day we commemorate that painful saga of glaring injustice against a good man. Yet through it all, and with every detailed assault, He was paying the price, and bearing the brunt of God’s righteous indignation for all our sins. It is good Friday, because He worked it out for our good. It is good Friday, because through His suffering, we have come into the experience of God’s goodness. This is the grace of God.
As the sun set on His mortal soul, hope was waiting in the horizon for the saints yet unborn. God was going to do a new thing that would change the course of history forever. Interestingly about this time, as the spectators were dispersing, one Roman soldier was perceptive enough to catch an early glimpse: The supposed ‘criminal’ was indeed the Son of God! he declared. And if so, there were serious implications. His Father will be showing up… soon.
From Holy Thursday, through Good Friday, let us take time to reflect and to be grateful for Jesus, the Christ; the righteous man of Galilee, who died like a common criminal on a Roman cross, for me and you.
From all of us…
Team Vinespring
Attribution: Background photo created by kjpargeter - www.freepik.com
Palm Sunday-Passover
Join us this Sunday as we explore this Pascal story, with such a redemptive message for every one of us, even today.
This year, the Christian festival of Palm Sunday has coincided with the traditional Jewish feast of Passover.
That should stir up a holy curiosity about what God may be saying to each of us and to the Church as a whole. Think of this weekend as the weekend where a humble King, a donkey, an innocent lamb and some palm fronds, all came together.
Join us this Sunday (via Zoom) as we explore this Pascal story, with such a redemptive message for every one of us, even today.
Streaming live on FB from 12noon GMT
Team Vinespring.
P.S- We spring forward tomorrow (clock moves forward), so remember to change your times.
2021 Theme: In Pursuit of His Glory
Are you ready for a glory adventure? Then feel free to come along…
It’s 2021!
Now 2020 is behind us and over the next several months and years, we will have the privilege of hindsight to appreciate the wisdom of God more and more, for that unique and interesting year.
This year however, by the grace of God, we have set our sights on chasing after the presence and the glory of Christ in every area of our lives. We learnt by His insight that this must be a year of deliberate, fervent, consistent, and relentless pursuit of the glory of God; to see Him revealed to us, in us, through us and with us in this generation.
In line with this theme, throughout this year, we will be exploring the wisdom of God on what and how we can effectively chase after and walk in the glory of Christ our Saviour. The glory of God can be overwhelmingly powerful, awesome; evening stunning to behold, to the point of trembling. Hence why presently, we are focusing of two key needs: Strength and Courage. For us to succeed in this pursuit of God’s glory, we must be people of great courage and spiritual strength. The courage to believe God and to stand firm even when it seems ridiculous and far-fetched. As well as the strength of God’s Spirit that comes through fellowship and by the Word of faith in the scriptures. In this way we are prepared for, and not alarmed by, the glory He has in store for us.
Recent world events, including the pandemic, lockdown and job losses, have led to great fear and discouragement in many hearts today. However, at Vinespring Church, we are determined by the grace of God, to remain an oasis of faith, encouragement, and positivity in Christ for all. For anyone who has resolved to settle down with a lively, Spirit led, bible believing church this year, know that we shall be at your graceful disposal, speaking His voice of healing and hope to every nation, beginning in Scotland and beyond, as He leads. So, take that step and commit to regular participation for regular encounters; towards an irrepressible transformation by the Holy Spirit.
Are you ready for a glory adventure? Then feel free to come along anytime during our meetings…
Team Vinespring
Welcome to 2021! For anyone who wants to settle down with a church this year, know that we shall be at your disposal…
Happy New Year everyone! And WELCOME TO 2021!
After a rather turbulent 2020, we’re excited about what God has in store for His people this year, and are looking forward to it all with great faith and wholesome expectation. Fear not. Old things are passed away. He is making all things NEW!
Remember His promise:
‘‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’’ -Jer 29:11 NIV
You can read that again- He plans to prosper His own. No harm is included, in any shape or form. His Word is truly His bond. And, on this we can rest our hope and faith, because God is FAITHFUL! Halleluyah!
As we continue to walk with Him and seek His face, be confident that in 2021, God will withhold NO GOOD THING from His righteous people.
For anyone who has resolved to settle down with a lively, Spirit led, bible believing church this year, know that we shall be at your graceful disposal, speaking His voice of healing and hope to every nation, beginning in Scotland and beyond, as He leads. So take that step and commit to regular participation for regular encounters; towards an irrepressible transformation by the Holy Spirit.
We will hear more of God’s desires for us at Vinespring Church when we commence our weekly services on Sunday, the 10th of January. Feel free to join our ZOOM meetings from any part of the globe... and bring your friends and family too.
Happy New Year once again.
Much love from all of us.
Team Vinespring.
Cross Over Night
Join us later tonight via Zoom
Join us later tonight via Zoom
VINESPRING CHURCH is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Time: DEC 31st , 2020; 11:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 8834 4392
Passcode: 1RwJ5C
See you there…
Team Vinespring.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
‘‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,..’’
Merry Christmas everyone.
Behold, this day in David’s city, a saviour was Born, who is Christ the King. A word of prophecy spoken several centuries earlier, was fulfilled as a promise kept by God himself.
Isaiah did declare:
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
As we celebrate yet another Christmas, let us do well to reflect on, and rejoice in, the reason for the season- Jesus Christ our Saviour and King.
Blessings always…
Team Vinespring