Hell No...

Hell No! Hell Yes!

So say many who say they do not believe in the concept of hell. Yet many are terrified of the prospect of a life in hell. The idea of being eternally judged for unbelief and unrighteousness frightens most people to the core, even while many may claim not to believe in God, heaven, or hell. If there is no hell, then have no fear! If there is no hell, then no amount of postulation by 'adherents' and so called 'fear mongers' should rattle any soul firmly satisfied in their indifference to these ideas. It should really be of no consequence whether anyone or any religion suggests that one's destiny is hell if they have failed to meet a certain criteria for that 'other' opposite destination. It should really provoke neither rage nor resentment since it would matter nothing as long as one does not believe it... But. If there is hell. And heaven. If the consequence of unbelief and unrighteousness is a place of perpetual and eternal torment for those who meet that criteria, then all should fear. In fact all must fear GREATLY! Perhaps it is this reality, as acknowledged by every living soul, that causes the heart of every human to fear an end without a saviour (though often we wilfully suppress this with other more pleasant ideas). But that fear will never offer the respite from dread. As a matter of fact, God does not want any one to go to hell. Which is why he stepped in with a most wholesome offer- Salvation by His Son Jesus.

"For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved". John 3:16-17

So, heaven,... No? If you think about it, it is the thought of heaven that offers relief and joy. But more than a thought or idea, the Truth is, the Way has been made straight in Christ Jesus. Through Him and by Him, if we are willing to believe and accept God's offer, when we hear heaven, our souls know that our true home is calling. There is no more fear, and we can say a resounding YES!!

I say heaven. What say ye?


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels