Verses for Vessels

"There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
    the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fall;
    God will help her at break of day."- 
Psalm 46:4-5 NIV

Fast flowing chaos...

Sometimes our lives can seem caught up in fast flowing rapids; chaotic, helplessly out of control, always endangered. Now and again we could find that we may have stepped into rivers that could carry us away. Rivers of events outwith our control and beyond our plans, projections or preparations. Some have stepped into such rivers in their relationships, or their jobs, or their businesses. Communities and nations often step into such rivers too. The result is an unpredictable journey of chaos, confusion, and anarchy, in governance, social order or their economic stability.


This River...

In the text above we are introduced to a River; a different kind of river. This is the River of God. It is also unpredictable. Like all rivers it is also able to carry us in directions we can neither determine nor control. But unlike any other river in this life, we know where this River will end up- the City of God. Unlike other rivers that leave us endangered and insecure, this River makes glad! It brings order, prosperity, and grace. It provides a superior assurance. This is because this River channels the very life of God to all who would step in. And although we may not always know how the River may flow, we are confident of where it is flowing to, and what flows through it- life and peace and joy. 

There is a River whose waters make glad the city of God. And God is within her!

I pray this strengthens our hearts today. Because of this River, we know who abides with us. Because of He who abides with us, even when life throws up things at us; when unprecedented twists and turns abound in our way, we will not be shaken. We can be confident in trouble because of His abiding presence and peace... peace, like this River. There is a River...



Have you been to His River? Come to this River....


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels