Verses for Vessels

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8 NIV

The Conjunction

Whenever a sentence starts with 'but', it is about to express a contrast. It's like the flow of thought comes to a junction at that word, and indicates by that very word, that a turn is about to be made, to the right or to the left. And we find this contrast in the verse previous, that is verse 7. Paul in this chapter of Romans is explaining the gift of God's salvation in Christ and contrasts that with the judgement that came on all by Adam. In the progress of his thoughts on the subject, he suggests that it is difficult and rare for someone to die for another's sins or offences. No matter how sympathetic you may have felt about a cousin or daughter or parent who may have broken the law, I am yet to see evidence of anyone actively soliciting the courts for the privilege of taking on a loved one's sentence on themselves. We don't do that. Ok, maybe people could put themselves and their reputation on the line for someone who they deem respectable and innocent of a crime. Yet, when a severe punishment on the supposed 'innocent' person is prescribed, we find it 'safer', even more 'reasonable', to campaign actively for their vindication than appeal to take on the punishment on their behalf. This was Paul's presentation...


Fatal Consequence

But God... does His differently. You see, we were sinners. We were guilty as charged. And the punishment was more severe than a milestone around the neck. The Law is just. The Law giver is just. The recipients of the Law and those whose only excuse was their ignorance, proved unworthy of the Law. By the requirements of the same Law, and in the justice of the Law giver, a just and right punishment for transgressing the Law was meet unto all. Such a punishment must also have to be according to the Law. According to the Law, the soul that sins shall die"1. That way "you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge" 2. We had no hope but to face the full weight of the wrath of God. Pain, grief, sorrow, punishment, death, eternal separation,  loss of authority, loss of dominion forever, loss of our divine identity, loss of ...God. We were sinners...


While we were...

But God. ...While we were still sinners, He asked the question "who shall go for me and who shall I send?". While we were still sinners, He said, "Here I am, send me"3. While were still sinners, a virgin conceived and brought forth a man-child. While we were still sinners, He companied with task collectors and prostitutes, espousing the good news of God's Kingdom and grace. While we were still sinners, He walked among us, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out devils. While we still sinners, Jesus spoke up for the accused and the guilty, and forgave the weak and the double minded. While we were still sinners, He fed the hungry, brought about a boat sinking harvest, even gave us authority over demons and devils. While we were still sinners He invited 'one of us' into paradise on a 'same-day' ticket. But even these would not suffice. They all were mere 'empathy cards' to the guilty on death row. ...while we were yet sinners. The true and final act, the unexpected turn, the twist in the story, was to come at the end of three hours of hell's fury, in the face of heaven's displeasure and earth's disgust. Jesus the sinless Son of God, after a loud and soul rending cry to the Father who had just forsaken Him, breathed His last earthly breath, and ...DIED, ...for US 4. WHILE WE WERE STILL SINNERS!



But God! Ah! What love! How beautiful! How graceful! What an earthly demonstration of Divine love! The devil, the Law, even our own souls were expectant of God's certain judgement. But God. Right now today, there are those who may have accepted within their hearts the ultimate and 'just' recompense for their ways. You may have told yourself, I deserve this sickness; my ways were unwholesome. I have abused my body, my time, my opportunities, and my helps. You may be saying to yourself, I deserve the isolation from friends and family. I deserve the pain and fury of those I have hurt or harmed. I deserve the judgement of the state and the law of the land. Or you could be on the side, affirming the suffering of another, believing it to be well deserved. You think to yourself, they broke the law so they should go to jail. They lacked self control, so they deserve the unwanted pregnancy. They were unfaithful in their marriage so they don't deserve their wife and kids. Or, they are sinners, so, yes, they're destined for Hell! Hmmm... Well... wait one minute. Every life approaches a bend at the Cross of Christ. I hear the Master switch on the indicator. In the text above He points us to a turn and a twist in the story... But God! Hallelujah! Love, God's gracious love, can interrupt the narrative and change every outcome through the Cross of Jesus Christ... while we are still sinners. Glory to God!


Even Now

If this speaks of you or someone you know, then waste no time in heading to the Cross. This passage is a loud and clear 'indicator' from God that you can have a different outcome, regardless of how fast and furious your travel may have been. God intervened at the Cross. He still intervenes at the Cross. He laid, not just His reputation on the line, but His life and blood was shed for humans to find their way back home to the Heavenly Father's heart again.

Our mistake often, is that we want to make everything right, before we come to God. We want to tidy up the house and put things in order for this honourable guest. But He does not care much about your efforts which amount to nothing without Him. Of course, the house needs tiding up, but we would hardly know where everything ought to be without switching on the light. Plus, it's His house. So He alone knows where best to place those items currently in disarray about our lives and situations. If He died while you were yet a sinner, it may well be best to let Him in, while you are yet a sinner. Righteousness with God only BEGINS, when He steps in. Jesus had this to say in the book of Revelations...

"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." 5

The Light is come. The choice is clear. God has demonstrated His love. Will you demonstrate yours? Will you let Him have the House He paid for? He will put it all together when you do.


PRAYERS: Dear Lord Jesus, I have tried several times to get it together and I keep failing. I now see why. I accept that you have loved me in spite of me. Today, by faith, I also accept to love you in spite of me. I yield my life, and trust your grace to save me from sin and death. Thank you for your amazing grace. In Jesus name, amen.



References: 1.) Ezekiel 18:4   2.) Psalm 51:4  3.) Isaiah 6:8  4.) Matthew 27:50.  5.) Revelations 3:20


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels