Verses for Vessels

"But if I go to the east, he is not there;
    if I go to the west, I do not find him.
When he is at work in the north, I do not see him;
    when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.
But he knows the way that I take;
    when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold."
- Job 23: 8-10



I used to pride myself as someone who could find my way anywhere, anytime, so long as I keep my eyes open on my way to a place, I can find my way back out from there. I think I am naturally blessed with an internal GPS (Global Positioning System) that helps me sense which way is north or south. But I cannot count how many times I have lost my way and have had to ask local people, or reluctantly consulted my map for directions. Not many people are disposed to the same abilities as it were. Their strength may lie in the better judgement of simply researching and asking for directions at every turn, to and fro. Fortunately for me and many of like mind, one of the most brilliant inventions of the modern age, is the satellite navigation system or SatNav for short. It is now available on mobile phones, cars, and other navigational equipments. And it has proven to be a life safer, mostly, for many people. Since I discovered its refreshing benefits, I am quite relaxed about getting from A to B, if B has a verifiable postcode and A is where I am.



In the passage above, brother Job, in the midst of his suffering asks a rather unusual question for a man who seems to have had a genuine relationship with God for a while. He asks, "Where does God live?" If we paused there for a minute, you would agree that it is odd to call anyone your friend, if after 6months, or 3years of friendship, you still cannot tell where it is they bide at. But let's bear with Job for he is speaking from a place of extreme pain and  despair. He felt so unjustly treated by God, he decided the matter was best settled face to face. No more talking to the air. No more speaking to someone whom he felt had become too distant from his affliction. No more. He wanted to take his case to God and confront the Holy One with his own strong arguments. But having prepared his case, having articulated his reasons, it was necessary to know exactly where this great confrontation must occur. It would be at God's house of course. But where would that be? Where does God live? What is His post code?


All over

Perhaps this is you. You want a chance to tell God everything you really think and feel about Him. No veils. No pretensions. No religious piety. And for some, perhaps, no reverence. You just want to see Him and tell "How could you be my God, and watch me suffer while you call it a test. How could you be so merciful and let my beloved spouse, son, daughter, mother or other relative, die so slowly or so suddenly, despite my faithfulness to you. How could you so silently watch on while I suffer? I have helped so many; why won't you help me? I need you to answer for yourself. I want to get you to a place where even you are also vulnerable. Where no preachers will protect you with lofty words of praise. Where no saints would cover your strange ways with various acts of charity. Where no religious practice can conceal the rawness of my emptiness from your apparent refusal to help me. I want to find you where you are." So, you may have searched all over for this place of God. To the east, and the west, and the south, and the north. But have yet to find Him anywhere there. 


He'll find me

Apparently God has no post code. Or His address is yet to be registered on many of our SATNAVs. That appeared to be the case with Job. A loyal servant of God who could not tell His master's home address. But remarkably, Job leaves us with an astonishing revelation on the depth of His understanding and relationship with God. Job says, and I paraphrase, "I have searched everywhere and can't seem to find Him. But that's ok. He'll find me, because He's been observing my search all these while." "He knows the way that I take...!" Halleluyah! He knows the way you have been taking. He knows the frustrations. He knows the fears and the anger and the hurt and the journeys and the exhaustion and the betrayals, and the guilt, and the fear, and the faith, even when feeble. He knows the way that you have taken: searching, seeking, desiring, hoping, expecting, crying, believing, relenting, and believing again; He knows! With God, much more than where we have gone seeking for Him, He is moved by the fact that we went seeking for Him at all. And for that reason alone, He always shows up. He will come to us. He will find us, right where we are.


Draw Near

He said, if we draw hear to Him, He will draw hear to us 1. Again, He promised that we if we seek Him we will find Him when we seek Him with all our heart 2. I believe a heart that has been searching everywhere, has been searching with their all. They are most ready for God when He shows up as He promised He would. So let us draw near with everything we have. Let's give Him room to reveal himself. We can ask Him for directions to His house because our SATNAVs fail us too often. He knows the way we take, so He can come to us in the way. Let Him find you in the Way today.

Prayer: Dear Lord, show me your way. I have searched and searched but have yet to find your way. But you know the way I take. Come Holy Spirit and guide my path to your place of abode. Take me to your rest. In Jesus name, amen.


References: .1) James 4:8 (KJV)   .2)Jer 29:13 (NIV)



Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels