Verses for Vessels

Easter Lights....

"Who has believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?" - Isaiah 53:1 NIV


12 days hence...

In just over 11days from now, the body of Christ, Christians all over the world, will be celebrating Easter. Also called Pascha, the event commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Jesus, the Son of God, became the Son of man and died a mortal death, following His brutal suffering and execution at the powerful hands of the Roman authorities who ruled Judea at the time.

Long ago

Before His appearance among men, there was a general expectation and curious search by many through generations, for that Prophet, of whom Moses spoke; that messiah to come. In fact, many people arose from time to time claiming to be 'the One', but, they proved not to be. However God left no doubt about the heritage, mission, and sacrifice of that 'One'. In no other passage, is the prophecy of his suffering and purpose more clearly stated than The book of Isaiah, chapter 53. But before we are even told of what was to befall Him, we find the question being asked... "Who has believed our message?". 



Today, even today, He still asking that question where are those that have believed? Who has believed the message of His great grace? Some still sneer at Him on that cross, imagining it was well deserved. Others remain indifferent. Some are still enraged by His claim of divine Sonship and His call to repentance from sin and dead works. While others consider it civil to merely tolerate, even accommodate Him. By and large, many more are yet to actually BELIEVE His message; His testimony.



As we count down to this festive date, I call on us to consider our positions on the Easter story. God asked the question in Isaiah..."Who has believed our message?" If you stood face to face with the bleeding Jew upon the Roman tree with a crown of thorns upon his head. If you've come to hear that His suffering was for all mankind; that the judgement He faced was the one we deserved. If, as now, you are hearing that God sent Him to save us all from sin and Judgement, and that that salvation can come to ALL who would believe... Will you believe? Will you now believe, or would you walk away? Would you now believe or would you stand and stare? Will you believe?

Have you believed?


PRAYER: Dear Lord, just as I am I come to the foot of the cross. I take in that which you have clearly laid bare before all eyes- your Son on the altar for me. Help me believe you. I believe you. Thank you Jesus. Amen.


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels