Verses for Vessels

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:25-26

Much of our relationship with God hinges on our continual unstifled obedience to His voice and His commands. In the Old Testament, they had the Laws of Moses to keep them right and all who were part of God's people were required to obey or keep the letters of the Law. The psalmists sang about them; the prophets spoke on account of them; even Jesus referred to these Laws over and over again. They were God's own express instructions on how they were to conduct their affairs with Him, with themselves, and with each other. It came from the mouth of God through Moses. And, according to the Psalmist, His commandments, His Laws, His instructions, are perfect. They bring great joy, and reward if we keep them1

When Jesus came along, He began to elaborate and elucidate on many of these commands, even introducing new ones. In the past God spoke through Moses and the prophets but now He speaks through His own Son directly, issuing new commands. As in the Old Testament, He issued new commands for dealing with our own selves, dealing with others and relating with God. And the text above from the book of Matthew is one of those commands to us. 

"Therefore I tell you, DO NOT WORRY" (paraphrased). That's a fresh command from the Most High Himself! However much we may be tempted to carry on with a habit of anxiety this year, perhaps this would serve as a counter voice to our tendency to fret. He says, "Do not worry about it". He says, " I've got this, you just focus on me... “. “Ok, if you must, then ask the birds and they'll tell you. But mind you, I value you more than they. So, do not worry". And, we could see that that's as much a command as "thou shall offer a male lamb without blemish". But this is Jesus speaking, because He has you covered- literally! 

We are in a covenant relationship with this amazing God who loves us so much He gave His Son for us; and is willing to do so much more besides- but no other sacrifice can be higher. So how would He not also with Christ freely give us all things, the apostle Paul once asked? 2 The choice couldn't be any clearer. Will you trust and obey THIS command not to worry, and do so continually; or would you surrender to anxiety? The good thing is that He is willing and able to give us more grace to obey if we come to Him3. So will you come?

Prayers: Dear Lord, I come to you this day asking for your grace. My heart wants to obey you though my flesh is often weak. I know your Word is true and precious. I believe and accept that every instruction you give me is for my own good and for my welfare. Therefore I repent of my worries and anxieties. I cast them all to your care today because I trust you and I know you care for me. Thank you for the victory you have given me over worry, this day and always. In Jesus name. Amen.



Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels