"O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."
- Psalm 40:5

Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners...

"God—you’re my God! I can’t get enough of you! I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts. So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you. I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy; I smack my lips. It’s time to shout praises! If I’m sleepless at midnight, I spend the hours in grateful reflection. Because you’ve always stood up for me, I’m free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post."

Psalm 63:1‭-‬8 MSG

In this season, it is time to create room for more of God. Beyond the words; beyond the stories of others, this is a good time to chase God up for an encounter that is yours by God. Something that you can both see, hear n touch. This was David's earnest cry in the desert of Judah. You can make it yours where ever your desert may be today. 

Prayers: Dear Lord, fill my heart with an earnest longing for you. Let me know this deep hunger and passion that drove your servant David to utter those precious words in prayer. I choose to make those same prayers my cry to you today and every coming day, in Jesus name.

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

It is true that as many as made it into 2018 alive, did so still as humans. And if that is the case, then we can still be vulnerable to all that can affect humans everywhere. But not so God...

"God is not human, that he should lie,
    not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?" 
Numbers 23:19

Still Human 

About this time in the year many have already gotten on with their New Year resolutions, plans and other commitments. The sense of 'newness' often inspires us to make certain adjustments to our lives and schedules, with a view to creating a better and different outcome to the ones we may have had in the year gone by. And this can be a good thing. But, we must be careful with this notion of newness as, in actual fact, we are still and may very well be surrounded by the same things or people. It may have come as a surprise to some, but as that clock ticked through midnight, and we stepped from one year into the next, with all the hopes, resolutions, prospects and fireworks, ... I'm almost certain that as many as made it into 2018 alive, did so still as humans. And if that is the case, then we can still be vulnerable to all that can affect humans everywhere. But not so God.


This God...

Our verse today reminds us of what we tend to forget or often fail to realise "God is not Human". He is Spirit. And He is God, all by Himself. He is high. His ways are higher. He is Holy. His ways are perfect-without fault, cannot be improved upon, without shade or shadow, and full of glory. His wisdom is not a learned experience. No need for a counsellor. He is all-knowing, all-seeing, and Almighty. Unaffected by times, seasons or dispensations. Always true. Always steadfast. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And when He speaks, He speaks Himself. Therefore His Words are dependable, eternal, true, consistent and effective. His love and devotion are eternal. So is His justice and judgement. God is not a man or God is not human, that He should lie. Neither is He the product of human conjecture, that He should change His mind (or improve upon His views).



Today we live in a fast changing world where 'group thinking' is the order in many circles. To go against popular opinion is to invite the wrath of trolls and the general public, even if such an opinion agrees firmly with common sense. It is worse when it is a godly view. Today, some Christians have found themselves cornered and boxed into biblically and spiritually unacceptable views and mindsets because their societies have changed their minds. What used to be right is now considered wrong and what was very well frowned upon, is now desperately being embraced. We even have some 'churches' seeking to 'amend' the scriptures, so as to become more suitable to their hearers. And many are forever confused. But we have an anchor in God Almighty. We have an anchor in the Word of God. What was true is still true with Him. What was false and evil, is still false and evil, according to Him.


To this end

As we go about our business today, let's reflect on those words as clearly spoken to a man who thought He could use God to achieve his own ends. Balaam wanted to make God's Word more acceptable to his benefactor. He changed his location a number of times, and altered his point of view, hoping that would change God's point of view. But, God is not a man. God is not Human. Humans can be frail, fickle, and floundering. God is stable, strong and steadfast. God, is God, all by Himself. He does, and will do, exactly what He says. And for this we all should be eternally grateful.

Prayers: Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that you are not human. Help me to focus my heart and mind on you at all times, to seek to worship you in spirit and in truth. Let your love and faithfulness surround and guide me always, whatever the situation around me. This I pray in Jesus name, amen.


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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

2018- elEVATE

From a posture or position of gratitude we make our entrance to the new year by the grace of God. For all we have seen; for all we have come to know, we have heard an invitation...

Halleluyah                                                                                                                                                 Glory to God!! It's the year of our Lord 2018!

"..thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere." 2Cor 2:14 (NIV)

It's great to see you here. It is great to be here! God is good, and has been good to us in the year gone by. We trust His faithfulness to abide ceaselessly in the days and months ahead, this year. Halleluyah!

Small things                                                                                                                                        It's quite easy to take for granted the many mercies that freely come our way by the grace of God. Things like health, and vision, and breath, and hearing, and friendships, and love, and community, and provisions, and protection, and safety, and security, and warmth, and.... you can very well add to this list. We can become unmindful of these things, or self absorbed in considering them. On one side we could think to ourselves that so much of our plans have yet to come to fruition, despite our relentless efforts and commitments. We see all that have yet to happen, and we see all that happened which we least expected and never desired. So we could become resentful, despondent, sunken. In this state we have little or no grace left for applying ourselves to gratitude, for the 'small' things that have happened even without our thought or effort. On the other hand we could also become suddenly overconfident in ourselves as a result of our achievements-perceived or actual. So, rather than make room for thanksgiving to God, we set about planning and plotting how we could do even better. We may even yield to that age old instinctive tendency to tear down the barn so we could build an even bigger one, and leave a much grander legacy in the days ahead.

God-titude                                                                                                                                            If the focus of our consciousness is always and only on ourselves; on 'ME', then we cannot but be prideful, and arrogant and unmindful and ungrateful. This is because real gratitude can only spring from a genuine appreciation of our place and contribution to this evolving delicacy called 'life'. Just staying on delicacy, when my wife (who loves cooking) sets about preparing a meal, my observation is that she does put together several different ingredients (some a bit more than others). If it was a vegetable soup, there would be the vegetable of choice, then some water, spices, meat, and some other condiments, all added at the appropriate times and intervals under a regulated temperature till the deed is done. The result? - a most inviting aroma of delightful enjoyment and nutrition.  We could call it Okra soup, but it was not the okra alone that gave us the output. As long as we think it was all about our effort and qualifications and sacrifice, true gratitude would elude us. But if we would peradventure acknowledge that a 'higher hand' was involved. If we would be mindful that God is at work: around us, with us and, when we let him, in us; to bring out His best plans FOR US, then gratitude- earnest, unabashed, spontaneous gratitude, would spring from our depths to Him at every turn. Like an expert Chef, He knows what He is about. Any mind, that would acknowledge the true and evident source of all blessings, and the sovereign hand over all human affairs, would always have room enough, and grace, for gratitude. Perhaps we should term such a mindset 'God-titude'.

Lift-Up                                                                                                                                                   It is therefore from such a posture or position of gratitude that we make our entrance to the new year by the grace of God. For all we have seen; for all we have come to know, we have heard an invitation to a higher plain. As a church and a Voice, we hear His call to higher things. Higher worship. Higher love. Higher devotion. Higher manifestations of His power and grace. Higher help. Higher service.  Higher wisdom. Higher engagements. We hear Him say- "ELEVATE!"; "Come Up Here" -Rev 4:1. Over the course of the next 365 days, as a church we would focus our hearts and minds on this holy invitation. We will seek to position ourselves rightly and accurately for His elevation. Through our sermons, bible studies and programmes, we would be anticipating glorious liftings in our lives, in our community and in the lives of everyone who identifies in one shape or form with God's call on this ministry. We will be lifting up the Word, righteousness, faith, boldness, holiness, the miraculous, unrestrained worship, love, and Jesus Christ in all His goodness; until we see as much of what He is inviting us to see, as He has ordained in this year.

And this invitation is to you as well... So come along. In 2018, let's all together ELEVATE.

In His Vineyard

Pastor Chika Edeh


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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church



Happy New Year and Welcome to 2018! Please be advised that our weekly meetings will commence on SUNDAY the 14th of JANUARY 2018. As such THERE WILL BE NO BIBLE STUDY MEETING TOMORROW, THE 5TH, AND ON THE 12TH OF JANUARY 2018. Please watch out for our new year theme and programme update, coming soon.

God bless.

Team Vinespring

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

WATERED 2017! 'A CHRISTMAS CAROL- Light After Dark'

What a time of grace, fellowship and renewal...


How did it go?

Glory to God in the Highest! And on earth peace to men and women of goodwill! What an amazing time of fellowship, truth, and renewal we had tonight.

Between traditional carol songs and amazing stories of God's saving grace; of Jesus at work redeeming hearts and changing lives, even today.

It was our privilege to have Michael Goodlad from SensationALL talk us through the great work they do in the community. We urge everyone to keep them and the work they do in all our prayers and to support them in every other way we possibly can.

We thank God for the servants He used tonight- Les Dunbar, who took on the job for Santa, Derek Keith, who supplied his gifts in more ways than one, and shared his story of the Christ of Christmas in His life; and of course, our guest minister, Eddie Murison himself- you couldn't make up such a story of God's transforming grace. Many were touched. Some were amazed. And others were simply humbled; falling on their knees as it were, before this King that loves so intensely. Thank you sirs, so much. Thanks also to Efe and Shelah Asalor, Emma Herdman, and everyone else who helped out with the children. We are grateful for all your support and great encouragement to us for His Glory. May God's pleasure continually prosper in all your hands.

Eddie, Keith and Les, like many others in the room, have had their lives transformed by personal encounters with Jesus Christ who became their personal Lord and Saviour. They found that it was not the cleaned out 'living room' from where we have hidden away our faults, fears, and failures, that he sought. They let him have the room they would not normally let anyone see, their messy places... the barn. And in that place among many hearts, sweet baby Jesus is always ready to be born. In such an atmosphere, He brings Light After our nights of Dark in ignorance and despair. Halleluyah!

Our prayer is that every heart who has been so blessed by all they have witnessed tonight, would abide in fruitful fellowship and communion with the living, loving Saviour- Jesus Christ.

Thanks again to everyone who came. Please feel free to join us for any of our meetings any time. In the meantime, keep rejoicing, and we pray you remain His blessings always.

Lots of love from Obi and Chika Edeh


Team Vinespring

P.S- If you were at the event, kindly leave us a comment on  regarding your experience today. God bless.

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Work up some hunger for more of God... 

"God—you’re my God! I can’t get enough of you! I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts. So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, drinking in your strength and glory. In your generous love I am really living at last! My lips brim praises like fountains. I bless you every time I take a breath; My arms wave like banners of praise to you. I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy; I smack my lips. It’s time to shout praises! If I’m sleepless at midnight, I spend the hours in grateful reflection. Because you’ve always stood up for me, I’m free to run and play. I hold on to you for dear life, and you hold me steady as a post."

Psalm 63:1‭-‬8 MSG

In this season, it is time to create room for more of God. Beyond the words; beyond the stories of others, this is a good time to chase God up for an encounter that is yours by God. Something that you can both see, hear n touch. This was David's earnest cry in the desert of Judah. You can make it yours where ever your desert may be today. 

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Hear more; See more...

You decide... 

Hear hear...

" And he said unto them, Take heed what ye hear: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you: and unto you that hear shall more be given." -Mark 4:24 KJV

How much of Him are you hearing? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If we would hear more, Jesus promises, we would receive more from the Father. Decide today to hear more.

Hear more; See more.

Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash

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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church


We'll be right back...


Please note that there would be no Bible Study and Sunday Service meetings this Friday (17th November) and Sunday (19th of November 2017)

Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Our weekly meetings continue as usual on the 24th of November 2017. See you then.


Team Vinespring

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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church

Join Us Every Friday....

Every Friday at Costa Coffee Westhill, we meet to explore the words of scripture while seeking to understand how to employ and apply the same truths in our daily lives. Join us for a friendly, warm, and focused discussion on different topics from the bible. 

Would you want to explore Christianity? Do you seek to learn more about Jesus together with other believers? Then come along, let's learn together...

Copy of You're invited to an-2.png
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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

 "For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth." 2Cor. 10:18 KJV

Whose honour are you after?

Jesus said "I’m not interested in crowd approval." Are we? 


“I’m not interested in crowd approval. And do you know why? Because I know you and your crowds. I know that love, especially God’s love, is not on your working agenda. I came with the authority of my Father, and you either dismiss me or avoid me. If another came, acting self-important, you would welcome him with open arms. How do you expect to get anywhere with God when you spend all your time jockeying for position with each other, ranking your rivals and ignoring God?" - John 5:41-44 MSG

If God were to 'check you out', would He find you 'fully rounded' for His purpose? The text above is a reminder and admonition to all who would follow Jesus, to determine, above all else, that they would seek the honour and appraisal that comes from God.

May this be our testimony, always...


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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

"I have banked your promises in the vault of my heart..."

The great assurance.

"How can a young person live a clean life?
    By carefully reading the map of your Word.
I’m single-minded in pursuit of you;
    don’t let me miss the road signs you’ve posted.
I’ve banked your promises in the vault of my heart
    so I won’t sin myself bankrupt.
Be blessed, God;
    train me in your ways of wise living."- Psalm 119:9-12 MSG.


Photo by Yoosun Won on Unsplash

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

There is a place to which we are invited by the grace of God. It cannot be searched out nor imagined. It can only be revealed. Keep following Him...

"The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1 NIV

There is a place to which we are invited by the grace of God. It cannot be searched out nor imagined. It can only be revealed. We are continually being invited to leave what can be physically or naturally known, and embrace what only God can reveal by His Spirit as we walk with Him. As you reflect on the verse above, consider these thoughts: Where am I? Where should I be? Where is my revealed place? God's highest blessing for all of us is reserved for those who come into their revealed place with God. 

Keep following Him... He will show you. And there He will bless you.



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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Into the Promise Land...

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash 

"When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel." - Deuteronomy 32:8 KJV

To us is given in Christ portions and lands according to the covenant of grace. Are you taking up your inheritance? Is the promise yours for real? The boundaries have been set. The inheritance has not only been determined; it has been distributed. Take yours.

Into the Promise Land...

Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Hold on... glory cometh!

Photo by Ashton Mullins on Unsplash 


"He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son." Rev 21:7 (KJV)

There is an exceeding weight of glory that awaits those who hold on. Wait for it, it will not tarry.

Photo by Joey Kyber on Unsplash

Photo by Joey Kyber on Unsplash

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Outreach and Missions Vinespring Church Outreach and Missions Vinespring Church

Outreach Update- Thanks be to God!

Everyone at some point in life deserves a break. Our offers were a way of meeting that need in the simplest way possible for people in our community. In a way we all are thirsty. We thirst daily. We thirst for fulfilment. We thirst for satisfaction, for health, for security, for hope, for assurance, for strength, for food and shelter, for love, for knowledge, companionship, fellowship and belonging,.. Jesus said, "whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14. That is his promise to us.


"But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere." 2Cor 2:14 (NIV)

What an amazing week the past week has been, with several expressions of God's grace and goodness to us throughout. From Monday through Sunday, we were privileged to engage our community with our offers of free drinks at Costa Coffee Westhill. We would like to thank everyone who took us up on our offer and we hope you enjoyed your drink, whichever one you chose to have. We would also like to express our appreciation to the barristers and Management at Costa Coffee for the allowing us to use their services in this outreach. May God bless you all.

We believe that everyone at some point in life deserves a break. Our offers were a way of meeting that need in the simplest way possible for people in our community. As a Christian group, it was also for us, a deliberate response to those words of Jesus in John 7:37- "Let anyone who is thirsty come". The grand question now becomes, "who is thirsty? and for what?". 

In a way we all are thirsty. We thirst daily. We thirst for fulfilment. We thirst for satisfaction, for health, for security, for hope, for assurance, for strength, for food and shelter, for love, for knowledge, companionship, fellowship and belonging, forgiveness, freedom, mercy, wealth, or glory. And so forth... Whatever the hue or shade or intensity of this thirst, it is perfectly understood by God our maker. And he sent One person to quench our thirsts God's way -Jesus Christ. 

It may come as a surprise to many, but God knows our frame. He knows what we think and how we think. He knows our cares, fears and worries and why we care, fear or worry. He does, because He is our maker. And as any manufacturer holds the details of a products warranty and repair/replacement, he made the same available through the Word of God- the scriptures. That Word became flesh, Jesus Christ, and he said, " Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28. The prophet Isaiah puts it this way:

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost"- Isaiah 55:1

Such was the case of one woman, a Samaritan, who Jesus met at the well. She too was thirsty. But the water He gave her satisfied her deepest needs (John 4:1-26). It became a source of eternal life within her:

"...but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

That was his promise to her. That is his promise to us. That remains His promise to EVERYONE, and it is for this reason that we share this good news with everyone. We hope that all who took up our offer, get to taste of this water of life. It is for this reason that He spreads the aroma of His goodness through us. And for this, we thank God.

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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church

Summer Outreach Mission

Vinespring Church will be having a week long Community outreach in Westhill this summer, from the 17th through the 23rd of July 2017. Hear more...

Vinespring Church will be having a week long Community outreach in Westhill this summer.

Need A Break?

Following the success of last year's 'Coffee outreach', we will begin with our Free Drink Offer which we have created in collaboration with Costa Coffee Westhill. Our team will be handing out the vouchers in the town centre from the 17th through the 21st of July 2017. The vouchers will be valid till Sunday the 23rd of July 2017, and will be available for the first 250 persons who would take advantage of this gesture. "If anyone is thirsty, let him come.." John 7:37

Denman Clean

On Saturday the 22nd of July, Team Vinespring will be carrying out a 'Clean up exercise' within Denman Park. We meet at Costa Coffee by 10.30am from where we would proceed together to the park. If you would like to help, and do not mind getting your hands dirty with some good work, then by all means, come along. 

Thanksgiving/Open Sunday

Our weeklong outreach concludes on Sunday with a thanksgiving service at our usual time and venue- 11 am at Holiday Inn, Westhill. This service would be an opportunity to welcome everyone who was touched by the outreach events and who may be responding to the invitations from our team over the week. We will gather in fellowship, praise and thanksgiving as we celebrate the King of Kings.

Look out

So, be on the look out for our free Drink offer. Pray along with us for wisdom and God's guidance as we plan and prepare, and for everyone who we will meet. And if you are in Westhill area, feel free to get in touch and get involved as we reach our town together for Jesus Christ.

Team Vinespring

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Father's Day

Once again across many parts of the Western world, it was time to celebrate the blessing and privilege of Fathers and fatherhood. It can be a daunting task, this business of fatherhood. But as Christians, we can be confident that even with this great responsibility, GOD HELPS US.

"Even to your old age and gray hairs
    I am he, I am he who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you." - Isaiah 46:4 (NIV)

Father of Many- Once again across many parts of the Western world, it was time to celebrate the blessing and privilege of Fathers and fatherhood. It can be a daunting task, this business of fatherhood. But as Christians, we can be confident that even with this great responsibility, GOD HELPS US.

What better example of fatherhood did God leave us in the bible than Abraham, the Father of faith in the Living God! A study of the life of Abraham leads me to 3 key instructions on fatherhood which, I believe, every father may need to remember.

They are:

  1. Fatherhood is a call- Just like God called Abram1 (whose name means Father), so He is calling every male parent, legal guardian, or male mentor to this walk. You will need faith. You will need courage. You will need humility and be willing to make the sacrifices necessary. Fathers often have to initiate new directions, come up with fresh and relevant solutions to challenges that their forbears may never have faced. But with faith and determination, you can birth something new for your children's children and all your generation too. Recall that many are called, but few are chosen. Heed the call. Trust his call.
  2.  Fatherhood is an honour- It is a great honour to become a Father; to have responsibility for originating, moulding, shaping, protecting, guiding and supervising the next generation. An honour is never one we assume, but something that is bestowed. No man takes the honour; God gives it. So treat it as such. Walk in it as such. Regardless of how the times, and the past may judge your efforts, you can choose today to honour this role as you have been honoured to have it. Honour it with integrity, discipline, hard work, and faith. Abraham declared to the king of Sodom, "With raised hand I have sworn an oath to the Lord, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, that I will accept nothing belonging to you, not even a thread or the strap of a sandal, so that you will never be able to say, ‘I made Abram rich."2 And God honoured him too.
  3. Fatherhood is a promise- After he had walked with God for a long time, God said to Abram, "As for me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations."3 I have made will be. Many Fathers may identify with the feeling of inadequacy, as well as the pressure to perform, that comes from watching the world evolve around you. Perhaps it is diminished income, loss of confidence, relationship breakdown or increasing bills or debts. Some are driven into all sorts of endeavours to keep up, and to stay afloat. But if as believers, we recall that Fatherhood is a promise in Christ. And all the promises of God in Christ are yea and amen; then we would rest in his grace all the more. It's a promise. The work was finished. We are benefactors of that work of grace. I have made you a Father, and a Father you will be! Hallelujah! Now go out there and be the father He made you. 


Abba - I believe that every father and fatherhood is symbolic of the One True Father. We are a window through which our children, churches, communities, societies, and the world around us, should see the Heavenly Father. We are not the origin of Fatherhood; God is. Fathers are originators; they source and are expected to sustain. Well, no one does it better than the Good Father Himself- our Source and our sustainer. And He wants every earthly father and father figure to remember that. No matter how important we become, or how great our exploits; no matter how inadequate we feel or how far gone our times, God still wants us to look up to him and unto him. He wants our earnest cry to still be 'Abba, Father'!4 Even till our hairs turn grey and our eyes grow dim, He promises to carry us as his children5. And O what a blessing that is!

Happy Father's Day

Scriptural refs- 1)Gen12: 1;  2)Gen 14:22-23;  3)Gen 17:4-5;  4)Galatians 4:6;  5)Isaiah 46:4


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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Verses for Vessels

Feeling dry, empty and alienated from the life that God intended? Well Jesus said, " will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" Acts 1:8. Let's reflect on how the apostle Peter explains this great event of Pentecost.

The Spirit for Everyone...

 But this is what was spoken about through the prophet Joel:                                                       ‘And in the last days it will be,’ God says,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all people,
and your sons and your daughters will prophesy,
and your young men will see visions,
and your old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
And I will perform wonders in the sky above
and miraculous signs on the earth below,
blood and fire and clouds of smoke.
The sun will be changed to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the great and glorious day of the Lord comes.
And then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’      
Acts 2: 16-21 (NEV)

Go ahead, call on Him today.

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Chika Edeh Chika Edeh

Walk With Me, Today.

When my son was 4 years old, he loved to run. He would almost always run than walk, even if the only available space is the living room. He seemed thrilled with the idea of getting from one point to another by expending as much energy as possible whether or not it is required. It does not appear to me that his aim was to catch up on time. No. Rather he seemed to enjoy the excitement that comes with the activity. Now and again if we were out in the park or going somewhere on foot, I had to remind him, walk with me…don’t run. Walk.

Walk with Me

I realize that as an adult, I myself could get caught up with the thrill of being busy, trying to get ahead, trying to make things happen, which is great. We have as humans, a natural drive to achieve. This is why you get up in the morning, get to work, set out on missions, or start a business. Once an idea, a goal, or a vision takes hold of our souls, we want to see it to its proper end. It’s true some people are not as driven for one reason or another. But this zest, passion, sense of duty towards a goal or idea has birthed policies, nations, businesses and mission fields.

It is no different for Christians. We too want to get on with what we believe God has called us to do. And much like everyone else, we have a tendency to enjoy the sense of activity that comes with being involved with a vision. But our heavenly Father, if he has indeed instructed our actions, would prefer that we walk with Him. God knows where we are going. He knows what he has asked of us. And He knows how best to bring it about. While it is expedient that we labor to be fruitful in His call, it is by no means the sort of laboring that the world is accustomed to. With worldly labor, sooner or later we get worn out, exhausted and empty.

God wants us to walk with Him, not run ahead of Him. He wants us to take steps WITH him. He wants us to go when He says go, and to stay when He says stay. Even when all around us suggests otherwise, or our natural instincts want to keep on going, God would prefer that we wait on Him always. He will lead us in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake, as the psalmist says(Psalm 23). It is further evidence of our growth in him, and our progressing maturity, when we can pause, listen, and stop because we perceive the He requires that of us. And to get up and move, even run, at His command alone. Wait on the Lord. Walk with Him.

I pray that today, you would take the time to pause, slow down, wait and listen. In doing so, you may find that a lot more has been achieved and more grace bestowed than by a multitude of activities and strength. God bless.

He knows what he has asked of us. And He knows how best to bring it about. While it is expedient that we labor to be fruitful in His call, it is by no means the sort of laboring that the world is accustomed to…Wait on the Lord. Walk with Him.

Scripture reference: Isaiah 40:30-31

*NB-This article is an updated version of an earlier post on the previous website.


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Vinespring Church Vinespring Church

Verses for Vessels

Hear, hear...

A call to sexual and moral purity by Apostle Paul in Ephesians.

Hear hear...

"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore do not be partners with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light." Ephesians 5:3-13 (NIV)


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