Verses for Vessels

"So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” - John 4:5-7 NIV


Picture this...

So, again she has all this cleaning and washing to do. Plus the cooking and all other domestic needs that require that she makes available and have ready in her house, as much water as possible. So she's put all the items together to one corner: the dirty dishes outside the cooking place, the dirty laundry at the foot of her bed, and the empty drinking jars by themselves in the kitchen area. He, on the other hand, has gone off into the town not far away. He was meeting with some menfolk for some business; he would not say what. She couldn't be bothered too much. He has his life, she has hers. They just happen to live together. It's all she could ask for; all he could possibly afford. Though he comes from a wealthy home and does furnish her with some helpful income, he was slow or perhaps blind in his ability to see her. Yes, his ability to look beyond her painted eyes, and her flirty conversations, and the way she bakes her bread, into her soul. He was that poor. But she has had to make do somehow...



But he was neither the first nor the second. Nor the third, fourth or fifth for that matter. It's been a hard journey finding the right one. She's not even sure what that means anymore - 'the right one'. When the women speak about their husbands or fiances at the well, many of them who seemed quite happy at the start, were later looking dejected, bit unsure about their man.... She used to wonder 'whatever happened to all the excitements on the day of their engagement and marriage'. Until she got married... She doesn't want to go down that memory path. She pushes the thoughts away, and refocuses on her morning chores. She fetched her water Jar as she glanced around the house before leaving for Jacob's well nearby.



A lot has happened to her of late, and she prefers to resolve her issues quietly and privately, not for it to become the subject of the ladies gossip at the well and beyond. More over, she was not ignorant of all the rumours about her, and how her close friends now prefer not to be seen with her in public. So this time of day was a good one to go for water because she should have the place to herself, as the women usually wait till evening when the sun is low and the heat not so strong, to fetch at the well. And just thinking about the heat and the trek, she suddenly feels thirsty. She had better hurry... She has a lot to do and not much spare time for day dreaming. 

To be continued...



Perhaps this may be you, like the woman in the passage. It can be exhausting trying to keep up with all the necessary 'tidyings' we need to keep our lives together. Every day can be an enormous challenge for some, just to get out of bed. There may be some history. There may be a story. For others, there could also be a drive, an aspiration or a determination to flee from the shackles of the past. There may be a quiet whisper of hope for a better future, a steady hand, a  faithful companion. Whatever may be your state today, prepare to meet Fulfilment in the person and name of Jesus Christ, as we continue this brief exploration of the woman at the well.



Prayer: Dear Lord, I put my hope in you. In this season I choose to reflect on how my life has been. Help me see what you see about my journey so far. Give me the strength to leave the things I must and to cleave to you in surrender. May I find the strength that only you can give. I prepare for your visitation, in faith and with expectant joy. In Jesus name. Amen.



Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels