Verses for Vessels

Easter Lights 5...

"But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5


It's a great day to be alive, and for this we praise God greatly! On this day in the Church calendar we remember Jesus's journey into Jerusalem, riding on a Donkey as told in the gospels. Matthew recounts that as he rode through the street, many threw down clothes along the path and some carried palm leaves, waving and shouting aloud saying:

Hosanna to the Son of David!                                                                                                          “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”                                                                 “Hosanna in the highest heaven!”                                                                                                          When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked,                                            “Who is this?” - Matthew 21:9-10

What a glorious day it must have been? But the questions have continued in spite of the glory. People still ask, 'what's all the fuss about this man on a donkey?' Who is this?'


For Us...

For the believer, it is now our accepted reality, that the King on the donkey, is also the One of whom Isaiah was speaking in our earlier texts which we have been examining. The last time, we came to see for ourselves that his pain, and suffering was not just his; they were indeed ours. But he chose to take them up on our behalf, and still does that to this day. It was for us that he was crushed and man-handled as he was by the authorities. It was for us that he was bruised and battered... that much we have seen so far. But today, and in the verse before us, we begin to witness the EFFECT of his vicarious intervention. 


Coming through...

First, his punishment brought us peace. His was no ordinary suffering. His goal was my peace; your peace. He did say at one point, 'In me you have peace"1 . And here in this prophecy, it would appear that he was revealing exactly how we come to access that peace. It would appear that peace was bottled up in him. Peace, real peace- the Shalom of Yahweh; that state of unbroken wholeness and wholesomeness that only God can bestow. It is such peace that was enveloped within the person, the soul and the body, of the suffering Prince. It seems to me, that the only way to release it was to burst the precious bottle, as it were; to pierce through that body so pure and perfect. And the only way to pierce that body, the only justification for a scratch on his tissues; the only way to get the wholeness out to us, was to tear his body apart through the brutal punishment as meted by the ferocious hands of the Roman soldiers. With every punishment he bore, peace was making its way toward me; toward us; like the escape of a sweet fragrance from a broken vessel. His punishment brought it forth.


The Effect...

Then, by his wounds we were healed, as Peter would later declare 2. It was not enough for him to take up our pain and bear our suffering. The years of pain, and suffering leaves many injured, damaged, and dysfunctional; and that needed to be put right. The suffering Prince was clearly not one to stop his job half way. He was and still remains eager to do a complete work in every soul that encounters him. According to the scriptures, he is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God by him 3. Healing is one important effect of his sacrifice. Jesus by the Cross and his blood heals every disease of body and mind in everyone who will come to him in faith. His body was broken for us, for our healing. Diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, blindness, deafness, muteness, lameness, immunological disorders, mental health issues, and all manner of sickness and disease have been healed, and are healed, by the power of the blood and the broken body of  Jesus Christ. It is part and parcel of the salvation package. He forgives our sins, AND HEALS our diseases 4. He does not do one and leave the other. 


Peace and healing...

Peace and healing. Wholeness and Wholesomeness. Restoration and renewal. All these are ours by grace through faith in the suffering Prince from Nazareth. It is puzzling to come across those who have welcomed the forgiveness of Jesus and accepted that he took our place in judgement, but refuse to countenance the blessing of his peace and healing which comes by the very same token and sacrifice. They have accepted his forgiveness of sins but struggle to see that the blood that covered our sins also healed our diseases. The body that took our punishment also released our healing and our peace. Depression, and other mental health issues were soaked up in the bloody crown of thorns that pierced his head. Our diseases, our sicknesses, our trauma, and troubles; all these were swallowed up in the victory of his blood. Proceeding from him in their place was peace and healing for every son and daughter who would ask for it.


Heal me O Lord

If you have seen your suffering on his Cross. If you have seen your pain in his affliction, then you can very well see ANY disease or sickness that ails you today, right there on that Cross- It is finished 5. Christ did it ALL. If he could save you from sin, death and eternal judgement, is he then frail in power to heal your mortal flesh and your soul? The blood still drips... you can ask him for peace and healing TODAY.


PRAYER: "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." 6 In Jesus name, amen.




.1). John 16:33   .2).1 Peter 2:24  .3). Hebrews 7:25 KJV   .4). Psalm 103:3    .5). John19:30  .6). Jeremiah 17:14


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels