Verses for Vessels

"If only I knew where to find him;
    if only I could go to his dwelling!" -
Job 23:3


Recall, adversity

Last time, we looked at Job's intriguing question and his earnest search for God's dwelling. Job was driven by a desire, a desperate desire to meet with God. He felt he needed to; he felt he had to do this so as to, perhaps, find some relief from his immense suffering and sorrow. Job was in a truly low place in his life, a vulnerable place, yet from this end of his earth as it were, he was crying out for God. Throughout scripture we find that most people had their greatest encounters with the Almighty following a time of great adversity, sorrow, or despair. Adversity seems to have this unearthly ability to humble mankind to the point of seeking help from one greater. This is especially true for those who may have managed independently all their lives; so called self made individuals.


Curtains down

If you have gotten by in life without much visible divine interventions it is much easier and logical to excuse oneself from the idea of the divine, and the supernatural. Yet every so often, life pulls down those thick curtains of spiritual blindness using the levers of adversity- a sudden death, an unwelcome diagnosis, a relationship breakdown, some prolonged financial difficulty, a brutal betrayal... something that somehow manages to strip away to the core of who we are and shakes us violently forcing us to gaze beyond the veil. Then the previously unthinkable becomes a probable thought. Is there a God who truly cares? How can I find out? How can I find Him? Granted, not everyone who is so shaken chooses to look beyond the veil as job did. Some choose to seek other answers from what they have come to know, what has seemed to work for others or simply what they want to be able to agree with. But, if as is demonstrated over and over throughout scriptures, that adversity births new revelations of God for those who call Him in such hours, then what an opportunity it must be for any soul to have their years of ignorant bliss about the amazing grace of God, halted by these hours of great natural inconvenience.


On bended knees

God wants to be found. He wants to be sought, in blessing and in adversity. But we fail often. And we tire easily. So He established a truth for all who would dare- "My strength is made perfect in weaknesses"1. In the context of our passage today, that would be like saying, "My home is where you are weakest!" Glory to God! His home is with us! He wants to come home into your heart. He wants to come home into your situation. He wants to come home, into your relationships, your finances, your thoughts and ideas. Valleys may be low, but they provide a channel for streams and rivers to flow. Perhaps this valley is a great avenue for the rivers of His life to come flooding through.... on bended knees. A broken and contrite heart He will never despise 2. He that comes to Him will never be cast off 3.



In Isaiah, He declared that His name shall be called "Emmanuel, God with us"4. God with us in victory. God with us in triumph. God with us in persecutions. God with us in temptations. God with us in our falling, and God still with us in our rising. God with us in glory, and God with us in our shame. He is God with us: dwelling, seeking, guiding, teaching, cleansing, reproving, refining, restoring. Halleluyah! Perhaps, like Job you have come to ask that question... "where is God? How can I find Him". If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and saviour, then know this, He IS with you, even now. If, on the other hand, you have never cared much for God, or religion or the Christian faith, then perhaps you are reading this for a very good reason today. Perhaps troubles, or thoughts, have led you to this point where the curtains are down and you may be wondering, 'Is there a God who loves me and truly cares all about me?' God through Christ Jesus, wants to make His home in you today, if only you will believe Him and let Him in. Jesus said “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them"5.

He wants His home. He wants to come to your dwelling. Will you give Him a home in you today? 


Prayer: Dear Lord, I come to you on bended knees. You have seen my ways and you know all my thoughts. I asked for your dwelling; now I see that you are here, waiting.Today I surrender the weight of all my burdens and fears to your mighty hand. I believe your Word; that you are with me and that you care for me. And I choose to obey you from this day forward. Come and make your home in my heart, this day and always. In Jesus name, amen.


References: .1) 2Cor 12:9   .2) Psalm 51:17   .3) John6 :37   .4) Isaiah 7:14   .5) John 14:23


Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels