"O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."
- Psalm 40:5
Couched By the Manger
Prepare to join us in a time of warmth and fellowship that promises to lift up your soul and spirit …
Vinespring Church will be hosting a Christmas evening service of songs, carols, stories, fun and fellowship via Zoom.
Prepare to join us in a time of warmth and fellowship that promises to lift up your soul and spirit after a long year of much travail for many.
That manger in Bethlehem still holds a hope and a future for all mankind!
Please see details for the Zoom meeting below:
Date: Wed, 23.12.2020
Time: 6pm UK
Meeting ID:84088344392
Password: 1RwJ5C
Or Click HERE to join.
This Christmas- He cares
Hardly will a mother forget the baby at her breast, because she’s in active intimate watch over that child…
Hello Westhill,
Just when everyone was getting ready to get back to their lives as should be, it appears more restrictions have had to be imposed due to COVID-19. But be of good cheer! To everyone in Westhill and Elrick community area, we bring great news of comfort and joy!
“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” – Isaiah 49:15 (NIV)
At a time of great national distress, confusion and shame, God spoke these words above to His beloved Israel. He was keen to express in intimate terms the depth of care, compassion, and support that He was willing and able to provide for His own. And by the grace of God, we believe those words are true today for everyone who will receive it. Many in this community may have lost loved ones, or lost their jobs, or been made furlough for so long. Others have had to shut down their businesses, or lay off employees. Still others have had their relationships and family bonds severely tested, even strained or broken, due to this global crisis. And as Christmas approaches, with the prospect of a very lonely and cold Christmas for many, we can find great comfort in knowing that God has never taken His eyes off of us. He really still cares.
Hardly will a mother forget the baby at her breast, because she’s in active intimate watch over that child, supplying their necessary food. Her natural instinct, her normal physiology goes into production to supply milk which the baby needs for life. God says, that is how he cares for us! Closely, intimately, readily, diligently. He cared so much he sent His Son Jesus to die for our salvation. And He still cares through the daily battles we face in this life, if we will turn toward Him.
As we come to the end of a very tumultuous year, let’s find time to reflect on how much God’s compassion and care has kept and preserved us, despite the raging troubles everywhere. And let us find great encouragement in that supreme care through His promise that He will never forget us; He will NEVER forget you… especially, not this winter.
For more information please visit our website at
And, do have a Merry Christmas.
Team Vinespring
P.S This article was originally published as our entry in the winter edition of the Westhill Bulletin, Dec 2020.
7 Years Later: Principles of Divine Restoration
In this sermon, Pastor Chika explores a lock down in biblical times, and the story of a woman who believed God and experienced restoration….
Hello everyone,
It is great to have the opportunity to connect with us once again through this avenue. It surely has been an interesting past six months with Covid-19, lockdown and furloughs. All of us have been affected in one way or another by this pandemic, and the lock down. Many have lost their livelihoods, and others have felt their mental health under siege; the future has never seemed bleaker for many families. Yet, whatever the impact on you or your family, know that God does hold our world and the future in his hands. The book of 2 Kings chapter 6 tells a story of a lock down on the city of Samaria, occasioned by a siege on the city by an enemy army. The local economy collapsed and a famine was devastating lives and the community. Even the King and his government, despite their best intentions and effort, could not help much. Sound familiar? But God intervened through a promise that things would change for the better, and quickly too. And it did. That was then. But God has not changed. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Even today, he still promises a way through the storm and the tempest for all who would believe and trust in him. In that story, it took four leprous men: culturally excluded, geographically dislocated, and socially ostracized; to realize the promise of that prophecy for themselves and for everyone else. And this is the continual beauty of God’s grace. It is not those that we qualify, but those that choose to trust God regardless of their past or present circumstances, lifestyles, or beliefs. Others may say, ‘but she’s not a good person’, or ‘he’s not even a Christian’, or ‘they have always only looked out for themselves’. If such a person chooses today, to believe that God can make something beautiful and useful of their lives and their story, for his own glory, they will see the grace of God in spite of this pandemic. And it is for this very cause that Vinespring Church exists as a church: to offer that glorious opportunity for purpose and spiritual fulfilment through the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is especially needful for many in times such as these. So, do not hold back. Feel free to come along to our weekly meetings on Zoom for times of refreshing, encouragement and grace.
In this sermon, Pastor Chika explores a lock down in biblical times, and the story of a woman who believed God and experienced restoration after a season of famine. He leaves us with 5 principles, applicable today, for all who are looking forward to a divine restoration from God, post the pandemic.
Please follow link below to our sermon blogs. And don’t forget to leave your questions or comments for our attention.
Team Vinespring
Click here : 7 Years later
Happy Fathers' Day
Happy Fathers’ Day!!
We are rejoicing with and celebrating every Dad today.
God knows your struggles, and He has equipped you for continual victory.
Enjoy Your Day!!!
For the related sermon please click here
Team Vinespring.
Pentecost Sunday!!
This Sunday we will be gathering together… online, for our Pentecost Service via Zoom. Meeting ID: 843 4839 8411. Password: 3TQ290 . Let the thirsty come…
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2:1-4 NIV
This Sunday we will be gathering together… online, to celebrate this amazing Christian event, and to experience the same ourselves.
As such Vinespring Church would like to invite you to our scheduled ZOOM Meeting
Topic: Sunday Service (Pentecost Service)
Time: 11 am GMT Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 843 4839 8411 Password: 3TQ290 One tap mobile +13126266799,,84348398411#,,1#,874475# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,84348398411#,,1#,874475# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 843 4839 8411 Password: 874475 Find your local number:
Let anyone who is thirsty come.
God bless.
Team Vinespring
Verses for Vessels
I will give you…
I will give you…
“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26 NIV
A new heart and a living spirit is not acquired through training or exercise. Both are a gift from God. He will remove the old and provide the new… when we seek Him.
Glory to God!
Verses for Vessels
Stay relentless… Keep on praying…
Stay relentless…
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. !Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV
Keep on rejoicing. Keep on praying. Keep on giving thanks. Such relentlessness pleases God; indeed, He expects it of you.
Verses for Vessels
Faith and humility…
Humanly humble…
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV
It takes humility to discern the limits of our capabilities and ingenuity. It takes faith to explore limitless possibilities with GOD. We need both.
Glory to God…
Verses for Vessels
Wait… On the LORD
Wait… On the LORD
“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits,
and in his word I put my hope.” Psalm 130:5 (NIV)
Two words stand out : “I wait…”.
In our fast paced, oven ready, click-and-collect world today, it is important, even expedient, to sustain the culture of waiting on the Lord. This is how real trust develops in His Word. I wait… with ALL of ME.
Glory to God.
Vinespring Online
Endeavour to stay connected online via FB and our website, as God's word is not limited to a location and a specific day or hour. Marching on…
In view of the government's recent declaration on gatherings of people, we would be suspending our Sunday meetings until further notice. We have no reason as believers to fear any evil. The promise remains that ‘no plague shall come near our dwelling’. And of this we are forever confident.
Adhere to health are advise
Such faith moves us to also apply ourselves to every reasonable care and health care advise until this season is over. Let's endeavour to maintain good handwashing hygiene, and recommended social distancing. He is the Lord of all the earth!
The Church marches on… Online.
In the meantime, please endeavour to stay connected online via FB and our website. God's word is not limited to a location and a specific day or hour. For any vulnerable individuals in the local community who may need support with getting basic needs like groceries or prescriptions; or if you feel you need some pastoral care to get through this times, do not hesitate to get in touch. And we would be happy to help as God enables us.
Good Cheer
Cheer up brethren, Christ has overcome the world (John 16:33). And this too shall pass, in Jesus name.
No Other Name
It's interesting how much and for how long people will carry on searching or striving towards an ideal. As Easter approaches, we are once again reminded that there is no other name except…
The name Jesus
It's interesting how much and for how long people will carry on searching or striving towards an ideal, a status, or should I say a sense of actualising or becoming righteous, despite obvious failures of such strivings and the attendant consequences of our human efforts. For some, the journey has only just begun. Others have been on it for a while and may happily carry on till their days end here on earth. In quite a number of others, the subject is not even worth considering, as they have ruled themselves out of any such notions, especially with regards to moral uprightness. And frankly too, a significant majority don't even care about the name Jesus, at all.
The nudge…
Equally interesting is the significant amount of work and rhetoric in almost every form of media, either outrightly vilifying or at best encouraging indifference to this instinct to be better than we are, or present to be. Personally I believe that paying attention to this 'nudging' is essential to acquainting with the Truth.
Beyond guilt and shame, beyond pain and retribution; beyond the consequence of sin, and beneath the indifference, our souls testify loudly, that WE ALL need to be saved from something and by someone other and higher than ourselves. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God*. This THING which beckons us to be better can lead to much frustration, guilt, confusion, anger, and even sorrow; some have indulged in every manner of activity in a bid to drown out this 'nudge'. Or it could lead us to pay close attention to God who made our hearts and pulls us towards himself by every means possible.
Sin Vs Truth
SIN, while not a very popular or 'trendy' topic by any of today's standards, is at the core of the social disintegration and personal chaos being witnessed in this world today. From one deception to another, we are trapped by a poisonous seed from a wicked spirit that fools everyone into believing he's not really there . And that there's nothing much we could either do or say to resist his antics and dominion. 'We are what we are', it declares, demanding our surrender. But some of us do know his devices.
Manifest in every imaginable form: from pride (even when it is spiritual); through lust; to vanity and indifference; these fingers of death are ever so ready to caress the unguarded soul, while clenching tightly onto the captured and the lost. He has no respect for your creed or no creed, your faith or no faith; nor for your principles or no principles in life. Yet, he is only as powerful as we remain ignorant, or choose to reject the truth.
Good News!
But I come bearing good news.
''For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil''**. He was to be called JESUS because he would save his people from their sins.*** Which he did on the cross when he died and rose again, about 2000 years ago. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved****. Because God has exalted him and given him a name above any other and at the mention of his name every knee must bow'*****.
This Easter…
As Easter approaches and believers celebrate this great event, we are reminded that it was for our sins that he died. And it was for every soul that he came. If we would but turn and come to him; acknowledge him, receive him and proclaim him, then we can be saved from SIN. That was the reason he came: to seek and to save the lost, the broken, the indifferent, the confused, the mocker, the proud. He came for you and me. We could all search and research various alternatives to our lifestyles. We could call on all the worldly help or names that be. We could embrace a faith or no at all, an idea, a principle, or none at all. Whatever we do in response to the 'nudge'. Let everyone be rest assured, and again I say -Be rest assured, that there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we might be saved, except the name....JESUS ******.
Have you called him yet?
*Romans 3:23; **1John 3:8; ***Matthew 1:21;****Romans 10:13; *****Philippians 2:9-10; ******Acts 4:12
Once again we are in that season of goals, fresh commitments and resolutions. What ever your new year resolution may be, we would often need the support to meet such goals or commitments. At Vinespring Church we build each other up in faith and love, as well as in personal discipline and responsibility. To find out more do feel free to drop in any Sunday morning at 11am. We’ll be happy to see you.
Hi everyone,
Happy New Year and welcome to 2020!
Once again we are in that season of goals, fresh commitments and resolutions. Some of us may have decided on a lifestyle change, to exercise more, to quit a harmful habit, to explore Christianity or to become part of a local Church assembly. What ever your new year resolution may be, we all know that such decisions may be private, but we would often need the support and encouragement of positive associations to stand any chance of fulfilling such goals or commitments.
At Vinespring Church we not only build each other up in faith and love, but also in personal discipline and responsibility, through our fellowship with God’s Word and with one another. We believe that by being accountable to each other and to the truth of scripture, we can grow more wholesomely into the fullness of the nature and stature of Jesus Christ. This is also reflected in our theme for this year – “Complete In Him “, taken from Colossians 2:10.
To find out more please visit our website:, or feel free to drop in any Sunday morning at Aboyne Banchory Suites, Holiday Inn Westhill by 11am. We’ll be happy to see you.
Till then, have a blessed year ahead!
Team Vinespring.
End Of Days….
End of Days… The Series. Join us this Sunday for the next sign in the series.
Changing climate. Political instability. Naked treachery, vile ambitions even in the church, cold spirits, flaming lusts. Evil conspiracies. Fear. Doubts. Unbelief. Wars. Rumours. Grace. More grace…
These are some of the signs of the end of days that we have been examining in this series.
In the books of Matthew (24:4- 35) and Luke (21:8-36), Jesus outlined various signs we must ‘watch out' for regarding the end of days and His return. And it is these signs that we explore under the theme “End of Days- Examining the signs".
Why not join us this Sunday as we take a look at the next sign. It promises to be a refreshing and empowering hour of truth and fellowship.
Same time and place…
Let it rest
“Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.” Luke 23:56
Between the pain and the profit; between the atrocious and the glorious. Between the mountains of disappointments and the hills of triumph; there often lies the valley of nothingness...
This is that place where His silence is deafening; where His presence seems far. It is the place where nothing happens or nothing seems to be happening. It is a moment that rightly belongs to God and God alone- His Sabbath so to say. It is the 'only God knows' moment; or as Ezekiel declared, the 'O Lord thou knowest!' moment.
And whatever spices or ointments we feel the need to prepare around our desired hope, it should be clear that waiting around the tomb will not raise the dream nor revive that relationship. We may be well advised to keep His Sabbath... even now... and let it rest.
In due season, God will make all things new.
Remember this, ...Sunday cometh!
Between the pain and the profit; between the atrocious and the glorious. Between the mountains of disappointments and the hills of triumph; there often lies the valley of nothingness...
This is that place where His silence is deafening; where His presence seems far. It is the place where nothing happens or nothing seems to be happening. It is a moment that rightly belongs to God and God alone- His Sabbath so to say. It is the 'only God knows' moment; or as Ezekiel declared, the 'O Lord thou knowest!' moment.
And whatever spices or ointments we feel the need to prepare around our desired hope, it should be clear that waiting around the tomb will not raise the dream nor revive that relationship. We may be well advised to keep His Sabbath... even now... and let it rest.
In due season, God will make all things new.
Remember this, ...Sunday cometh!
Verses for Vessels
Jesus saves. To those who are hellbent it is sheer silliness. But to those who would believe it makes perfect sense.
And to those who are perishing…
“The Message that points to Christ on the Cross seems like sheer silliness to those hellbent on destruction, but for those on the way of salvation it makes perfect sense. This is the way God works, and most powerfully as it turns out. It’s written,
I’ll turn conventional wisdom on its head,
I’ll expose so-called experts as crackpots.”
-1 Corinthians 1:18-21 The Message (MSG)
Verses for Vessels
Keep on singing…
"Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them."
Isaiah 42:10 NIV
Watered 2018- Update...
Refreshing time…
Watered 2018 was a great experience for us! As the theme so was our experience- "Emmanuel: God with us". We felt God's presence in the carol songs, the Word and the melodies. Katie Mackenzie was a blessing on her stringed instrument- the Harp! What a joy it was!
We would like to thank all our partners and supporters for their love and commitment, which go a long way in strengthening our hands for God's service. May God bless and keep you all.
And to all who attended, may you continually abide in the living presence of Emmanuel, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who lives and walks among us even today in the person of the Holy Spirit, remembering His promise: "I will never leave you nor forsake you".
Love and blessings...
Team Vinespring
Watered 2018 - A few days hence!
Our guest selection now includes Katie Mackenzie an accomplished Gaelic and Scots singer and harpist. For all those who plan to attend, we still have some tickets available. So, carpe diem; seize the moment, and book your place at the Watered 2018. As always, it promises to be a time of refreshing.
Hi everyone,
A few weeks from now, the great season of joy and togetherness will be upon us. While we feast and dine, many still thirst for the life and peace that God gives. God's river of life, restoration, and truth flows freely among us... He promised to make all things new, to refresh, and to lift up- to ELEVATE! So once again this Christmas, VINESPRING CHURCH invites you to our Watered 2018 event, themed "Emmanuel-God With Us".
In keeping with the 'Tell a story, hear the story" tradition, this year, our guest selection now includes Katie Mackenzie. Brought up in the Highlands, Katie is an accomplished Gaelic and Scots singer and harpist. Having performed around the world for dignitaries such as the Queen, Prince Charles, Princess Ann and Prince Albert of Monaco and at renowned festivals including Tartan Week in New York, Falun Folk Festival. We look forward to Katie's musical gifts and her story of Christmas. We will also be raising money for a local charity that supports children with learning disabilities.
For all those who plan to attend, we still have some tickets available. So, carpe diem; seize the moment, and book your place at the Watered 2018. As always, it promises to be a time of refreshing.
God bless…
Team Vinespring
Once again, this Christmas… coming up on the 16th of December. Guest ministers- Jonathan and Tanita Cairns (Northen Ireland). Prepare to be refreshed…
Every year at winter since 2015, we gather together in a family fun Christmas event to share our stories of Christmas and what the Christ of Christmas has meant to us. It’s an outreach event that is open to the public: the saved, the lost, the searching, and the indifferent.
A few weeks from now, the great season of joy and togetherness will be upon us. While we feast and dine, many still thirst for the life and peace that God gives. God's river of life, restoration, and truth flows freely among us... He promised to make all things new, to refresh, and to lift up- to ELEVATE! So once again this Christmas, VINESPRING CHURCH invites you to our Watered 2018 event, themed "Emmanuel-God With Us".
In keeping with the 'Tell a story, hear the story" tradition, this year, we will be hosting a special guest, Jonathan Cairns and his family. Jonathan and Tanita Cairns are based in Northern Ireland and travel round the country sharing the gospel through word, testimony and songs. It's our honour and privilege to have them visit Scotland and Westhill in particular to minister at our event this year.
Also, this year, Santa returns!!!! The kids had a great time last year and Santa is keen to make the trip again. So do feel free to bring along your wee ones for what promises to be a family fun time for everyone. Childcare would be provided for kids aged 4-10 from 4.30pm -7pm. We will also be raising money for a local charity that serves special needs children.
To enable us prepare adequately for the numbers attending, please book your tickets from Wednesday the 15th of November 2018 for all attending on Early booking is highly recommended as only limited seats are available.
Watered 2018-
...Flowing through on 16th December.
Prepare to be filled...
Verses for Vessels
God’s army of peace and power are innumerable saints who have believed God’s gift of salvation, Jesus Christ…
Fit for the fight!
“ Abraham didn’t focus on his own impotence and say, “It’s hopeless. This hundred-year-old body could never father a child.” Nor did he survey Sarah’s decades of infertility and give up. He didn’t tiptoe around God’s promise asking cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said. That’s why it is said, “Abraham was declared fit before God by trusting God to set him right.” “ Romans 4:19-22 MSG
Show me how
In an age where everyone seeks proof; an evidence, an assurance of some sort to help their confidence as they face life’s challenging questions, we are invited to reflect on the remarkable difference in attitude shown by Abraham. He needed a child. He desired a child. He faced the fact that he was already too old to have one, and his wife Sarah was past her prime with child bearing. Yet, when God spoke to him… when he heard the word of God, he did not question God. He did not lay the Word side by side with facts of his circumstance. He rather put the Word above all else. He did not ask “ shall this thing be, or when shall this thing be?” He never even asked, “what must I do to make it happen?”. Rather He embraced the finality of that Word. He understood the authority of the One who spoke and accepted Him at His word. No skeptical evaluations. No wavering. No staggering. Only a firm, resolute, unequivocal acceptance of that which was declared to him.
And on account of such a GREAT FAITH, God opened a credit line of righteousness for him. Something no one else before him could have obtained. And through him, the same gift of righteousness, a fitness for purpose in God’s sight, has been granted all of us who come to Christ by the same faith. Faith in Christ Jesus, and the righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, is a gift we have been graciously given; a gift, and not a reward we earn because of what we have done or how good we can be.
The Sons are coming..
The earth groans and creation moans in agony under the power of darkness awaiting the emergence of God’s sons and offsprings. The enemy is also warring against the fullness of God on earth and in all His creation. Yet only those from God and of God can have permission to discharge the devil and his works from our spheres of influence. They are not those who have proven themselves through great acts of goodness and charity and sacrifice. No. God’s army of peace and power are innumerable saints who have believed God’s gift of salvation, Jesus Christ, and have thereby been declared fit to be called righteous, and to be righteous, in God’s sight.
They have been declared fit for the fight, and that by God alone.
Are you one of them yet? Never too late. You too can believe God today.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I have heard that you died to take my sins away, and you rose up so I can be justified in God’s sight through you. Lord, today, I surrender my life, my will, my all, to you. From this day forward, I choose to trust you as my righteousness; my saviour and Lord. Fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name, amen.