No Other Name

The name Jesus

It's interesting how much and for how long people will carry on searching or striving towards an ideal, a status, or should I say a sense of actualising or becoming righteous, despite obvious failures of such strivings and the attendant consequences of our human efforts. For some, the journey has only just begun. Others have been on it for a while and may happily carry on till their days end here on earth. In quite a number of others, the subject is not even worth considering, as they have ruled themselves out of any such notions, especially with regards to moral uprightness. And frankly too, a significant majority don't even care about the name Jesus, at all.

The nudge…
Equally interesting is the significant amount of work and rhetoric in almost every form of media, either outrightly vilifying or at best encouraging indifference to this instinct to be better than we are, or present to be. Personally I believe that paying attention to this 'nudging' is essential to acquainting with the Truth.
Beyond guilt and shame, beyond pain and retribution; beyond the consequence of sin, and beneath the indifference, our souls testify loudly, that WE ALL need to be saved from something and by someone other and higher than ourselves. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God*. This THING which beckons us to be better can lead to much frustration, guilt, confusion, anger, and even sorrow; some have indulged in every manner of activity in a bid to drown out this 'nudge'. Or it could lead us to pay close attention to God who made our hearts and pulls us towards himself by every means possible.

Sin Vs Truth

SIN, while not a very popular or 'trendy' topic by any of today's standards, is at the core of the social disintegration and personal chaos being witnessed in this world today. From one deception to another, we are trapped by a poisonous seed from a wicked spirit that fools everyone into believing he's not really there . And that there's nothing much we could either do or say to resist his antics and dominion. 'We are what we are', it declares, demanding our surrender. But some of us do know his devices.
Manifest in every imaginable form: from pride (even when it is spiritual); through lust; to vanity and indifference; these fingers of death are ever so ready to caress the unguarded soul, while clenching tightly onto the captured and the lost. He has no respect for your creed or no creed, your faith or no faith; nor for your principles or no principles in life. Yet, he is only as powerful as we remain ignorant, or choose to reject the truth.

Good News!
But I come bearing good news.
''For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil''**. He was to be called JESUS because he would save his people from their sins.*** Which he did on the cross when he died and rose again, about 2000 years ago. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved****. Because God has exalted him and given him a name above any other and at the mention of his name every knee must bow'*****.

This Easter…
As Easter approaches and believers celebrate this great event, we are reminded that it was for our sins that he died. And it was for every soul that he came. If we would but turn and come to him; acknowledge him, receive him and proclaim him, then we can be saved from SIN. That was the reason he came: to seek and to save the lost, the broken, the indifferent, the confused, the mocker, the proud. He came for you and me. We could all search and research various alternatives to our lifestyles. We could call on all the worldly help or names that be. We could embrace a faith or no at all, an idea, a principle, or none at all. Whatever we do in response to the 'nudge'. Let everyone be rest assured, and again I say -Be rest assured, that there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we might be saved, except the name....JESUS ******.

Have you called him yet?

*Romans 3:23; **1John 3:8; ***Matthew 1:21;****Romans 10:13; *****Philippians 2:9-10; ******Acts 4:12


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