Let it rest


Between the pain and the profit; between the atrocious and the glorious. Between the mountains of disappointments and the hills of triumph; there often lies the valley of nothingness...

This is that place where His silence is deafening; where His presence seems far. It is the place where nothing happens or  nothing seems to be happening. It is a moment that rightly belongs to God and God alone- His Sabbath so to say. It is the 'only God knows' moment; or as Ezekiel declared, the 'O Lord thou knowest!' moment.

And whatever spices or ointments we feel the need to prepare around our desired hope, it should be clear that waiting around the tomb will not raise the dream nor revive that relationship. We may be well advised to keep His Sabbath... even now... and let it rest.

In due season, God will make all things new.

Remember this, ...Sunday cometh!




End Of Days….


Verses for Vessels