7 Years Later: Principles of Divine Restoration
Hello everyone,
It is great to have the opportunity to connect with us once again through this avenue. It surely has been an interesting past six months with Covid-19, lockdown and furloughs. All of us have been affected in one way or another by this pandemic, and the lock down. Many have lost their livelihoods, and others have felt their mental health under siege; the future has never seemed bleaker for many families. Yet, whatever the impact on you or your family, know that God does hold our world and the future in his hands. The book of 2 Kings chapter 6 tells a story of a lock down on the city of Samaria, occasioned by a siege on the city by an enemy army. The local economy collapsed and a famine was devastating lives and the community. Even the King and his government, despite their best intentions and effort, could not help much. Sound familiar? But God intervened through a promise that things would change for the better, and quickly too. And it did. That was then. But God has not changed. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Even today, he still promises a way through the storm and the tempest for all who would believe and trust in him. In that story, it took four leprous men: culturally excluded, geographically dislocated, and socially ostracized; to realize the promise of that prophecy for themselves and for everyone else. And this is the continual beauty of God’s grace. It is not those that we qualify, but those that choose to trust God regardless of their past or present circumstances, lifestyles, or beliefs. Others may say, ‘but she’s not a good person’, or ‘he’s not even a Christian’, or ‘they have always only looked out for themselves’. If such a person chooses today, to believe that God can make something beautiful and useful of their lives and their story, for his own glory, they will see the grace of God in spite of this pandemic. And it is for this very cause that Vinespring Church exists as a church: to offer that glorious opportunity for purpose and spiritual fulfilment through the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is especially needful for many in times such as these. So, do not hold back. Feel free to come along to our weekly meetings on Zoom for times of refreshing, encouragement and grace.
In this sermon, Pastor Chika explores a lock down in biblical times, and the story of a woman who believed God and experienced restoration after a season of famine. He leaves us with 5 principles, applicable today, for all who are looking forward to a divine restoration from God, post the pandemic.
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