Watered 2018- Update...

Watered 2018 was a great experience for us! As the theme so was our experience- "Emmanuel: God with us". We felt God's presence in the carol songs, the Word and the melodies. Katie Mackenzie was a blessing on her stringed instrument- the Harp! What a joy it was!
We would like to thank all our partners and supporters for their love and commitment, which go a long way in strengthening our hands for God's service. May God bless and keep you all.
And to all who attended, may you continually abide in the living presence of Emmanuel, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who lives and walks among us even today in the person of the Holy Spirit, remembering His promise: "I will never leave you nor forsake you". 
Love and blessings...

Team Vinespring


Verses for Vessels


Watered 2018 - A few days hence!