Verses for Vessels

Fit for the fight!

“ Abraham didn’t focus on his own impotence and say, “It’s hopeless. This hundred-year-old body could never father a child.” Nor did he survey Sarah’s decades of infertility and give up. He didn’t tiptoe around God’s promise asking cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said. That’s why it is said, “Abraham was declared fit before God by trusting God to set him right.” “ Romans 4:19-22 MSG

Show me how

In an age where everyone seeks proof; an evidence, an assurance of some sort to help their confidence as they face life’s challenging questions, we are invited to reflect on the remarkable difference in attitude shown by Abraham. He needed a child. He desired a child. He faced the fact that he was already too old to have one, and his wife Sarah was past her prime with child bearing. Yet, when God spoke to him… when he heard the word of God, he did not question God. He did not lay the Word side by side with facts of his circumstance. He rather put the Word above all else. He did not ask “ shall this thing be, or when shall this thing be?” He never even asked, “what must I do to make it happen?”. Rather He embraced the finality of that Word. He understood the authority of the One who spoke and accepted Him at His word. No skeptical evaluations. No wavering. No staggering. Only a firm, resolute, unequivocal acceptance of that which was declared to him.


And on account of such a GREAT FAITH, God opened a credit line of righteousness for him. Something no one else before him could have obtained. And through him, the same gift of righteousness, a fitness for purpose in God’s sight, has been granted all of us who come to Christ by the same faith. Faith in Christ Jesus, and the righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus Christ, is a gift we have been graciously given; a gift, and not a reward we earn because of what we have done or how good we can be.

The Sons are coming..

The earth groans and creation moans in agony under the power of darkness awaiting the emergence of God’s sons and offsprings. The enemy is also warring against the fullness of God on earth and in all His creation. Yet only those from God and of God can have permission to discharge the devil and his works from our spheres of influence. They are not those who have proven themselves through great acts of goodness and charity and sacrifice. No. God’s army of peace and power are innumerable saints who have believed God’s gift of salvation, Jesus Christ, and have thereby been declared fit to be called righteous, and to be righteous, in God’s sight.

They have been declared fit for the fight, and that by God alone.

Are you one of them yet? Never too late. You too can believe God today.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I have heard that you died to take my sins away, and you rose up so I can be justified in God’s sight through you. Lord, today, I surrender my life, my will, my all, to you. From this day forward, I choose to trust you as my righteousness; my saviour and Lord. Fill me with your Holy Spirit in Jesus name, amen.




Verses for Vessels