2024-Our Doors are Open
Hello everyone,
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2024!
Greetings from Vinespring Church! It’s good to have some relief from the chills of winter as we welcome the start of spring. With warmer temperatures, a lot more people have been noticeably out and about; particularly our elderly folks. We keep praying that help comes to them and to all who may be in need at this time, through the carers around them, and through each one of us as we have the opportunity.
It’s truly a privilege and a joy for us to be here as eyewitnesses to another new year; and for this we are thankful to God! When we consider the fact that there are those among us who did not make it into the new year; and that some who did have now sadly passed on. Or the fact that some though witnessing the new year may still be struggling with same issues or challenges with their health, relationships, or finances, as was the case last year; it helps us to have a wholesome context for our gratitude. While we pray for the comfort and strength of those going through a difficult season, we are reminded daily of the need to make the most of every moment we have in this life to be and to do the things that lead to eternal joy. As the Psalmist put it: “Teach us to consider our mortality so that we might live wisely” -Psalm 90:12 NET
Considering our mortality is what we do at Vinespring Church regularly. We do so within the context of God’s will for each and every one of us, and His grand plan for humanity as displayed in the Holy Scriptures. This year we hope to grow and deepen our knowledge of God through His Word and our fellowship with others. We are also poised to do more; to push further and to explore every opportunity to share Jesus with our world. Knowing how temporal this life is, we sense the Father’s urgency and the need to spread the Gospel of God’s righteousness throughout the world. The Scriptures tell us that the systems of this world will soon fade away. Therefore, we are encouraged by His promise to us that 2024 will be a ‘Year of Open Doors’ (Rev. 3:8). Open doors for ministry, for community, for salvation, for mercy, for help and hope. This year could very well be a year of open doors for you too. Open doors for pursuing a lifelong dream. Open doors for healing and reconciliation. Open doors to repentance. Open doors to faith. Open doors for exploring Christianity.
In line with this vision, we would like to invite anyone who may need help walking through their open door to God’s saving grace. No matter how inadequate you may feel, our doors are open to receive, support, and come alongside you should you so desire. Our weekly meetings continue face to face on Sundays 11am at The Events Hub 1 and 2, Prime Four Management Suite, Village Hotel, Kingswells, Aberdeen AB15 8PJ. We also have our midweek meetings on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. To join virtually and for more details please leave us a message via our contact form or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/vinespringchurch. To all residents of Westhill. Kingswells, Countesswells and beyond, we would like to wish everyone a lovely Easter celebration, filled with joy, hope, and victory. May you come to experience God’s open door - Jesus Christ.
Team Vinespring.
This article also appeared in the Spring edition of the Westhill Bulletin 2024*