Hi everyone,
I hope we have all been having a good summer despite the odds.
I know that for many families it has been a huge relief to see the lockdowns ease, albeit cautiously. Businesses, sports events, and several other activities have now been allowed to fully return as we moved to level zero; though certain restrictions may still persist for some indoor activities.
The gradual return to ‘normalcy’ following the harsher periods of this pandemic rather reminds me of a scriptural parallel. Noah was ‘locked-up’ in the ark for 150days; an ark he built by faith and obedience to God. To think that he shared that ark with wild beasts (including clean and unclean animals), without any of them throwing the others overboard out of intolerance, is simply amazing. They all had to bear with one another as they endured the devastation of the flood. But they were saved by that ark. Lots of lessons to be learned I dare say, especially for many of us who may feel they have been forced to spend more time in close contact with our family members, with no way of escape! Yet, the rains stopped after a while, and flood subsided after a while. And the Ark came to rest, after a while. And everyone had to disembark and go on with their lives, renewing the earth as God intended.
Having been through the lockdown, I suspect we could share some of the relief of being able to be outdoors again. Perhaps even more for us: to have space, and reconnect with friends and family; and colleagues; and life; in many more ways than before. It would seem that the whole world has been holding their breath for this moment, and now it feels like we can breathe again. This is good.
It is therefore with a breath of fresh air, that we delightfully announce that Vinespring Church will return to our on-site face to face meetings from Sunday the 29th of August, at the Aboyne and Banchory Suites in the Holiday Inn Hotel, Westhill. We continue to be grateful to the management and staff of the Hotel for a great relationship which we have enjoyed over the last seven years, and are happy to continue in.
So, as you enjoy your summer, whatever activities you may choose to engage with throughout this season, we look forward to welcoming you at our meetings. As many as are seeking and searching, those who would like to explore the Christian faith, or revive their old flames of love for God; or you just want the company or connection- ALL are welcome to join us every Sunday at 11am.
For more information, please visit our website or social media: www.vinespringchurch.co.uk or facebook.com/vinespringchurch .
Team Vinespring
Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash