Winter is HERE!
Hello Westhill.
Greetings from Vinespring Church! Right about now the autumn leaves have fallen, the storms have hopefully long gone, although we all continue to bear with the sweeping winds and the lashing rains, as the cold snap of winter alerts us to that time of the year when all is great and jolly. It is always a delight to witness the changing seasons, but not just the physical climate, but also the social and spiritual environment. The changes prepare us for what may be coming next, giving us a decent enough time to prepare not just for things that are about to happen, but the conditions within which they will take place.
Presently, any casual observer would attest to the fact that we are indeed living in rather unprecedented times. From the recent pandemic to international migration crises; from national political crises with global implications, to terrorism, wars, and rumours of wars in the Middle East and other parts of the world. It can be difficult for the ordinary citizen to bear up under the weight of all the dark and dreary events of our day. In addition to all these, families and individuals are still struggling to cope with the cost-of-living crisis. And, migrants and asylum seekers continue to arrive, seeking a better future for themselves and their families. Various government institutions are stretched to capacity, both in personnel and finance; and the authorities are having to make difficult decisions about complex situations with real life consequences for the future of their nations. The times and seasons are indeed changing, and doing so on the speed lane, so to say.
At Vinespring Church we believe these times are quite prophetic and should focus our minds on what God our heavenly Father may be asking of us. In the book of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 3-8, Jesus was asked by his disciples what the signs of His return would be. In his reply, Jesus first warned his disciples against deception. Then He went on to state that the signs of his physical return to this earth would include wars and rumours of wars, and nations rising in conflict against other nations. That sounds very much like ‘now O’clock!’. We are encouraged to seek peace, to pursue it and to be peace makers. But regardless of what outcomes our efforts in these areas may yield, we cannot afford to lose sight of that primary warning for the times we live in: Do not be deceived. Every believer and all people of good will must endeavour to stay in the path of truth and light as the days grow darker upon us.
For this reason, we have continued to meet, to teach, and to be witnesses of God’s Word. Our recent sermon series explores the concept of truth, deception, discernment, and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. We would like to extend an invitation to anyone who may want to learn more or explore Christianity with us. Our weekly meetings continue Sundays at 11am and on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. For details please visit our website at or our Facebook page at To all residents, we would like to wish everyone a lovely Christmas celebration, filled with joy, hope, and victory. May Jesus Christ, our reason for this season, bring you peace and joy for always.
Team Vinespring.
*This article also appeared in the 2023 Winter edition of the Westhill Bulletin.*
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash