His Door Is Open!

Greetings from Vinespring Church!

Generally, the weather has been pleasant of late, as we spring towards summer. Brighter, warmer and longer days making for really good conversations among neighbours and friends.

Obviously, beyond the weather, a lot has been happening within the community, across the nation, and beyond.  From the politics of national governance to the war in Ukraine, and the conflict in Gaza and the middle east; events that remind us how precious life is, and how vital peace is to the stability of our world. It is clear, that no matter how physically near or far we may all be from the ‘zones of interest’ as it were, each one of us is affected one way or the other by the gathering clouds and the changing times that are upon us. As Christians we are compelled by faith and love to continually pray for our leaders, and for God’s will to be done in this world, as it is in heaven.

As regards God’s will, the scriptures make it abundantly clear that God does not desire the death or destruction of humans; rather the Great Creator, willingly and unashamedly solicits the repentance and reconciliation of hearts to Himself. Crime, injustice, terror, and every evil thing, are not here by accident. The human heart became lost by the disobedience of one man, Adam. As God is a righteous Judge, sin must be punished. In His mercy, God sent His Son Jesus Christ, who lived and died; taking our punishment on himself to reconcile us to God. Christ’s death and resurrection says to everyone: ‘sin has been punished forever, and death is defeated in Jesus Christ. Abundant life is now available to ALL through Jesus Christ!’ Hallelujah! Only repent and BELIEVE on Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. This is good news! This is the gospel!

Like the manufacturer who knows what His product is made for and how it should be best used, God has left us His instruction manual in the Holy Scriptures. He also has field agents, who can provide support and direction to help us return. Everyone who has been saved by faith in Christ, is God’s field agent. In addition, we are supported by God’s Holy Spirit in what Paul the apostle called the ministry of reconciliation. To all, we say: ‘your debts to God have been paid’. No charitable works, enlightened study, or improved morality-as good as they all are, could substitute for the ONLY requirement for true reconciliation with God our Father - faith and obedience to Jesus Christ. In the end, whatever crises or conflicts that may be happening in our world, each one of us will give account of themselves to the Great and awesome Creator God, who is judge of all. So, be reconciled to God. It is God’s will.

At Vinespring Church, we continue welcome anyone who would like to know more. Our goal remains to raise God’s banner high enough for all to see, however distant they may be from God. Our weekly meetings continue virtually on Sundays 11am. Our midweek meetings hold on Wednesdays at 7.30pm. To join virtually and for more details please visit our website at www.vinespringchurch.co.uk or our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/vinespringchurch. To all residents, we would like to wish everyone a fantastic summer, full of mercy and God’s grace. May you seize every opportunity to experience God’s open door, in Jesus Christ.


Team Vinespring.

(Also published in Westhill Bulletin, summer edition)


Merry Christmas!!


2024-Our Doors are Open