Prepare for Joy!
It’s November and fall has been upon us. Indeed, it’s that time of the year when the trees after their usual seasonal display of brilliant colors, let go of their foliage as they ready themselves to survive the coming winter. From nature, and of nature, there are volumes to learn. Even the great sage- Solomon the Wise, once counselled the sluggard to go learn from the ants about how to adjust to the seasons.
The Preacher in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 reminds us that there is a time for everything and a season for every business under the sun. A time for war and a time for peace; a time to laugh and a time to cry. A time for rejoicing and a time for weeping. And, while we may all be experiencing the early chills of winter, we will all not be having the same times and seasons in our lives. Throughout this period, some have been offered new jobs, bought new homes, or welcomed new ones into their lives and homes. Others have gotten married; or recovered from Covid or other deadly illnesses. At the same time, there are those still reeling from the devastating loss of a loved one, a job, a marriage or even their entire reputation. All happening through fall.
But there is one thing that we can be confident about: God is good ALL THE TIME. God promises us that whatever our times or seasons this fall, He will be a very present help for every troubled heart who reaches out to Him. And He promised that whoever calls on Him for help, will be saved. The seasons may change, as we go into winter; but God’s promises abide and are unfailing forever.
It’s Fall, again. Yet as we race towards winter and the coming season of joy, festivities and feasts; we can choose to make this period a time of healing, and love, and forgiveness, towards our closest and dearest; and towards all men. If the trees know enough to lay aside the weight of their leaves, however beautiful they may have been, we could all learn from the trees, and lay aside the grudges, the resentments, the regrets and the ills of the past. With faith in God’s promises, we can make the adjustments necessary for our times. That way, we can be truly available for the best that our heavenly Father has in store. And what a gift to all concerned, if we could do so in this season, just in time for Christmas!
Meantime, Vinespring Church continues to meet in person at the Holiday Inn every Sunday at 11am; and online via Zoom. For more information, please visit .
Blessings everyone, and have a jolly good Christmas when it comes.
Team Vinespring
As published on the Winter Edition of the Westhill Bulletin