Verses for Vessels

"God is not human, that he should lie,
    not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
    Does he promise and not fulfill?" 
Numbers 23:19

Still Human 

About this time in the year many have already gotten on with their New Year resolutions, plans and other commitments. The sense of 'newness' often inspires us to make certain adjustments to our lives and schedules, with a view to creating a better and different outcome to the ones we may have had in the year gone by. And this can be a good thing. But, we must be careful with this notion of newness as, in actual fact, we are still and may very well be surrounded by the same things or people. It may have come as a surprise to some, but as that clock ticked through midnight, and we stepped from one year into the next, with all the hopes, resolutions, prospects and fireworks, ... I'm almost certain that as many as made it into 2018 alive, did so still as humans. And if that is the case, then we can still be vulnerable to all that can affect humans everywhere. But not so God.


This God...

Our verse today reminds us of what we tend to forget or often fail to realise "God is not Human". He is Spirit. And He is God, all by Himself. He is high. His ways are higher. He is Holy. His ways are perfect-without fault, cannot be improved upon, without shade or shadow, and full of glory. His wisdom is not a learned experience. No need for a counsellor. He is all-knowing, all-seeing, and Almighty. Unaffected by times, seasons or dispensations. Always true. Always steadfast. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. And when He speaks, He speaks Himself. Therefore His Words are dependable, eternal, true, consistent and effective. His love and devotion are eternal. So is His justice and judgement. God is not a man or God is not human, that He should lie. Neither is He the product of human conjecture, that He should change His mind (or improve upon His views).



Today we live in a fast changing world where 'group thinking' is the order in many circles. To go against popular opinion is to invite the wrath of trolls and the general public, even if such an opinion agrees firmly with common sense. It is worse when it is a godly view. Today, some Christians have found themselves cornered and boxed into biblically and spiritually unacceptable views and mindsets because their societies have changed their minds. What used to be right is now considered wrong and what was very well frowned upon, is now desperately being embraced. We even have some 'churches' seeking to 'amend' the scriptures, so as to become more suitable to their hearers. And many are forever confused. But we have an anchor in God Almighty. We have an anchor in the Word of God. What was true is still true with Him. What was false and evil, is still false and evil, according to Him.


To this end

As we go about our business today, let's reflect on those words as clearly spoken to a man who thought He could use God to achieve his own ends. Balaam wanted to make God's Word more acceptable to his benefactor. He changed his location a number of times, and altered his point of view, hoping that would change God's point of view. But, God is not a man. God is not Human. Humans can be frail, fickle, and floundering. God is stable, strong and steadfast. God, is God, all by Himself. He does, and will do, exactly what He says. And for this we all should be eternally grateful.

Prayers: Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that you are not human. Help me to focus my heart and mind on you at all times, to seek to worship you in spirit and in truth. Let your love and faithfulness surround and guide me always, whatever the situation around me. This I pray in Jesus name, amen.



Verses for Vessels


2018- elEVATE