Walk With Me, Today.

When my son was 4 years old, he loved to run. He would almost always run than walk, even if the only available space is the living room. He seemed thrilled with the idea of getting from one point to another by expending as much energy as possible whether or not it is required. It does not appear to me that his aim was to catch up on time. No. Rather he seemed to enjoy the excitement that comes with the activity. Now and again if we were out in the park or going somewhere on foot, I had to remind him, walk with me…don’t run. Walk.

Walk with Me

I realize that as an adult, I myself could get caught up with the thrill of being busy, trying to get ahead, trying to make things happen, which is great. We have as humans, a natural drive to achieve. This is why you get up in the morning, get to work, set out on missions, or start a business. Once an idea, a goal, or a vision takes hold of our souls, we want to see it to its proper end. It’s true some people are not as driven for one reason or another. But this zest, passion, sense of duty towards a goal or idea has birthed policies, nations, businesses and mission fields.

It is no different for Christians. We too want to get on with what we believe God has called us to do. And much like everyone else, we have a tendency to enjoy the sense of activity that comes with being involved with a vision. But our heavenly Father, if he has indeed instructed our actions, would prefer that we walk with Him. God knows where we are going. He knows what he has asked of us. And He knows how best to bring it about. While it is expedient that we labor to be fruitful in His call, it is by no means the sort of laboring that the world is accustomed to. With worldly labor, sooner or later we get worn out, exhausted and empty.

God wants us to walk with Him, not run ahead of Him. He wants us to take steps WITH him. He wants us to go when He says go, and to stay when He says stay. Even when all around us suggests otherwise, or our natural instincts want to keep on going, God would prefer that we wait on Him always. He will lead us in the path of righteousness for His name’s sake, as the psalmist says(Psalm 23). It is further evidence of our growth in him, and our progressing maturity, when we can pause, listen, and stop because we perceive the He requires that of us. And to get up and move, even run, at His command alone. Wait on the Lord. Walk with Him.

I pray that today, you would take the time to pause, slow down, wait and listen. In doing so, you may find that a lot more has been achieved and more grace bestowed than by a multitude of activities and strength. God bless.

He knows what he has asked of us. And He knows how best to bring it about. While it is expedient that we labor to be fruitful in His call, it is by no means the sort of laboring that the world is accustomed to…Wait on the Lord. Walk with Him.

Scripture reference: Isaiah 40:30-31

*NB-This article is an updated version of an earlier post on the previous website.



Verses for Vessels


Verses for Vessels