Believe... 1
In our fast paced and highly trafficked information age, we can find ourselves constantly bombarded with thoughts and ideas about what is, what is not, and what could possibly never be. Daily, whether consciously or unconsciously, we make that crucial choice of what and who to believe. God wants to always be the one we choose to believe, because He is the only one who truly knows and most genuinely cares about our lives.
In this heart felt delivery, Pastor Chika examines the parable of the unjust judge as told by Jesus in Luke 18. At the end of the story, Jesus calls us to consider what the unjust judge said. He then went on to call the woman's persistence faith; asking, "when the Son of man shall come shall he find faith on earth?". In this first part of the sermon, Pastor Chika wonders why this woman stayed persistent. Is there a lesson? Is there a principle?
Please listen and be blessed...
Photo by designhorf on Unsplash