"O LORD my God, you have performed many wonders for us. Your plans for us are too numerous to list. You have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful deeds, I would never come to the end of them."
- Psalm 40:5
239-Each Number A Life
In todays world we do have reasons to move about quite a bit. This ranges from visiting a neighbour, shopping, going for a show or other programme, to out-of-town or out-of-country events.
As we move about, most of than not, we carry with us other peoples hopes, dreams, expectations and peace -whether we acknowledge this or not. The art of conveyance of persons and goods from one point to another is as old as it is enterprising. And a lot has been done to ensure that it is more enjoyable, safe and efficient for all.
Nevertheless, now and again, things happen that result in untold tragedies for many hearts and souls. MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpor in Malaysia on that fateful morning over two weeks ago with 239 lives in its purse. They had paid to be ferried safely, promptly and pleasantly from Malaysia to China and beyond. Two weeks after its puzzling disappearance, statistics and a greater number of satellite and aerial evidence suggest that its journey may have ended somewhere beneath the southern Indian ocean. 239. Thats the number of souls. 239. Thats the number of lives. 239 persons with hopes, dreams and futures which may never now be (if this sightings prove true).The pain, anguish, and trauma that their families have had to endure must be unimaginable; as would be, I believe, the confusion and perplexity of mind for the airline itself and the family of the crew members.
The Number
Jesus was once asked if some had suffered tragedy because of their sins *. In replying, he was careful to note the number in a particular incidence- 18, while challenging his interrogators regarding the fall of the Tower of Siloam upon these people for no fault of theirs. I draw two important lessons from his comments: First of all, the number was not lost to him. He knew exactly how many people had died in this tragic incident. He knew because he cared. He cared because all were made by him and for his own glory in the Father. No soul that passes on, whatever the circumstance, saint or sinner, saved or not, believer or unbeliever, ever crosses the corridors of death without the knowledge of the author of life- Jesus. Everyone counts, every soul matters. Each number is a life worth saving. For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.* 18 people were lost to a tragic accident in Jerusalem over two thousand years ago. Tragedies have continued since then. Now, at this time, many others go unreported, unknown, unacknowledged by the mainstream media. Yet, He knows each one. He counts each life. On flight MH370, that number was 239. 239 hopes, dreams opportunities, relationships, and possible restorations. 239.
What? Not Why
With as much regard for the number of those that depart in death, God cares about each number left behind. Whenever death occurs, the living ought to lay it to heart. No wonder he was more concerned about the reaction of the living. Naturally, what tends to happen is that we ask why, when bad things happen. We get really angry when bad things happen to good or innocent people. And with a desire to find someone guilty or responsible- someone we could blame and punish, we ask why. In many more ways than is immediately obvious, that cry reflects our participation in a grief common to all, for an event common to all. We want justice, and perhaps vengeance. Not withstanding the fact that we have neither the authority, nor the moral basis for such notions. Grief could do that to anyone.
But the second lesson from Jesus words is that we should really be asking what this should mean for us who are living. Asking, what could we do differently and how could we do it differently? This is in terms of doing our best to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy. In addition, and beyond the former, we should really be asking, Am I right with God, whatever may be? Jesus told them, Unless you repent, you will likewise perish!. What a shocker for people who wanted to justify a tragedy by their perceived sins of the victims. He was essentially saying, You are not here because you were better, more righteous, or better prepared. You are here by the grace of God. You are here because of his mercy. So the real question should be- What do you want from me while Im still here; having shown me so much mercy, O God. How should I conduct my life, seeing that I am here only because of Gods mercy?
*Scriptures :Luke 13:4-5; John 3:16
No Other Name
It is interesting how much and for how long people will carry on searching or striving towards an ideal, a status, or should I say a sense of actualising or becoming righteous, despite obvious failures of such strivings and the attendant consequences of our human efforts.
For some, the journey has only just begun. Others have been on it for a while and may happily carry on till their days end here on earth. In quite a number of others, the subject is not even worth considering, as they have ruled themselves out of any such notions, especially with regards moral uprightness. And frankly too, a significant majority dont even care at all.
Equally interesting is the significant amount of work and rhetoric in almost every form of media, either outrightly vilifying or at best encouraging indifference to this instinct to be better than we are, or present to be. Personally I believe that paying attention to this nudging is essential to acquainting with the Truth.
Beyond guilt and shame, beyond pain and retribution; beyond the consequence of sin, and beneath the indifference, our souls testify loudly, that WE ALL need to be saved from something and by someone other and higher than ourselves. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God*. This THING which beckons us to be better can lead to much frustration, guilt, confusion, anger, and even sorrow; some have indulged in every manner of activity in a bid to drown out this nudge. Or it could lead us to pay close attention to God who made our hearts and pulls us towards himself by every means possible.
SIN, while not a very popular or trendy topic by any of todays standards, is at the core of the social disintegration and personal chaos being witnessed in this world today. From one deception to another, we are trapped by a poisonous seed from a wicked spirit that fools everyone into believing hes not really there . And that theres nothing much we could either do or say to resist his antics and dominion. We are what we are, it declares, demanding our surrender. But some of us do know his devices.
Manifest in every imaginable form: from pride (even when it is spiritual); through lust; to vanity and indifference; these fingers of death are ever so ready to caress the unguarded soul, while clenching tightly onto the captured and the lost. He has no respect for your creed or no creed, your faith or no faith; nor for your principles or no principles in life. Yet, he is only as powerful as we remain ignorant, or choose to reject the truth.
But I come bearing good news.
For this purpose the Son of God was revealed, to destroy the works of the devil*. He was to be called JESUS because he would save his people from their sins.* Which he did on the cross when he died and rose again, about 2000 years ago. Whosoever calls on the name of the Lord (Jesus) shall be saved*. Because God has exalted him and given him a name above any other and at the mention of his name every knee must bow*.
As Easter approaches and believers celebrate this great event, we are reminded that it was for our sins that he died. And it was for every soul that he came.
If we would but turn and come to him; acknowledge him, receive him and proclaim him, then we can be saved from SIN. That was the reason he came: to seek and to save the lost, the broken, the indifferent, the confused, the mocker, the proud. He came for you and me. We could all search and research various alternatives to our lifestyles. We could call on all the worldly help or names that be. We could embrace a faith or no at all, an idea, a principle, or none at all. Whatever we do in response to the nudge. Let everyone be rest assured, and again I say -Be rest assured, that there is no other name under heaven, given among men, by which we might be saved, except the name.JESUS. Have you called him yet?
* Scriptures: Romans 3:23; 1John 3:8; Matthew 1:21;Romans 10:13; Philippians 2:9-10; Acts 4:12