239- Each Number A Life 2

Made Rich by One

There is great joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over 99 righteous ones. God delights in reconnecting with his creation. He desires that they turn to him. He commands that they repent, make a turn around, and return to him in truth, in humility and in obedience. He will pardon and restore. He will give eternal life, and that quite freely, to all who would come. Every time one more person turns back to God in faith and repentance, it appears that this truly gladdens the Fathers heart. For in that soul there is an opportunity to re-create a world, to re-order a destiny and to lead a generation again. With that one soul arrives new hopes, dreams, and futures which no eye had ever seen or known before, but God. It must truly enrich Him.

239 and counting

Tragedies happen unfortunately, and lives are lost thereby. This is perhaps more frequent in some parts of the world than others. Its almost as though creation is groaning, creaking at its joints, unable to endure for much longer and ready to give way to greater levels of chaos everyday*. And very often, the consequence of these travails of nature is the loss of human liveseveryday. Whatever our response or reaction to these events, in Christ Jesus, there is an anchor that holds. In fact, by Him all things are held together, according to the scriptures*. Our hopes and dreams, our world and our peace. He is an ark of refuge to those who hope and trust in Him. For these ones, neither death, nor life, nor things past, nor things to come, nor disasters, nor diseases; nothing whatsoever can separate them from His love*. Their names can be found in His book of life*. And when it appears that nature overtakes them with events like those of MH370, their peace is this: more than a number, their life does count, not just with families, friends and loved ones, but most importantly, with God.

Get there

The next time your train or flight makes a touch down, and you safely taxi through the runway, clear through customs, take a ride and get home from a journey, you may want to take out sometime and sincerely thank God for his grace and mercy. Whatever our journeys, long, short, or trivial, everyone wants to get to their destination in the end. I want to get to where I believe I was meant to be going with my life. A life time is too short to simply ambulate from A to B or C without quite getting to a desired and required destination by Gods expectation. And as Jesus once asked, what will it profit a person if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?*

Where we need to go with God is not a distant land, or a lofty adventure. Not necessarily. Where we need to go, I believe, is somewhere in our hearts. Its a place most have never been, and most never go till death, sadly. Its a place called home. A heart repentant, broken and submitted. A soul surrendered without wavering. A mind captivated and engaged with the truth of God in Christ. This must be home. This is where the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit will come in and abide. Every other journey or quest will never bring the fulfilment, rest and assurance that home presents.  Will you be going home today? Dont wait on a travel agent. Just get down on your knees right now and cry out to the Father. He will show you how. You cant teach a baby to cry; you cant teach the flowers to bloom in spring. Once a hearts is directed towards God in earnest search, he will guide you home. Come homeJesus has made a way. And the Father waits. Then your life would be more than a number. It will add to Gods treasures, and you would have found the greatest treasure that there is. Get there.

*Scriptures- Luke 15:7; Romans 8:22; Colossians 1:17; Romans 8:38-39; Luke 10:20; Rev 20:15; Mark 8:36.


The Way- Reflections on Proverbs 30:18-19


239-Each Number A Life