No Longer Slaves


O what it feels like. Generations, years, months, or perhaps weeks of servitude, pain, frustration and dishonour. To be declared free. To become free. Free to walk away. Free to decide own future. Free to forgive, and be forgiven. Free to be and to become, all that only dreams dare whisper. Free to dare and defy the naysayers, the judges, the presumed authors of every history.

But what to do with freedom… where to go with liberty. Before the word came, dreams were scarce and the lamp was dim. Now the chains are off, and the sky is vast. O where to go with freedom. It was then I heard that voice, firm, yet gentle; clear as thunder, forcing my steps to stop and ponder. Indeed, I stopped. And I listened. And he said:

“I have made you free. I have unshackled your feet and your life from the bondage of fear; from the despair of the dungeon. But you must know ALSO, that I, …I have adopted you as MY offspring. And I sealed that decision, that transaction, with my Spirit. Yes you are no longer a slave to fear. But I am even more excited that you have now become my Son. This is why I made you free, that you may become MINE and of ME; of Love, of Faith, with Victory.“

So, rest my soul, from fear and worry. The sky is vast but grace goes further. I’m free at last; O free, so free. But more so glad that I am His.

Abba… Father…

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again;rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 (NIV)


Verses for Vessels


This Christmas At Vinespring Church